The Storm God

Chapter 141: Plain and Excessive! (seeking subscription)

The dove occupies the magpie's nest successfully.

With the overall situation in hand, the following days are relatively uneventful.

The implementation of the Zeus plan is too involved and requires a step-by-step plan. Moreover, the Zeus satellite has not yet been successfully built. The high-level politicians and military systems of the United States also need time to infiltrate and control it step by step.

However, there is no need for Bai Xiaofei, the big boss behind the scenes, to worry about these things. Everything is handled by his younger brothers.

The Zeus plan was originally thought up by Rex, so Bai Xiaofei wouldn't worry about leaving the follow-up plans to him. Of course, because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship, this Zeus plan must be different from the movie, otherwise how would Bai Xiaofei benefit from it?

As for special forces?

To be honest, their strength is still very good. If there is no such freak as Bai Xiaofei, Cobra's plan may really fail. As for them, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not send someone to kill them all like in the movie. What a pity, what a waste of money.

For the time being, let them be happy and jump for a while!

When Bai Xiaofei's [alien] forces control the entire top management of the United States, then the special forces will also become Bai Xiaofei's personal armed forces for his use!

Moreover, during the preparation of the Zeus Project, Bai Xiaofei also had a [Tokyo Alien] plan. This plan can not only speed up the progress of the Zeus Project, but also allow Bai Xiaofei to have fun again and take revenge on the little devil. In this plan, Special Forces also have roles to play.

In short, the special forces is a gun in Bai Xiaofei's hands, it is very useful, but it has to be given well, money is given, people are given, the stronger Bai Xiaofei is, the happier he is!

Everything is going smoothly.

With the existence of the super traitor "President", the original members of the Cobra organization were easily wiped out, and quickly invaded all parts of the United States, firmly controlling the entire United States. The members of the original Cobra forces with branches in other countries, with the help of nanoworm solvents, have also achieved considerable invasion results in various countries.

The alien organization is silent and dormant, silently accumulating strength for the future Zeus plan.

And Bai Xiaofei became an otaku again.

The scientific research room of mars industry is the place where Bai Xiaofei lives for a long time.

The world's nanoworm technology, pulse weapons, mechanical technology... etc. are all very developed and powerful, and they are worth absorbing and mastering by Bai Xiaofei. Especially nanoworm technology, its development potential is particularly huge. If it is developed to the limit, it will become a great existence surpassing other technologies together with Pym particles and planar space technology!

Bai Xiaofei once watched a movie called "The Day the Earth Stood Still", in which there was a robot made by aliens, it was so awesome that no one on earth could do anything to it! Its most perverted ability is that it can be cloned and transformed into countless nanoworm-like little bugs. These little bugs have the terrifying ability to devour everything and infinitely replicate themselves!

Metal, bombs, flames, pulses... These little bugs swallow everything, and anything swallowed by them will become their power and clones, endless!

In that world, they are existences that destroy the world!

Although the nanoworms in this world are not as terrifying as them, they already have a little prototype. Moreover, nanoworms can not only destroy things, but also play an extremely important role in medical treatment, industry, machinery and other aspects. This point , It's much better than those little bugs.

The power of nanoworm technology can be seen from this!

Bai Xiaofei once read some Iron Man comics, in which Tony Stark designed many versions of Iron Armor, such as Extremis virus version, anti-so-and-so version...etc, and in these versions Among them, the version that Bai Xiaofei likes the most is the nanotechnology version.

Who is Bai Xiaofei, only nanoworm technology is available now.

After finally coming to this world with extremely advanced technological power, I turned myself into a big boss behind the scenes. I don’t have to worry about here and there like in the Marvel world, and I can research as I like. Wouldn't it be silly to find some good things to enhance one's own strength?

Nanoworms aren't indestructible, they're just too tiny to see.

Nanoworms are extremely difficult to manufacture, requiring countless manpower, material resources, and financial resources. Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to worry about these. Anyway, he doesn't need to contribute half a cent to everything. He only needs to take out a part of the vibration gold raw ore for the technical personnel of Mars Industry According to one's own requirements, it is enough to manufacture [special type nanoworms].

Bai Xiaofei's plan is to combine Pym particles, magic lines, and plane space technology into one, and use vibrating gold raw ore to build nanoworms into the most terrifying existence.

Of course, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very difficult.

The construction of ordinary nanoworms alone is already very difficult, let alone the integration of three different power systems that can be called heaven-defying abilities! However, people came up with the solution, and technology and other things were also created by people. Although the difficulty is extremely huge, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that there is no solution.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei has plenty of time, and he can travel through endless time and space. If this world can't be studied, there will be the next world. If the next world can't, there will be the next world.

Bai Xiaofei believes that one day, his dream will come true.

In addition to the nanoworm technology of this world, Bai Xiaofei also has a lot of good things, Pym particles, three kinds of plane space technology, miniature ark reactor technology, magic pattern power, alien technology of the Sangvis clan, energy weapons, invisibility technology... Wait, wait, Bai Xiaofei used to be alone, and his research and development progress was extremely limited.

Well now, Bai Xiaofei turned into a big boss behind the scenes, not only controlled the entire Cobra organization, but even the United States was secretly controlled under his command, there are countless talents under his command, why can't he figure it out?

As for security?

Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry about the researchers who had been injected with nanoworm solvents leaking their secrets.

As long as they have a slight change, Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to take action. The intelligent nanoworms in their bodies that have been jointly programmed by Baicas and Zhinao will activate the self-protection program, and instantly devour those evil-minded guys into a pile of scum!

Bai Xiaofei handed over the research on nanoworms to Distro. After all, he is an expert, and Bai Xiaofei only needs to put forward his own opinions and goals.

As for the acceleration suit of Delta 6, Bai Xiaofei needs to do it himself.

After all, in this world, only Bai Xiaofei knows best about the skeleton part and high-tech equipment of Aries. Naturally, no one is more suitable than Bai Xiaofei to integrate and improve the technology of the Delta 6 acceleration suit with the skeleton part and high-tech equipment of the Aries.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei's mechanical major is not good enough.

Therefore, before doing anything, the big boss of the alien force organization——Bai Xiaofei, can only obediently be a good student in front of a group of mechanical experts.

Time flies by in a dull manner.

A year passed.

An accidental nuclear leak occurred at a nuclear power plant in Tokyo, Japan.

After seeing the news, Bai Xiaofei smiled evilly, ended today's scientific research, called Bai Youling over, and said meaningfully: "Tokyo Alien Project can start, are you interested in accompanying me?"

Hearing the words, Bai Youling's eyes lit up immediately, and he said coolly, "I wish for it!"

ps: Update at 0 o'clock for fire support!


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