Looking at the two maids leaving, Xun Song said:"In the past, the young men and women who came from the north were slaves of the big families in the south. Now, your Majesty has allowed these northerners to be free. Men can join the army, and women can Do what you like."

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter came up with two bottles of wine. The waiter opened a bottle and wanted to pour wine for everyone. Wang Xia said:"Xiao Er, go and do your business!"

The waiter nodded and went down. Diao Xie picked up the wine bottle and said,"Today I will be the host and I will serve the wine. I don't know when we will see you again after we say goodbye to the three adults today!"

Diao Xie's words were so lethal that everyone present was speechless. , all fell into deep thought. Diao Xie poured wine for Dai Yuan, Wang Xia, Liu Wei and Xun Song, and finally for himself. Diao Xie raised the wine bottle and said,"Come on, gentlemen, let's have a drink first!"

Putting down the wine bottle, Diao Xie continued:"I have come here occasionally in the past few years, just to order two or three dishes and have a toothpaste. Now my salary is more than There used to be more, and Jiangnan is richer than before. So, today we ordered six dishes for the first time to enjoy."

Dai Yuan said:"Whether they are officials or ordinary people, they actually want to live in peace. But there are At that time, such an idea became a luxury"

"Our lives are indeed better than before, but there is one person whose life is actually not much better, and is even getting more and more sad."Wang Xia said. Liu Wei felt a little strange, so he asked:"Mr. Wang, you have been appointed by His Majesty to be the military commander of Dai Dai's expedition to the west. You will definitely have a bright future in the future. You said you are having a hard time, isn't it you?"

Wang Xia smiled and said nothing. Diao Xie said:"The most sad thing at the moment is your Majesty!"

Liu Wei suddenly understood, nodded quickly and said:"My lords, I am ashamed! Ashamed! Although His Majesty is an emperor respected by thousands of people, His Majesty is indeed living a difficult life every day."

"Since Your Majesty ascended the throne, Lord Xun Song and I have assisted Your Majesty in formulating regulations and systems to continuously improve the laws of the imperial court. He also implemented the"Political Policy" with Master Liu Wei. In this way, the power of aristocratic families and clans has been suppressed, and His Majesty's authority and imperial power have been maintained. However, it caused strong dissatisfaction among the nobles represented by the Langya Wang family. Diao Xie said. Liu Wei nodded and said,"Master Zhou Fang has passed away, and Wang Dun has one less stumbling block for rebellion." The person who can make Wang Dun fearful now is the governor of Yuzhou, Zu Ti."

"Wang Dun must be very afraid that Lord Liu Wei was released by His Majesty this time. Maybe in the future, he will find ways to trip up Master Liu Wei. Xun Song said. Diao Xie raised the wine bottle and said,"Let's not forget to drink and pick up food. Come on, have another drink!" Diao

Xie opened the second bottle of wine and poured it for everyone. Liu Wei drank a glass alone, and then said:"Everything we have thought about in the past two years has been for your majesty, for the royal family, and for everyone." For the country and the country. People like Wang Dun are completely different from Mr. Wang Dao. Wang Dun is sharp and aggressive, while Director Wang is reserved, generous and far-sighted. Whether in the court or in the local area, Wang Dun believed that either friend or foe was right. Dare to speak and act with confidence. If Wang Dun and Wang Dao join forces, Your Majesty will be in danger!"

"If Director Wang openly supports Wang Dun's rebellion and opposes His Majesty and the court, then he is not Director Wang! However, Director Wang will never oppose Wang Dun!"Xun Song said. Dai Yuan said:"Master Xun has seen clearly. If Wang Dun's rebellion succeeds in the future, Director Wang will still be Director Wang."

"The three adults are about to leave the capital. I would like to offer a drink to each of Mr. Dai Yuan, Mr. Wang Xia and Mr. Liu Wei!"Diao Xie said, first toasting Dai Yuan, then Wang Xia and Liu Wei. Diao Xie drank three glasses of wine in a row, and Dai Yuan, Wang Xia, and Liu Wei each drank a glass of wine.

Diao Xie's drunkenness When he came up, he asked:"Master Dai Yuan, you have been appointed by His Majesty as the General of the Western Conquest, commanding the military affairs of the six states. Zu Ti was the governor of Yuzhou, and his title was General Zhenxi. This clearly shows that Zu Ti has become your general and you are Zu Ti’s immediate superior. Dai

Yuan said with a smile:"Zu Ti has devoted himself to the Northern Expedition these years and recovered many places south of the Yellow River. Zu Ti now has nearly 100,000 soldiers. Even Shi Le, who had already claimed the title of King of Zhao, was very afraid of Zu Ti. In order to win over Zu Ti, Shi Le not only killed Tong Jian, a Yamen general who had rebelled against Zu Ti, but also returned Tong Jian's head to Zu Ti. Shi Le repaired the tomb of Zu Ti's mother. Zu Ti openly and secretly allowed Yuzhou and Shizhao to communicate with each other for business and travel, and Zu Ti also collected a lot of taxes. The people of Yanzhou and Yuzhou lived in harmony, and no major wars occurred."

"This is just Shi Le's delaying tactic. Once there is any trouble on Zu Ti's side, Shi Le will definitely move south in a big way, so we have to be on guard."Wang Xia said.

Zu Ti, the governor of Yuzhou who was stationed in Yongqiu, had learned about the appointment of Dai Yuan by the imperial court. In the government office, Zu Ti summoned all the main generals from counties and counties in Yuzhou to the government office to discuss matters. Zu Ti sighed. He took a breath and said:"From the time when Zhongliu attacked Jiji until now, we have been fighting almost alone. After running Yuzhou for so many years, unexpectedly, the imperial court sent a civilian official, Dai Yuan, to supervise the military affairs of the six states. Dai Yuan's reputation cannot be said to be small. However, I always felt like something was wrong."

Zu Yue said:"Brother, it is obvious that His Majesty does not trust you or our Northern Expedition team. Sima Pei was sent here two years ago, promising to assist us in the Northern Expedition. Now, here comes Dai Yuan, his immediate boss. The days to come will be difficult!

Zu Huan said:"Father, after Master Zhou Fang passed away, Your Majesty asked Zhou Fu to inherit his father's position as the founding Marquis of Xunyang County, and to return his official title to General Yingyang and the Governor of Wuchang." Wuchang was the administrative seat of Jingzhou. Wang Dun also gave Zhou Fu an official position and appointed him to serve as a lieutenant."

"It was obvious that Wang Dun was preparing for rebellion. There were no fewer than dozens of Wang Dun's generals, commanders, soldiers, and lieutenants. Zhou Fu was strong and perseverant, following the legacy of his father. But compared with his father Zhou Fang, there are still many gaps. In terms of training, calling and commanding the army, he is still not as good as his father. Perhaps Zhou Fu is still young and needs experience. But no matter what, Mr. Zhou Fang was under Jiuquan and found out that his son Zhou Fu had become Wang Dun's minion. He didn't know how he would feel!"Zu Ti sighed.

Zu Yue and Zuna both shook their heads. Several people were talking about Wang Dun. It was time for Zu to come back from outside. Zu Ti motioned him to sit down. Zu Ti and the others were talking about Wang Dun and Zhou Fu, Zu Ti said. He should say:"Zhou Fang is a famous general in our dynasty, and they all say that I am a hero and a good man. I just don't know whether Zhou Fu's son, Zhou Fu, is a good man or a coward."

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