The Storm God

Chapter 280: Fooling the Hornet! (Please subscribe!)

outside the city.

An abandoned farm.

The place is remote and quiet, the land is barren, and it seems to have been severely polluted by industry. The only house and warehouse are also dilapidated and crumbling as if they would collapse at any time.

Bai Xiaofei drove here, parked the car, and began to wait.

as expected.

After a while, the classic second-hand car shape of the Hornet appeared in the field of vision.


The hornet did not continue to hide, but directly accelerated and drove towards this side. It seemed that he also realized that his whereabouts had been found out, and there was no need to hide any longer.


Soon, Bumblebee slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Immediately, under Bai Xiaofei's amazed gaze, Bumblebee began a cool and explosive transformation process, and in minutes, it transformed from a dilapidated second-hand sports car into a mighty super robot about 5 meters tall !

"so amazing!"

"It's just incredible!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes glowed with admiration, tsk tsk in amazement.

To be honest, even after traveling through so many time and space worlds and seeing so many black technologies, the transformation of Transformers is still full of endless mysteries and wonders, which fascinated and amazed Bai Xiaofei.

If explained according to scientific theory, this change of Transformers does not conform to the laws of physics at all, nor does it conform to the theory of mass conservation. After all, no matter how disassembled and combined a car, it cannot be assembled as large and solid as Transformers. Not to mention the awesome weapons and black technology on them.

Where are those black technologies and weapons usually hidden?

Where does energy come from?


All of a sudden, all sorts of messy doubts and questions filled Bai Xiaofei's brain, making him wish he could catch the bumblebee and study it carefully.

The so-called "layouts watch the excitement, experts watch the way!".

Before getting involved in the field of science and black technology, Bai Xiaofei might just be simply surprised and unbelievable about the existence of Transformers. But since entering this door, Bai Xiaofei has become more and more like Tony Stark, no! To be precise, it should be more and more common problems of most scientific researchers!

That is, after seeing any novel field, it will be like a pervert seeing a top-quality beauty, and there will be an urge to rush directly and do something big!

The transformed shape of the bumblebee is very handsome. With the sound of the gears turning, various mechanical parts re-operate and combine, or form a torso and limbs, or transform into a weapon armor, and soon become a body with a yellow body. Mechanical lifeforms. Although its size is huge, it is not scary at all, but it looks very cute.

Especially Bumblebee's pair of mechanical eyes with a hint of green in blue, it looks like it can talk, and it is unusually agile and energetic. Coupled with the subtle and rich facial expressions of the bumblebee, it is so cute!

And the four doors behind it stand up like wings, making the bumblebee look even more handsome and cute!

In short, no matter how others see it, Bai Xiaofei likes the dead bumblebee anyway!

In a word, he is so handsome!


Bai Xiaofei, who finally witnessed the real transformation process of Transformers with his own eyes, couldn't hide the excitement and joy in his heart, and immediately praised Bumblebee.

"Young man, are you not afraid of me?"

Seeing the joy on Bai Xiaofei's face, without any trace of fear or panic, Bumblebee's energetic eyes froze for a moment, and he said in a daze. However, its voice was not spoken, but broadcasted. The voice was still a clear and clear girl, which made Bai Xiaofei feel strange.


"It seems that this point has not been changed!"

Bai Xiaofei gave a wry smile. He knew that when Bumblebee was fighting on Cybertron, the sounder was broken by the Decepticons, which made it unable to speak normally. As a last resort, he used this method of broadcasting to communicate with others. communicative.

"Afraid of you?"

"Why are you afraid of you?"

Seeing the doubt on Bumblebee's face, Bai Xiaofei asked without answering: "Do you look scary? Or are you going to hurt me?"


"Our belief is peace and freedom. We have our own moral bottom line and persistence. We will not harm human beings!" Bumblebee answered Bai Xiaofei with the selected broadcast, and gestured to Bai Xiaofei, saying that I am a good person , please believe in my appearance, it is very cute and cute.

"That's it!"

"Since you won't hurt me, why should I be afraid of you?"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed, and asked again.


Bumblebee froze immediately.

It tapped its forehead with its huge robotic hand, scratching its ears and scratching its cheeks, with a cute and incomprehensible look, which made Bai Xiaofei laugh again.

Bumblebee also belongs to the kind of person who doesn't like to get into a dead end. If he can't figure it out, he doesn't think about it. Anyway, he can tell that the young man in front of him is not only not afraid of him, but also seems to trust him. Let’s get straight to the point.

"Young man, I need your help!"

"I know!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged with a smile, curled his lips and said, "Otherwise you wouldn't have followed me all the way!"

"You noticed me already?"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Bumblebee was taken aback.

"That's right!"

"I noticed it from the beginning!"

Bai Xiaofei waved his hands, with a mean face, and said: "But those are not important, let's get down to business! First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Bai Xiaofei, nice to meet you, Bumblebee!"


Bumblebee was shocked again, his eyes widened, and he said on the radio in disbelief: "You know me? How is it possible? Who are you?"

After speaking, he became very vigilant.

The weapons are all activated.


"Take it easy, Bumblebee, I'm not a bad guy!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei quickly raised his hands to show that he didn't mean anything malicious.

Seeing that Bumblebee's mood eased a little, he explained: "Actually, I don't belong to this world, but an earthling from another time and space. In that time and space, I have heard many of your legends, so I know very well about the things between you Autobots and Decepticons!"


It's fine if Bai Xiaofei doesn't explain, but this explanation made Bumblebee even more confused: "Another time and space?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "That time and space is no different from this world, except you!"


Bumblebee was silent for a moment.

In the end, he decided to ignore Bai Xiaofei's origin, but asked: "Bai Xiaofei, right? Since you belong to another time and space, what are you doing here?"

"To be honest..."

"I'm here to help you!"

Bai Xiaofei lied without drawing a draft, and said nonsense with his eyes open: "In my time and space, the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons has completely subsided, but the earth has also been completely destroyed and its energy sources have been exhausted. , In order to save the earth, scientists invented a machine that travels through time and space, and sent me to this time and space, with the purpose of changing the future!"


ps: Today’s Double 11, Ma Yun’s money-making day, single Wang’s abuse day, post a few more chapters to compensate everyone, everyone who has money will make money, and those who have no money... you deserve to be single! Haha... I'm just kidding, it's customary to ask for advice, recommendations, etc., as long as everyone is happy, you can do whatever you want, Wuyou is very grateful!

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