The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 7 Winnie’s Nightmare

Winnie is half elf, so there is no doubt about her talent in magic. Learning third-level magic from the beginning is not too difficult.

The thunder shield developed by Rota on-site is not just a defensive move. During the process of using the thunder shield for defense, if the enemy comes into contact with the thunder shield, he will be attacked by the rebound attack of lightning.

Winnie also has some attack methods when defending, but her defense is too strong to play a decisive role in the battle.

Although there is indeed a strange beautiful girl in a certain TV series that Lotta has watched who only focuses on defense, her ability to kill the opponent mainly depends on counter-injury. Without some means of counterattack, relying solely on defensive capabilities would still be a bit one-sided.

It is out of this consideration that Rota also added an anti-injury effect when developing the lightning shield, which can also cause damage to the target when defending.

Under Lotta's guidance, Winnie quickly learned how to control magic. In the process of learning the thunder shield, Winnie also showed extremely good magic talent. After only a few demonstrations, she could already release a simple thunder shield according to the instructions.

As for Winnie's magic talent, Lotta had to admit that if he hadn't learned magic from scratch without Jarvis's help, he might not have been as fast as Winnie.

It can only be said that elves are indeed the darlings of nature and are born with outstanding magical talents. No matter which world they are in, the elves are always good at archery and magic.

It took almost less than an hour for Winnie to become proficient in using the lightning shield.

Rota casually released a small lightning bolt and blasted it over. Winnie released a lightning shield with both hands to block the incoming lightning.

After blocking the lightning, Winnie dispelled the lightning shield and gasped for air.

Lotta slowly came to Winnie, patted her shoulder gently, and encouraged: "You did a good job. With the magic power currently in your body, it is already outstanding to be able to use the thunder shield 10 times."

Lotta originally thought that Winnie would reach her limit after using it five times. Unexpectedly, this little girl actually doubled the limit.

"Hehe, Master, I did okay... I guess..." Before Winnie could finish her words, her soft body fell towards the ground.

Fortunately, Lotta was by his side. He firmly supported Winnie's exhausted body, which had exceeded its limit, with his hands. The serious look on his face also softened, "Have a good rest. You did a great job today."


Leave us alone and get out of here! Don't let those demons catch you! "

In the chaos, Winnie only heard a few familiar voices echoing in her ears. These sounds are so anxious and frightening. Along with these frightening sounds, the past scenes are printed in front of Winnie's eyes like a slide.

"No, you annoying things, go away and stop pestering me." Winnie waved her hands in fear, trying to get rid of these images that were coming at her.

"don't want……"

Winnie woke up suddenly from the bed, her back already soaked with sweat. But fortunately, everything just happened was just a dream. She rubbed her face and tried to cheer herself up.

"Come on Winnie... the past is in the past, you have to live a good life with their wishes." Winnie covered her chest with one hand, comforting herself silently.

Winnie's breathing became faster and faster, and just when she felt like she was suffocating, a big warm hand gently touched her back.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Lotta asked gently.

Winnie nodded delicately, and she immediately threw herself into Lota's arms. Although she was separated by a layer of cold Tang Mingguang Armor, Winnie could still feel the warmth in Lota's arms.

Lotta patted Winnie's back gently and said slowly: "If you have anything to hide, you might as well tell me. Maybe you will feel better."

"Well...but I'm afraid you will abandon me..."

Feeling Winnie's trembling body, Lotta's expression gradually softened, and she consoled her: "You are such a precocious little girl. You always think about things beyond your age group."

After a slight pause, Lotta knelt down and stared at Winnie's bright and crystal eyes with her deep eyes, "You have become my disciple, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. Although I don't know anything about your past. I don’t know, but from now on, master will protect you.”

Winnie burst into tears and laughed, her young hands tightly grasping the corners of Lotta's armor, "Master, it's great to meet you..."

"So, do you mind telling the master about the past?"

Winnie nodded obediently, "Master, I...I am not a pure human being, I am half of the elves."

As she spoke, Winnie lifted up her beautiful long sky-blue hair, revealing two slender and pointed ears, which were obviously the characteristics of the elves.

"I know, but what does it matter?"

Winnie looked at Lotta in surprise, and Lotta's words surprised her. She used to wander from village to village, and everyone drove her away because of her identity as a half-elf.

Only now everyone in the village accepted her, which made young Winnie extremely grateful. She vowed to use her own power to protect the village.

Winnie's feelings were also quite complicated when she saw Lotta, who controlled the power of lightning. She was happy because there was a strong person willing to save them. She was confused because she didn't know whether this strong man would accept her as his disciple.

Only when you become stronger can you truly stand firm. This is the truth that Winnie, who is only 10 years old, learned while running around.

She was afraid that Sikong Zhen would dislike her because of her half-elf identity. At first, she did not dare to reveal her identity to Sikong Zhen.

But during this half-day time together, Winnie got to know who Sikong Zhen was, and with the help of this sudden nightmare, she successfully revealed her identity to Sikong Zhen.

As it turned out, her worries were unfounded. Sikong Zhen didn't show any disgust towards her at all. On the contrary, he was quite concerned about her, which made Winnie completely put away her worries.

In this age of human weakness, any demi-human race is untrustworthy, and even elves of the humanoid race must always be on guard.

Although elves advocate peace, the individuals among them are not necessarily kind and friendly, and humans naturally cannot let down their guard against them.

Winnie felt very content if she could not be looked at with colored glasses.

She simply could not imagine that anyone was willing to truly care about her. Even now, not everyone in the village treated her particularly well. Except for the old village chief and some young brothers and sisters, most people had little contact with Winnie.

They have more of a non-objection attitude towards taking in themselves.

Winnie cried for a while in Lotta's arms, stuck out her little head and looked at the dark sky outside, and whispered remorsefully: "Master, my apprentice has made you worried. It should have been your time to attend the banquet..."

Lotta raised her eyebrows, raised Winnie's tear-stained face with her hands, and said kindly: "How could it be? It's just a banquet, how can it be compared with the mood of my apprentice?"

"You slept for a long time this time. You should drink this bowl of porridge first. You must be hungry too."

Winnie took the porridge from Lotta with both hands, held back the tears in her eyes, and enjoyed it happily.

These were tears of joy, and this meal was the happiest meal she had ever had.

"Master, thank you...wuwu..."

"You're slowly, and tell me your story later."

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