The Scourge of Pirates

Chapter 2020: On the last day, apologize.

The last day of 2020, apologize.

Hearing that today was the day of apology, Zhuzhu suddenly fell silent.

Thinking back to the whole year of pulling the hips, the guilt and apology of the breeders are beyond words.

o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞwo wrong

(Fortunately, the number of words updated this month is 15,000 more than last month, although only 110,000 words were updated last month, sweat, whisper...)

All in all, on this special day of apology, Zhuzhu hopes to get forgiveness, original ticket, monthly forgiveness, ticket, monthly ticket from all the breeders in the new year...Σ(Д;).

Ahem, I get forgiveness from the breeders, original ticket, monthly forgiveness, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket...Σ(Д;)!

(Next month, I will try to write another 20,000 words and try to make up 150,000 words. After all, I have set a goal of 3 million words in 1,000 chapters, whispered...)

(To sum up 2.0, I wish you all good health in 2021, and your wishes come true, loud!)

(End of this chapter)

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