The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 323: , the third prince Shangguan Heng (one more)

   Chapter 323, the third prince Shangguan Heng (one more)

  It was much more convenient for a few people to go down the mountain because Shen Yijia made a drastic move when he went up the mountain.

  Shen Yijia's out-of-tune singing sounded intermittently again in the forest. Song Jingchen looked at the person sitting on the back of the dumpling, his lips curled slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

   It has been more than three months now, and the people sent by Emperor Chong'an to investigate the disappearance of the girl have also returned one after another.

   And the result of the shadow guard's secret investigation is also the same. As long as it is a remote town, many girls go missing every year.

  Because most of the missing girls are children of poor families, many people feel that if a money-losing item is lost, it will be lost, and even officials are too lazy to report it.

   Even if some people go to report the case, it will be nothing in the end, not to mention that there is a saying since ancient times that the yamen opens south, and you should not come in if you have reason or money.

  Mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Some of those officials who live in remote areas will go to work.

Emperor Chong'an looked at the secret letter sent by the shadow guard and was furious: "Okay, just because the county magistrate took over the case, he died violently at home within three days. If I go to investigate, will I also violently Killed on this dragon case, is this world still my world?"

  There are girls missing everywhere. In fact, Emperor Chong'an expected the result, but Emperor Chong'an didn't expect that officials would die because of this, and he couldn't help but feel a raging anger in his heart.

   When the officials below died while in office, they were usually notified by their superiors. I don’t know how many people had passed through the hands, and then they were reported to Emperor Chong’an by the Ministry of Personnel, and the officials were rearranged.

   When this excerpt was in the hands of Emperor Chong'an, the truth had already changed beyond recognition. If he hadn't asked the Shadow Guard to investigate this time, he might have been usurped and kept in the dark.

   "Your Majesty, it's time to go to court." Eunuch Li's voice came from outside the hall.

   Emperor Chong'an suppressed his anger and burned the secret letter before letting people in.

   In the past, there were courtiers who wrote to the crown prince, and Emperor Chong'an ignored them, but this time, he was uncharacteristically, and he took the initiative to mention it in the court, and let the courtiers express their opinions.

   After the ministers finished arguing below, Emperor Chong'an glanced at the princes who were standing at the front, and said without a smile, he would consider it.

   This simple sentence, in the view of the minister, is that Emperor Chong'an relented, and it was only a matter of time which prince was appointed as the crown prince.

After    came down to court, Emperor Chong'an directly called several princes to the imperial study.

   Emperor Chong'an didn't have many children in his life, especially in recent years he went to the concubine's palace less.

   Not to mention those who have no time to grow up, now there are six princes and three princesses left.

  Excluding Shangguan Han, who was demoted to Xunyang, there are five princes in this capital.

   Among them, the sixth prince is still young and has not yet left the palace to build a mansion. The other four already have their own mansion, and usually participate in some government affairs more or less.

   Emperor Chong'an has always been afraid of abolishing the queen, and even Fuguo Gongfu actually has another reason.

  After the deposed queen gave birth to the fifth prince Shangguanhan, several princes were born one after another in the harem, but without exception they all died inexplicably in infancy.

   It's hard not to make him suspect that it was the aftermath of the abolition.

  Abolishing and inaction before having children of your own can be understood as a bargaining chip that is not contested.

  But it will be different after Shangguanhan. One more prince means more threat to Shangguanhan.

   For the sake of his own son, it is not difficult to understand that the abolition queen will attack other princes.

   All these doubts made Emperor Chong'an even more convinced that if Shangguan Han had been allowed to sit on the throne of the crown prince and the government of Fuguo had grown stronger, he would be forced to abdicate sooner or later.

   He would never allow such a thing to happen.

   This kind of thinking became stronger and stronger as Shangguan Han grew up, so when Mrs. Zhao reported it, he knew that something was wrong, but he took action directly.

  Things were originally under his control. Unexpectedly, when he always put all his doubts on the line of the abolitionist, he ignored the other sons.

   They have also grown up, and have the minds they should have.

  Emperor Chong'an looked at the sons kneeling with a gloomy expression, and even the youngest sixth prince was brought over from the prince by Emperor Chong'an.

  The atmosphere in the imperial study was a little depressed for a while, Emperor Chong'an didn't speak, and several people didn't dare to get up, they just bowed their heads respectfully and knelt down, daring not to make a sound.

   "Where's the second child?" Emperor Chong'an said suddenly.

   Eunuch Li bowed his head tremblingly and replied, "The second prince suffered from a serious illness some time ago. Didn't your Majesty allow him to go to Lingyin Temple to rest in peace?"

   Emperor Chong'an frowned: "Not yet?"

   After pondering for a moment, he said, "You can go there in person in a while, and bring a few imperial physicians to take a look for him. If there is anything missing, take it directly from the palace."


   Emperor Chong'an's caring words made the eyes of the eldest prince, who was kneeling down, flash for a moment.

   "Let's all get up, what are you doing on your knees." Emperor Chong'an glanced at a few people before picking up the memorial on the table.

   "Thank you, Father Huang." Several people stood up in response.

"Look, look. These people are urging me to establish the crown prince one by one." Emperor Chong'an opened several books one after another, and all of them were inseparable from the establishment of the crown prince, as if he did not establish the crown prince for a day, the Great Xia would be destroyed. .

   He threw the book aside, raised his head and looked at a few people, and seemed to have a feeling: "In a blink of an eye, you are all grown up, and I am also old. Let's talk about it, what do you think about this matter?"

   looks like a good talker.

   The fourth prince, Shangguanyao, was about to speak when the eldest prince, Shangguanpu, preemptively said: "Father, the emperor, and the sons and other officials dare not have this idea. Besides, the father and the emperor are in high spirits, so this matter is not in a hurry."

   "Oh?" Emperor Chong'an raised his eyebrows. He was noncommittal about Shangguanpu's words, and looked at the third prince, Shangguan Heng: "Thirdest, what do you think?"

"My son just wants to be an idle prince. As for the rest, this world belongs to the father, and of course the father has the final say." Shangguan Heng looked serious. He had a baby face and looked innocent and harmless. , but among the princes, he likes to walk cats and dogs, and does not do his job properly.

   Relying on that face, I do not know how many women have been deceived into loving him.

  Except for the crown prince, in Daxia, the prince can usually start to participate in the state affairs when his hair is tied.

  In addition to the third prince, there is an exception for the second prince. First, he has no biological mother to support him, and secondly, he has no external support, so he is naturally more transparent in the court.

Emperor Chong'an hated him for his appearance, pointing to his nose and scolding: "If your mother and concubine hadn't asked me to come here, do you think I would take care of you? If there is another imperial censor coming to me next time If I impeach you to go to those fireworks and willow alleys, I will directly throw you to Taipu Temple to raise horses."

   (end of this chapter)

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