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Returning to Seigaku from the Kanto Tournament site, Tao and Eiji began to discuss how to celebrate the victory of the competition. However, Ryuzaki Pansy’s words extinguished their enthusiasm.

“It’s too early to celebrate.”

“This is a video shot by Katsuro today, which captures the most realistic scene of the game. You guys give me a closer look, the opponent of the final of the day after tomorrow!! ”

“Katsuro, well done.” Dashi patted him on the shoulder in gratitude.

“Where, that’s what I’m supposed to do.” Katsuro said shyly.

“Okay, everyone will gather at the tennis department office immediately.” Ryuzaki ordered.


Then, led by Dashi, they came to the office. And Ryuzaki Pansy didn’t know where to borrow a TV and started playing the videotape.

Taocheng and a few of them were also curious about how Lihaida defeated Fudongfeng. You must know that when they were in the capital assembly, Fudongfeng brought them a lot of trouble.

“The match started, but the second doubles was Ishida and their combination, weren’t they the first doubles, I remember the swing ball at that time also caused us a lot of trouble.” Kikumaru Eiji said in surprise.

“Put them in the number two doubles, I should be planning to play a poor strength.” Dashi said.

Next, they watched on TV that Lihai Dai’s Yanagi Bilushi showed great strength in a group of doubles, and the match was completely crushing on one side.

Twenty minutes later, the score was 6:0, and Fudofeng had no strength to resist at all!

In the second game, Fudo Peak sent out Kamio and Fukaji, who should have been singles, which really surprised Tao, each of them was a very powerful single.

However, the combination of Sanada and Yanagi Duo of Tachikai solved them in fifteen minutes.

The audience was silent, they did not expect that the strength displayed by Lihai Da was so strong.

“However, Tachibana Yoshihira, who has national strength, has not played so far, and should be able to win a round.” Tao said softly.

“Senior Tao, Fudomine’s Tachibana Yoshihei appeared in the third singles he received, but he also lost.” Katsuro said.

“No… No way. They were very surprised when they heard this.

It was just the singles number three match that was broadcast on TV and silenced them again.

Ryoma, in particular, understood that the opponent’s number three was likely to be his opponent, so he looked very carefully.

Akaya Kirihara’s aggressiveness made Ryoma understand that with his own strength now, according to the current development, he is probably not an opponent.

“Too… Too strong. ”

“Is this the king Lihai big, I feel that we are a level worse than them.”

The whole game took less than an hour, and Tao, who watched the video, could not calm down for a long time.

“That’s right, each of the members of Lihai University has a national strength, so you can imagine that there are seven Ah Xuan. Although our opponents are stronger than any other, we have to find a way to defeat them no matter what. Ryuzaki said lightly.

“Yes, Coach.” Tao said solemnly.

The joy of victory has now turned into a huge pressure on every team member.

Back at the tennis court of the Youth School, each of them began to train hard against the clock. And the amount of training they have increased is several times that of usual.

As the acting captain, Dashi watched their training from outside, in fact, his heart was more restless than any of them, thinking about how to arrange training for them.

“Dashi, the hand injury is almost healed.” Ryuzaki asked.

“Yes… Yes, the doctor said it was all right, but said it was recommended to observe for a few more days, and by then I think I should be able to play. Dashi said.

“I can play a lot more relieved, and I don’t have to worry about the number one doubles.” Ryuzaki said with a smile.

“Coach, I don’t have any confidence.” Dashi said with a wry smile.

“Don’t be too stressed. According to the analysis of strength, the match should be decided by singles. Although they are very strong, we also have players with great potential in the school. Ryuzaki said.

“Yes.” Dashi straightened his posture and continued, “By the way, coach, I would like to invite Fudofeng Middle School to play a few training matches. ”

Although Fudongfeng lost, they could indirectly understand the gap with Lihai through their training matches.

“Nice suggestion, but I don’t know if they will say yes.” Ryuzaki nodded.

“Try it. If we have their help, it will be of great help to the adjustment of our youth education status. ”

The training plan at Oishi is to invite Fudofeng to play a few training matches tomorrow, and then the next two days are physical and basic training, giving them time to adjust to their best condition. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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