Tailed beasts are generally xenophobic, and this prejudice is a hatred accumulated over generations.

Humans covet the power of the tailed beast and fear the destructive power of the tailed beast, which created the human pillar force, a way to seal the tailed beast and borrow the power of the tailed beast.

But this method is no less than unilateral taking, and the tailed beast loses its freedom during the whole process and has not received any benefits.

In other words, humans will go crazy if they are imprisoned and imprisoned for 10 years, and the tailed beast has endured this kind of life for less than a hundred years.

Unlike those who have been sealed in the human pillar force for decades or centuries, if the tailed beasts re-converge into the Ten Tails and become part of Kaguya, then they will lose their eternal freedom, which is the same for all tailed beasts.

Just as the so-called lesser of two evils, the tailed beasts have lived for so many years, naturally it is impossible not to know this truth.

Along with Yuu’s memory and the connection between the Nine Tails, the picture of Naruto fighting against Kaguya Otsuki in the original book also appeared in the mind of the Nine Tails.

It is not a coherent picture, but only includes a very limited picture such as Naruto’s realization of the nine-tailed chakra mode and the power of the six immortals.

On the one hand, this is to avoid the Nine Tails knowing too much, and on the other hand, it is naturally to create a sense of mystery.

The future given by Yuu is enough to show one thing to the Nine Tails – Naruto is a person recognized by the Six Realms, a person who can bring equality and freedom to the Tailed Beast!

When the memory was transmitted, the Nine Tails looked at Yuu again with a bit of entanglement in his eyes.

“That golden retriever boy… Can it really become so powerful? ”

“Time will tell, and now… Lend some of your power first, this is also to become stronger, isn’t it? ”

Even a little bit of the power of the Nine Tails leaked out of the seal, it also created Naruto’s monster-like physique and resilience, if the Nine Tails was willing to take the initiative to lend Chakra, then it was equivalent to quadrupling Naruto’s own Chakra!

Of course, the power of the Nine Tails is not so easy to use, and his Chakra itself has the corrosive nature of the human pillar force.

Even if the Nine-Tails themselves let go of the damage to Naruto, the negative nature contained in Chakra is unavoidable, and Yuu’s existence is to minimize the negativity of the Nine-Tails before Naruto perfectly masters the Nine-Tails mode.

Just as in the original book, Naruto used his own chakra and the nine-tailed chakra to tug of war before obtaining the nine-tails mode, after the nine-tails unified lent a part of the chakra, Yu also pulled out the one-piece chakra from the nine-tailed tail.

Compared with the huge individual of the Nine Tails, this loss is only a drop in the bucket of the Nine Tails, and it can be recovered by making up for sleep.

“Wow… Sure enough, it’s a strong Chakra! ”

The blood-colored Chakra is like a layer of neon clothes draped on the surface of Yu’s body, and with the increase of the powerful Chakra, the physical strength, strength, speed and even explosive power of this mode have all been significantly improved, and the strength has increased by at least 5 times.

Demon fox!

The first appearance in the original book should be during the mission of the Land of Waves, because of Sasuke Uchiha’s “suspended animation”, which made the angry Naruto burst out the power of the Nine Tails for the first time.

[Demon Fox] represents that the Chakra of the Nine Tails has begun to erode Naruto’s body, and what Yuu can do is to bear the reaction of the Demon Fox instead of Naruto, which is the only thing that can be done as the optimization ability of [Crown].

[Demon Fox] can be said to be the prototype of [Nine-tailed Chakra Mode], and it is also the strongest hole card of Yuwa Naruto at this stage, and it is even enough to fight with Shangnin after using it!

In the conscious space it is okay that the erosion is only the spirit and does not involve the flesh. After getting the power he wanted, Yu had reached a preliminary consensus with the Ninetails, and naturally didn’t mind giving the Ninetails a little sweetness.

In the future, he will definitely give the Nine Tails freedom, otherwise Naruto’s married life will be discordant.

Maybe in the future, gossip scandals will use such a title to describe the married life of a generation of Hokage: shocking, a man was blinded by his wife’s whole family after marriage, and the reason was that there was a fox spirit living in his heart!

This kind of thing probably won’t be happy to anyone, and Yuu doubts whether the Nine-Tails are sleeping or peeping when Naruto, Hinata Sakuto and Sunflower are in the original book.

You can’t release the Nine-Tails from the seal, but Yuu can optimize the Nine-Tails’ living environment!

With the card of [Kabbalah Tree of Life, Crown] in Yu’s hand, it actively disappeared into the seal, and the small space inside the original iron fence suddenly expanded, as if forming a small world, from a single room to the size of a whole Konoha.

At the same time, the dim and humid living environment has changed its original appearance, bright sunshine, the fragrance of grass, and the blowing of the mountain breeze.

The environment in the seal simulates almost exactly the same as the outside world, and if it weren’t for the power of the seal, I’m afraid this world-changing scene was enough to make the Nine Tails mistakenly think that he had been freed.

“You’re idle… Here! Watch live TV and watch Naruto grow, he will become the child of destiny of this world! ”

Moving out a huge TV, of course, the picture connected by the TV is Naruto’s perspective, and what the Nine Tails can see is everything Naruto sees, at most one more Yu observation perspective than Naruto.

And even if it was just that, for the Nine Tails, who had been sealed in their bodies for many years, it was a new joy of life, which was much more fun than simply sleeping.

“Hmph, funny little ghost… Take my power and roll! Don’t disturb my sleep…”

“I’ll come back to see you, big fox!”

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