The military was a little shocked by the emperor's whimsical idea!

They originally thought that they would use the load space inside the airship.

Take advantage of the altitude advantage in the air and condescendingly drop bombs on the ground.

This design is mainly aimed at those who are not on the front line of the battlefield.

Targets that can't be hit by your artillery fire, such as cities, barracks, and other strategic targets located behind the battlefield.

Moreover, they can also use this method to cross the sea to attack the mainland where the sun never sets.

And the sun never sets on the mainland, and there is a strait between them and them, in which case their shells will not be able to hit them under any circumstances.

However, after having an airship, you can directly send an airship to bomb the sunset mainland.

Originally, the Sunset Men had a powerful navy that prevented enemy armies from landing on their homeland.

As a result of not being able to land ashore, the mainland where the sun never sets will be very safe in the event of war.

They can send their armies to fight on enemy soil with impunity, but the enemy's army cannot break through their naval blockade.

Unable to threaten their native land.

26 This asymmetrical war advantage made the sun invincible from the beginning.

And being able to attack the homeland where the sun never sets, makes them also feel the threat of war.

That's the main purpose of their airship!

However, on a whim, the emperor made a cannon on top of the airship.

This changed the nature of the airship.

"What are the results of the trial?"

"Well, it's not very good!"

The face of the personnel in charge of the test on the Air Force side was a little embarrassed, after the artillery was installed.

Because of the huge recoil of the artillery, the stability of the airship decreased a lot.

Although it is barely able to fire, it takes a long time to adjust and stabilize the center of gravity after firing.

As a result, their combat efficiency is not high, and compared to the artillery on the ground, the efficiency is much worse.

Andrews had a very relaxed attitude towards this, airships were not the future development direction of the German air force.

So you don't need to worry about it that much.

Originally, it was a scam that was randomly devised to deceive other countries and let other countries fall into the pit.

Since it's a scam, it's better to do it step by step.

In this case, it may be even more effective.

"Your Majesty, since the results of the experiment are not satisfactory, do you think you should temporarily stop the research of this airship?"

When the military heard that this was the result, they were immediately disappointed.

So he wanted to persuade the emperor to change his mind and stop wasting time and money in this direction.

Who knows, but the emperor said nonchalantly:

"Continue research and development, and next time change to a larger caliber artillery!"


Everyone was stunned, and now this 75mm gun is a little untenable.

If it is replaced with a larger caliber gun, it is a question of whether the airship can fire or not!

"It doesn't matter if you can fire a cannon or not, just build the airship and drive it out for a walk.

Just let people in other countries know that this thing is available!"

With a sly smile on his face, the emperor spoke.

There's a spy they've carefully cultivated that the sun never sets, just show them this.

The sun never sets, and people will naturally learn about this information as soon as possible.

Of course, the sun never sets on the side can only get this information, and it is impossible for them to know the actual performance of this gunboat.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the sun never sets will follow the ass of the Second Empire.

The development of such gunboats also began!

The problem with this thing is so big that the Second Reich can't handle it on its own.

If the sun never sets, if they had embarked on this path, they would have encountered exactly the same problems as the Second Empire. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At such times, they are likely to fall into thinking and doubt.

I wonder if it's a hoax!

And at this time, if the Reich suddenly stopped the development of air gunboats.

The sun doesn't set on you, and you'll definitely realize they've been fooled!

When the time comes, they'll be able to stop the loss in time, which is certainly not a situation Andrews wants to see. []

Therefore, the Empire will continue to produce aerial gunboats.

But you don't have to do any research, just make a show and give people the illusion that they are still working it.

By the time the sun never sets, people have been tossing and turning this road of no return for more than ten years, and the planes of the Second Empire may have already been born.

At that time, if the sun does not set and people want to follow up, it will be more difficult!


Things turned out almost exactly as Andrews had expected!

The sun never sets after learning that a new airship with artillery appeared in the Second Empire.

They were all scared!

The threat from the air in the airship already worried them.

If this thing could still fire cannonballs, it would be a moving turret.

At that time, the entire Fog Capital City will be under great threat!

So, after learning the news.

In addition to continuing to urge the arsenal to develop weapons against air targets, the sun never sets has also decided to follow up.

Strive to be able to develop the air gunboat before the Second Empire.

In this way, 693, they will not fall behind the Second Empire in this regard.

The sun never sets on the Second Empire in the development of airships, plus they have to conquer such difficult aerial gunboats.

This makes their investment feel like they have been thrown into a bottomless pit, and without even seeing a splash, the money is gone.

After investing a lot of money, spending a lot of manpower, material resources and time, but still not succeeding.

The sun never sets, people are a little skeptical about life!

They thought it might be a plot of the Second Reich.

However, information from the Second Empire shows that the Second Empire is also continuing to smash these aerial gunboats.

This made the sun never set and relieved again!

It doesn't seem to be a scam, but it's too technically difficult.

Otherwise, the Second Reich wouldn't have spent so long still unconquered the difficulties!

Strange to say, if only the sun does not set on people who are constantly frustrated.

They will be suspicious.

However, seeing that the Second Reich's side was also defeated.

On the contrary, they are determined that this is the right path, but it is a little difficult for the time being!

So, instead of doubting, they doubled down on their investment.

Strive to be the first to develop the air gunboat before the Second Empire!

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