On the day of the ninja exam, the trio of the seventh class, each with the application form for the ninja, returned to the ninja school that they hadn't seen for the first time in 2 months.

"Wow – everything here feels familiar, we've been here for 6 years!".

Now Sakura has changed her previous lack of confidence, and since Yu handed her the production method of a series of poison pills, Sakura, who has been tinkering with her for a while, seems to have completely skipped her initial lack of confidence.

The first level of the ninja exam is held in the ninja school, just like the school will listen to the lectures during the college entrance examination, on the day of the ninja exam, the original students of the ninja school are all on vacation, and there are only two kinds of people in the entire school - the examiner of the ninja exam and the candidate.

[Naruto, don't patronize and remember your past, feel your surroundings, they are all opponents you are about to meet!

Naruto, who had already walked up the stairs, suddenly stopped and asked Yuta, who was invisible to others.

"How big?".

Naruto's personality is exactly like this, and his answer has already skipped the choice of not playing, and instead directly asks how big he wants to play next, perhaps because Naruto believes that Yu will not harm him in such a place.

[Since it's a middle ninja exam, then naturally in addition to the people of your seventh class, even if it's a ninja with the same Konoha will, it will be your enemy, not to mention the guys from other villages, so... Simply issue hostile declarations directly to other candidates, provoking them... Take the initiative to take on all the challenges!].

Yu suddenly let Keen and such a high profile, probably not to let the shinobi of the other villages gather around Naruto and their seventh class together.

Theoretically, the more people gathered, the more attacks the seventh class would encounter, but on the other hand, the more people gathered, the less chance Orochimaru would have to attack.

After all, it was impossible for him to kill all the contestants together, that is, to cut off the opportunity for Orochimaru to attack.

The seventh class is not afraid of the other squads, but Orochimaru is an opponent who is not sure for the time being, and Yuya can only use this way to avoid a death battle with Orochimaru as much as possible.

Naruto was still thinking about whether to make such a big fuss, and the three of them climbed directly to the second floor, when suddenly there was a noisy sound in the hallway.

"Please, please let us in!".

Gangzi Tie and Shenyue Izumo, the two Konoha Ten Thousand Years Gate Gods, transformed into young people one by one, blocking many shinobi from entering in front of a classroom, and the door number above the two of them hung a sign of 301.

As soon as Naruto was about to step forward, he saw Sasuke press a hand on his shoulder and shook his head at him repeatedly, "Don't pay attention to it, it's an illusion!" We just climbed the first floor, you see the group of shinobi around us, they should all be watching the show, there are not many people who have been deceived by illusions!".

Naruto's eyes swept away, and sure enough, there were a lot of shinobi who watched the play with a smile, and it could be seen that there were many people who were willing to be the first bird.

[Naruto, you can clearly see that the guys who were knocked to the ground are three of Akai-sensei's students, do you think the three of them will be weak enough to be slapped in the face?] They're all showing weakness, and they're all good actors, so are you?


Naruto's right fist slapped into his left palm, instantly attracting the attention of the others in the entire second-floor corridor.

"Now... I'm busy, I don't have time and garbage to waste!".

The Shinobi incarnated by Gangzitie is himself the one responsible for finding fault, and as soon as he heard Naruto's opening, he immediately showed the characteristics of a young man - irritable.

"Bastard, who do you say is garbage!".

At the same time, Gangziiron roared, and then kicked Naruto in the cheek with a side kick.


Steel's whip leg grabbed Naruto's ankle like a vice before he could kick Naruto's face.

Suddenly, Naruto's tone changed, and his free hand gestured his middle finger at the other shinobi present.

"I'm sorry, I'm not targeting anyone, but everyone here is rubbish!".

At this time, the person who manipulated the body had changed from Naruto to Yuu, and when Naruto couldn't open his mouth, he was naturally the spirit behind him.

I have to say that this sentence from the elder brother of the broken water flow is full of sarcasm.

Not to mention that the ordinary contestants couldn't bear it one by one, even Hinata Ningji, who had made up his mind to endure it, also stared at Naruto with warlike eyes, and for a while, the entire aisle was murderous.

"Naruto, Naruto, you are..."

Sakura, who is in the same group, saw so many hostile eyes around her, and looked at Yu with some resentment for a while.

Only Sasuke never doubted Yuu's approach, and in the face of the first glance around him, he became more excited, and he almost opened his writing wheel eye and glared at each other with the group of people around him.


You snorted coldly, and then it was like a substantial fluctuation of killing intent, spreading to the entire aisle in an instant.

Sasuke and Sakura were not targeted by the killing intent except for feeling a chill behind them, and the other contestants except for the two of them were all targeted by the strong killing intent.

The murderous aura of 100 people!

This is exactly the good thing that Yu got from the group file.,The uploader is Amitabhamaru, one of the four giants of the chat group.,Amitabha Pill was known as a ghost man when he was alive.,But it's really a bug of one person and one knife against a hundred people who died of exhaustion.,Its murderous aura is probably even worse than not cutting it again.,It's not much better than the level of the big snake pill.。

"Hey... Naruto, if you don't submit your application, you're going to be late!"

In the end, Kakashi, who came to hear the news, lifted the trembling atmosphere of the scene, so that a group of candidates did not become fools because of Yuu's murderous aura, and one by one they fled away from Naruto's surroundings as if they had picked up a life.

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