The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 162 The New York Times Front Page

"That's a good idea." Wiles smiled. "To be honest, I also want to see what this genius looks like."

Then, Deligne discussed some issues with Wiles about the paper, and then left.

A week later, "A Proof of Fermat's Conjecture" was also highly praised by Peter Sarnak, Nick Cates, John Coates, and Richard Thaler.

By mid-February, the news that Fermat's conjecture had been proved had begun to circulate in the international mathematics community.

Soon, the news spread from the mathematics community and began to attract media attention.

On February 20, "New York Times" reporter Hester Raphael interviewed Pierre Deligne, director of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University by phone, and confirmed the accuracy of the news from Deligne.

The next day, the "New York Times" published an article on the front page titled "Chinese Mathematicians Created a Miracle and Solved Mathematical Conjectures That Have Plagued the World for 366 Years".

As soon as the news came out, it quickly caused a sensation in the Western world.


Zhong Shuyang is a reporter from Xinhua News Agency in New York. He has been in the United States for nearly two years.

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States has become the only superpower on this planet. Coupled with the devastating victory in the Gulf War two years ago, it directly brought Iraq, which is known as the fourth military power in the world, back to its original form.

Therefore, for the United States, Zhong Shuyang has always had a mentality of envy, jealousy and awe.

In other words, this is the mentality of most Chinese people towards the United States in this era.

In the United States, the status of Chinese Americans has always been in an embarrassing position.

Because of the influence of Confucian culture, Chinese families attach great importance to education, and generally they are not far behind, and their average economic level is even comparable to that of whites.

But when it comes to the chain of ethnic discrimination, even the lowest blacks are entitled to discriminate against Chinese.

Therefore, even though Zhong Shuyang is in the United States, he maintains a low-key attitude.

In the past two years, apart from regularly completing the work in the agency and sending various reports back to the United States, Zhong Shuyang basically did not integrate into American society.

And the pride of being a descendant of Yanhuang deep in his heart could not make Zhong Shuyang bow his noble head to the Yankees.

Zhong Shuyang is very aware of the views of Western countries on China.

In Western media, even if there are occasional reports about China, Chinese people are basically negatively imaged.

Yellow-skinned monkey is what they call this people with a history of 5,000 years of civilization.

In the eyes of Westerners, China is still in an uncivilized era, and the specter of gczy still hangs over China.

Of course, most of the time, there are very few reports about China in the western media.

The closed country of the Asian continent is not worthy of their eyes.

But Zhong Shuyang never imagined that one day, the Chinese name would appear in a positive image on the most influential media in this western superpower, and it would even be the headline on the front page!

After get off work today, passing by the newsstand, Zhong Shuyang inadvertently turned his head and glanced at it, and then saw the front page of the "New York Times", with the word Chinese appearing.


Before he had time to read all the headlines, Zhong Shuyang bought this issue of The New York Times without hesitation for $1.50.

But when he finished reading all the titles, he was suddenly stunned.

Chinese mathematicians, solve the mathematical problems that have plagued the world for more than 350 years? !

The next moment, Zhong Shuyang quickly turned his gaze to the text page.

"The New York Times, according to the news our reporter Hester Raphael received from Princeton University, the Fermat conjecture, a mathematical problem that has plagued the world for 366 years, has been solved by Chinese mathematician Xue Lin Pang. The review will be published in the academic journal "Annual Mathematics" jointly sponsored by Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study in March. Professor Pierre Deligne, director of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University, winner of the Fields Medal and Craford Medal He spoke highly of this achievement and believed that the solution of Fermat's conjecture would become one of the most important academic achievements in the international mathematics community in the 20th century..."

Before he knew it, tears filled Zhong Shuyang's eyes.

Excited, excited, proud...

All sorts of emotions came flooding in.

In this era when the Internet has not yet been opened, drifting in a foreign country, suddenly seeing a Chinese name, with an extremely positive image on the authoritative media of the most powerful country on the planet, Zhong Shuyang has no way to use this feeling language description.

The next second, Zhong Shuyang suddenly seemed to hear something, turned around and ran towards the office.

He couldn't wait to get in touch with the country and ask who this Pang Xuelin was!


February 22, 1993, nine o'clock in the morning.

the capital.

Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, editorial board of Acta Mathematica Sinica.

While flipping through the latest submitted papers, Wu Kangyu smiled and said to his colleague Zhu Hanliang who was sitting opposite him: "The Mathematics Institute of Lincheng University is a bit interesting. This researcher named Pang Xuelin actually submitted two papers at once, and his level is very low. Very high, one is "On the Automorphism Groups of Finite Abelp Groups", and the other is "Inverted Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by g-brown Motion under Monotonicity". Let me see who is more appropriate to send it to for review. According to the level of these two papers, I feel that the next issue of "Acta Mathematica Sinica" is not a big problem..."

Zhu Hanliang was slightly taken aback: "Lincheng University? In my impression, the level of Luo Jianzhong and Wang Chongqing is not bad. When did Pang Xuelin appear again?"

Wu Kangyu said: "Maybe it's a new recruit... It's a pity that such a talent is placed in Lincheng University..."

Zhu Hanliang smiled and said: "If you feel sorry, you can talk to the editor-in-chief. Maybe the editor-in-chief will transfer him to our office because of his talent!"

"Hey, I don't know anyone, why bother with this business!"

The two were chatting when they saw another colleague, Qu Feng, walking in mysteriously.

"Hey, Lao Zhu, Lao Wu, have you heard? Fermat's conjecture was solved by a mathematician in our country!"


Wu Kangyu and Zhu Hanliang looked at each other, and their eyes widened immediately.

Fermat's conjecture, together with the four-color conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture, is known as the top conjecture of the world's three major mathematical problems.

The four-color conjecture was proved by American mathematicians Appel and Haken with the help of computers in 1976, leaving Fermat's conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture, the international mathematics community is still at a loss.

In particular, the Fermat conjecture has plagued the mathematics community for more than 300 years. Countless mathematicians have gone on and on, but they have not been able to solve this problem.

Some people even began to doubt whether there is a real way to prove Fermat's conjecture.

Such a problem, which can be called the jewel in the crown of mathematics, was solved by Chinese mathematicians?

Wu Kangyu said: "Which great master is this? It's so awesome!"

Qu Feng tilted his head and said: "I just heard this in the editor's office. It seems to be a mathematician named Xue Lin Pang. I haven't heard of it. People from the Xinhua News Agency came to ask, saying that this person has already been published. The New York Times, and now the editor-in-chief is looking for someone to inquire about!"

"Learn from Lin Pang, learn from Lin Pang..."

Wu Kangyu muttered to himself, always feeling that the name was a bit familiar.

The next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, he exchanged a glance with Zhu Hanliang, and said in unison: "Pang Xuelin!!!"

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