The Storm God

Chapter 599 News! Steel Pro! (Please subscribe!)


Hulk roared loudly.

Staring at General Ross coldly with tyrannical eyes, Banner controlled the Hulk and shouted angrily: "You forced me!"


People are like frogs, jumping up suddenly!

Almost instantly, Hulk jumped into the crowd of American soldiers who were shooting him wildly with guns.


He waved.

Three or five soldiers were thrown out like broken sacks.

Another kick.

Several soldiers were like bowling pins being hit, and they immediately lay down in a mess.

Hulk is like a tiger like a sheep, and with every gesture, he can cause great chaos and damage to these ordinary American soldiers. What formation, defense line, and cover are all nonsense! In front of Fatty Green, apart from a few things, there is almost nothing he can't smash!

The troops of General Ross, who had the upper hand just now, fought very well, and with the Hulk's counterattack, they were forced hard, and they were almost crippled on the spot!

Fortunately, under the control of Dr. Banner, Hulk shot very well and did not die!


Injuries to muscles and bones are indispensable.

Seeing his subordinates being beaten and beaten by the Hulk all the way, and defeated, General Ross's complexion suddenly darkened.

He asked coldly, "Where's our follow-up troops?!"


A soldier next to him replied: "It has been dispatched quickly, and it will take about ten minutes to get here!"

"ten minutes?!"

When General Ross heard this, he was speechless to the extreme.


This is the situation at hand.

Let alone ten minutes, five minutes might not last!

Gritting his teeth, he ordered decisively: "Soldier, tell them, I don't care what method they use, they must arrive here within three minutes, even if it's just the vanguard!"


Soldiers lead away.

At this time, the fierce fighting and gunshots in the green grass had already attracted many passers-by.

In the past, General Ross’s soldiers were in charge of clearing the field and martial law. Most people would not come in for a visit, but just wanted to get close. Students, as a result, a large number of melon-eating people gathered around here soon.


"Is this a sci-fi action movie?"

"Look at that green fat man, he is so fierce, he can smash a military off-road vehicle with his hands, what a powerful and destructive force!"

"Oh my god! What are...they doing? Hunting aliens?"

"I personally think it should be some kind of mutated monster!"

"Take a picture and post it on Twitter!"

"And Facebook!"


The people who eat melons are full of interest and passion.

Discussion, photo taking, video recording, live broadcasting, uploading to the Internet, etc., there is almost everything that one expects to find.

General Ross saw that the battle situation was becoming more and more unfavorable, and there were more and more people eating melons around him. The incident became more and more troublesome. It was difficult to continue to hide the existence of the green fat man. His originally gloomy face immediately became It got even uglier, and it was so black that it almost became the bottom of the pot.

At this moment, he was so angry that he couldn't do it, but he was helpless and powerless.

The only thing to do is to watch.


Waiting for the arrival of follow-up troops.

As long as the green fat man can be successfully captured, even if it costs a little, it will be worth it.

As for those news and public opinions?

Also simple!

Block, confiscate, destroy...

Once the military personnel come out, no matter what news media you are, all have to be obedient!

General Ross thought so.


Mid-level villa.

Tony was dressed in casual clothes and was alone in the laboratory.

From morning to now, he has hardly left a step, and has been busy repairing and improving his Mark Armor 4 generation.

After the single piece of debris in his body was pulled out, Tony no longer had to think about having a big hole in his chest, a miniature ark reactor, and the risk of poisoning to use the Mark Armor. Now... he only needs a little Improve it, even without a miniature ark reactor, you can still transform into Iron Man!


Tony also copied the Aries dress pattern.

Of course, Tony used scientific methods, his self-esteem and arrogance did not allow him to copy other people's things.

After a busy morning, the 4th generation of Mark Armor has finally been improved.

Just then.

On the nearby LCD TV, a piece of news suddenly came.

The news report happened to be Carver University, everything that happened on the green grass, and there were several high-definition close-ups on it.

Tony was not interested in this news.


When he saw the fat green man in the close-up shots of the news, and the opponent's amazing fighting and destructive power.

Tony's eyes lit up immediately, and he changed his focus immediately.



Jarvis knew Tony very well.

Seeing such news and novelties, if Tony didn't step in, then he wouldn't be Tony and Iron Man.

it knows.

The famous Iron Man is about to fight.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Jarvis, a special needle tube extended from the side, and inside the needle tube was an infrared nanosensor specially developed by Tony.

With their help.

With the 4th generation of Mark Armor, remote control and dressing can be realized.


The nanosensor injection was successful.

Tony is indeed a genius. After practicing for a few times, he was familiar with and adapted to the remote control operation of Mark 4.

follow closely……

Iron Man left the multiples and soared into the sky.

Suddenly, the direction of progress was Carvor University, where a fierce battle was taking place.


Las Vegas.

This is a world-famous casino city, located in a desert area, with unique scenery, attracting countless people from all over the world.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei wandered the streets and alleys of Las Vegas.

According to the scan of the positioning device, the source of the strong gamma energy signal, which is most likely to be the Rubik's Cube, is in this city.

However, Las Vegas is too big, and the positioning device made by Dr. Banner, because it was rushed out, so the function is not so perfect. It can only be roughly located. If you want to accurately find the exact location of the signal source The location still needs some calculations and exclusions!

That is.

Even knowing that the Rubik's Cube is here.

Because the positioning device is very weak, Bai Xiaofei couldn't find it for a while.

At Cavour University over there, when the fat green man was fighting fiercely with General Ross' troops, Bai Xiaofei was immersed in finding the source of the signal, and had long forgotten about Dr. Banner and Betty.

Even if he didn't forget, Bai Xiaofei probably doesn't have the mood to take care of them now.


The Rubik's Cube matters a lot.

Its help to Bai Xiaofei is even more irreplaceable!

It's fine if there is no news, now that he knows its approximate location, Bai Xiaofei must snatch it back!

Even if something happened to Dr. Banner, Bai Xiaofei was not afraid.

after all……

Fatty green is not easy to mess with!

As long as General Ross didn't send a large-scale army to encircle Hulk, with Dr. Banner's current control over Hulk, it would be absolutely no problem to protect himself, or even hang General Ross and others! Because of this... Bai Xiaofei was able to stay in Las Vegas with peace of mind and continue to search for the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube.

The facts were indeed as he expected, Banner controlled the Hulk, and beat General Ross's troops to the point where they couldn't find the north.

Hulk looks like he can snatch Betty back from General Ross.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


General Ross could not wait for his follow-up troops.

But another guy waited for him, a powerful monster evolved from foreign elite mercenaries and Bronski——Abomination!


"you are mine!"

"I will kill you with my own hands!"

The Abomination is much crazier than the Hulk controlled by Banner.

This guy walked all the way, all of which were unreasonable rampages. In front of him, people, trees, walls, vehicles, matter what is in your way, everything will pass by, but Anyone who was hit by him was either scrapped and collapsed on the spot, reduced to shreds, or was directly knocked into the air, resulting in death or serious injury!

It is simply a humanoid bulldozer through and through.

On the way from Graben College to Carwall University, I don't know how many vehicles and buildings were destroyed by the abomination; how many lives were smashed into the air and killed!


He finally ushered in his old enemy!


ps: Thanks for subscribing! 1 more! Thanks to [Changhe Wuzhi Ten] for the reward of 500 starting coins, Wuyou is very grateful, and it is customary to ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and support for rewards!

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