Name: Ling Lian

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Blood type: AB

Date of birth: March 9, 1995

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Personality: Sentimental, considerate, imaginative, gentle and romantic, but with a dual personality, the other side: resolute and cold, able to take charge of the side, meticulous, treat the enemy to the roots, never soft

Status: Student

Favorite colors: pink, silver, and purple

Favorite drinks: coffee, milk tea

Favorite place: the seaside at night

Favorite people: Xiaoxue, Lulu

Nasty person:Biology teacher

Eye color: Blue (contact lenses).

Hair color: sometimes black with some purple, sometimes silver

Hairstyle: Long flowing hair

Decoration: (Plot) Two ear diamonds called "Heart of the Ocean" and an "ominous" necklace called "God's Curse", and he always likes to wear casual clothes

Trick: To be discovered....

Weapons: Present a "Blade of the Gods" (obtained from its teacher).

Reason for crossing: The arrangement of the wheel of fortune

Crossing the scene: 20 years before Luffy was born, that is, 37 years before Luffy's first painting of Luffy's official appearance in the anime and his voyage to the sea

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