Olmet has been following the trail of the AFO, and this time he did not come specifically to the gang.

In fact, all this was after catching the hammer man, and accidentally learned of the existence of AFO from his mouth.

It’s a pity that the hammer man’s mouth was so firm that it was hateful after being caught.

Even if Olmet continues to use an iron fist for “love education”, but he does not reveal half a word, his loyalty to AFO is undoubtedly a headache at this moment.

The hammer man’s side couldn’t continue to follow up, which is why Olmet came to find Vortex like a headless fly – he was ill and rushed to the hospital.

If anyone in the world can make Olmet, the symbol of peace, lose that iconic smile, it’s AFO!

About the AFO, Olmet only talked a little with Uzumaki Yu, after all, AFO is the source of chaos that shakes the cornerstone of Japan, and the entire government is doing its best to erase the influence of AFO, and Olmet naturally will not let Uzumaki Yu reveal this matter.

The kidnapping incident came to an end, and in fact, the protection of eight million families has been raised to a higher level since then.

The AFO also seems to realize that the eight million personality creation is not easy to start, and even the police and Olmet have been using eight million hundred as bait for a long time to try to fish the AFO out of the background.

It’s a pity that the AFO’s brain is not a place, and it also thought of the possibility of baiting, and directly released pigeons to Olmet and the Metropolitan Police Department, and let them guard around the eight million homes for more than a month.

The power of Olmet and the police is not a cabbage, and naturally it is impossible to stay around the eight million homes forever.

In the era of personality expansion, various super-powered crimes are emerging one after another, and the power of the police alone is no longer enough to stabilize peace throughout Japan.

This has led to Olmet’s strength surpassing Japan, but for more than ten years, he still can’t completely suppress the super criminals.

Uzumaki Yu also did not intend to completely hand over the burden of protecting the safety of the eight million hundred to Olmet.

After all, it is better to rely on people than to rely on yourself, not to mention that Olmet has been severely damaged because of the previous battle with AFO, and if he remembers it well, his strength has entered a period of decline.

Olmet will retire one day, but the enemy will not disappear, and Uzumaki has been secretly developing his newly acquired creative personality from the moment he left the hospital.

The source of the power of creation is not physical strength, but the individual’s own fat!

In this way, the key to really limiting the ability to continue to create this personality is the storage of one’s own fat, which is like MP for creating personality.

There are two ways to increase fat in front of Uzumaki You, one is to increase the upper limit of fat, that is, increase the upper limit of MP.

And the side effect of this method is that after gaining weight, Uzumaki’s mobility is inevitably affected, of course, the most unacceptable thing for Uzumaki is probably the decline in appearance.

In addition to the simple and crude method of increasing the fat cap, there is actually another relatively complex method – fat synthesis efficiency, that is, MP recovery rate.

Even if the average person ingests a large amount of meat, the process of converting from food to fat is not achieved overnight, which is the ability limit of the body’s own systems, but if the efficiency of this operating system is improved, it becomes a constitution that can produce fat autonomously with consciousness, then it can produce fat anytime and anywhere to create.

The second method is undoubtedly promising, but the problem is that Yu has to complete this step, and it is not something that can be done in a year or two.

The MP upper limit is fixed, which dooms Vortex to use creative energy on weekdays, and even if there are countless design drawings in the mind, it takes time to be rigid into things.

The spider web launcher is undoubtedly a good thing, but this alone is undoubtedly naïve to defeat strong enemies, and Yu Uzumaki has been updating his equipment since he began to exercise his personality and creation.

It was not the Mark suit that was born by the first creation, and compared to directly generating the finished suit, the fat on Uzumaki’s body was simply not enough for him to make a rivet.

The more delicate and complex the product, the greater the consumption of fat, directly manufacturing a set of Mark suits, even the most basic Mark 1, the fat consumed will be an astronomical amount, so as to create in the case of fat limitation, the easiest to manufacture is another thing – raw materials.

Just like many criminals who want to use their eight million creative abilities to directly manufacture precious metals such as gold, Uzumaki is also making precious metals, but this precious metal does not exist in this world – vibranium.

It is not possible to directly manufacture the finished product, so Uzumaki Yu directly creates raw materials and creates a set of equipment by hand.

The Mark suit can’t be made, so use a set of Batman suits first.

Vibranium-based materials are integrated into the suit, and the unscientific shockproof system of the Mark suit is added to make the weight and strength strong.

The most powerful thing about the power of creation is not that it can directly generate finished products, but to produce raw materials that originally “do not exist”, such as vibranium itself does not exist in this universe, but with the almost complete material structure in Uzumaki’s mind, he generated this substance in this world out of thin air.

The same elixirs and potions in this world can be truly thanked and redeemed, and it seems that the only people who can redeem them are professional heroes.

The youngest professional hero is also after the age of 18, that is, after graduating from high school, even if it is a student of Xiongying High School, he can only obtain a temporary license after the first grade, and the official hero license may be after the third grade.

Yu naturally can’t wait until he is 15 years old to start his own plan, at that time, I am afraid that the yellow cauliflower will be cold, so it seems that there is only one choice for Uzumaki Yu – an amateur hero.

Said to be amateur, in fact, according to the official version, these amateur heroes are more like transvestites and are not recognized as heroes by mass society, after all, without professional training, no one knows whether civilians will be injured because of incorrect actions when carrying out heroic activities.

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