Hinata has always been in a confused state, and at the same time that Yuu appeared, she had been puzzled by the existence of Yuu and Naruto.

On Yuu’s body, Hinata can vaguely see the shadow of the Naruto he admired when he was a child, but when Yuu calls himself Naruto’s shadow, Hinata seems to be unable to think of Yu as a separate person.

On the way home, Yuu’s face and Naruto’s face kept switching back and forth in Hinata’s mind.

“Miss Hinata, you’re back! Patriarch, let you go and see him when you return, ah-”

Hinata, who was awakened by the scream, only then came back to his senses and looked at the uncle of the Hyuga clan suspiciously, “Is there something wrong?” Uncle Kotori? ”

The man known as Uncle Kotori is also a member of the Hyuga clan, except that he is a member of the separate family like Ninji, and he is also responsible for guarding the safety of the clan on weekdays, but at this time, he looks like a ghost, trembling. A trembling finger pointed at Hinata’s eyes.

“Miss, your eyes!”


Hinata subconsciously asked, she didn’t feel anything wrong with her eyes, and when she heard this, she subconsciously wanted to go back to her room and look at it in the mirror.

With the thought of returning to the room appearing in Hinata’s mind, her body seemed to enter a foreign land, and instantly disappeared in front of Hinata Kotori.

The next second, when Hinata regained consciousness, she was already in her room.

“I, I just was…”

Hinata became more and more confused, everything just now was like a dream, she subconsciously faced the mirror at the end of the bed, wanting to take the mirror in her hand, but as soon as the same thought appeared, the mirror far away at the bedside immediately seemed to be manipulated by some idea, and automatically floated into Hinata’s hands.


Hinata, who was startled by this scene, finally calmed down and looked at the mirror in his hand, only to find that his eyes became unfamiliar.

Blue pupils, dark blue pupils like the sun, releasing white light, this kind of eyes are far from white eyes.

“This… Should it be my eyes? But…… Why did it become like this, could it be… Yu-kun? ”

Hinata had been thinking about other problems all the way when she came home, but instead ignored the changes in her body after waking up at Yuu, and recalled what Yuu said in her ear before leaving, Hinata vaguely remembered Yuu’s words.

“Yu-kun said… My eyes may acquire certain abilities, and this ability may be strengthened, isn’t it…”

Hinata’s white eye ability, the perfect white eye of the Hyuga clan, has been strengthened by optimized strength, even if there is no bloodline of the Otsuki family, it can still evolve into the form of the reincarnation eye.

It’s just that Hinata’s reincarnation eye seems to be an unfinished product, and his pupil power is far less powerful than the eyes achieved by the Otsuki people.

The abilities that appear in Hinata today, in addition to the original spatial ability, are only two forces, gravity and repulsion, and in addition to this, it is an enhanced type of white eye observation ability.

Even though he has only developed 3 powers, Hinata’s reincarnation eye has the potential to rival the kaleidoscope chakra eye.


Hinata’s house was pushed open, and the figure of her father, Hinata Hinata, suddenly appeared at the gate.

Hinata Hinata, who had been waiting for Hinata before, received a report from Hinata Kotori and realized that Hinata Hinata had undergone some kind of change in Hinata, so he hurriedly found Hinata’s room with his white eyes.


Hinata, who asked Hinata Hinata for peace, didn’t seem to think about the shock of his eyes at all, and Hinata Hiashi also didn’t think that his eldest daughter, who had been abandoned by him, could awaken this legendary eye.

“Hinata… Where did your eyes come from? Answer me! ”

“Father, these eyes… You know what’s going on? ”

“Don’t answer what you asked, answer the question I just asked, quickly!”

“Yes, yes… I don’t know, I woke up like this! ”

Hinata did not directly expose Yuu’s existence, and took the awakening of the reincarnation eye to himself.

It’s a pity that the one who knows his daughter best is always Hinata, the father, and seeing Hinata bowing his head, Hinata Hinata knows that Hinata is lying.

After being silent for a while, Hinata, who knew that his daughter seemed cowardly, but was actually soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, sighed and told Hinata one by one about the matter between his Hyuga clan and the descendants of the Moon’s Otsuki Haiyue.

“Hinata, your eyes are the power that Tsuki Shinobu pursues, so… Promise Father that when it is not a last resort, you will not expose that you have the eye of rebirth, no matter who it is! ”

“I see, Father!”

The easiest way to disguise the existence of the reincarnation eye is to wear contact lenses, which is naturally not a problem.

After determining the change in his daughter, Hinata Hiashi thought that he didn’t seem to know what kind of ability the reincarnation eye had, and immediately pulled Hinata to the training ground to verify the power of the new eyes.

This is an unprecedented change in the Hyuga family, and it may also bring disaster to the Hyuga family.

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