What does it feel like to die?

People who haven't died can't describe that feeling in detail.

Even the person who felt death would come back to life again.

Don't understand what it is like when you die? ...

Fear? Are you lonely? ...

Or maybe it's relieved, peace of mind...

But in fact, all these feelings are not the feelings at the time of death.

These are all people's habitual perceptions of the unknown before death.

Real death is a kind of temperature.

A kind of slow paralysis, loss of temperature to maintain the body's sensation.

At the time of death, when the brain loses consciousness a little bit, a little bit of numbness is replaced...

In fact, it is what death really looks like.

The delicate boy was lying on a white bed.

Although his brain no longer has the ability to think, his body is still extremely fresh.

Even his heart continued to move warmly.

...But his hands and feet are cold.

A kind of cold like being corroded by ice from the inside out.

Sitting next to the boy's bed was a young man with black hair.

He has hands with black nails like the boy with closed eyes.

But their hands are not the same...

Because even if the boy's hands are completely cold, it can be seen from the outside.

I can also know what a beautiful and soft look this young man was like before his death...

And his hands are one of the proofs of his soft appearance.

A white gown draped with precious stones covers the boy. This long coat that was accidentally discarded in the abyss of Jidia was once an evidence of the boy's order to accept the inheritance when he was in danger.

The black-haired youth still remembers when the boy wore this long dress like a god.

The boy's eyes seemed to have been washed with the purest water.

That which is full of endless brightness and beauty...

Before meeting a teenager, the black-haired youth had never felt a little warmth and happiness in this purgatory world...

Even before he learned the knowledge of human beings and understood what the word happiness really means.

He didn't understand why the hands that had embraced the teenager always wanted to embrace him again.

This young man is not the light source in his dark world, and it is even more impossible for him to abandon the past... and transform into a mortal with too many useless emotions.

He is just a kind of enjoyment for him, a kind of enjoyment that has never been imagined or met before.

His body exudes a fragrance that can soothe his mania, and his skin can bring him the refreshment of his soul after being washed.

He is the supreme delicious food, and it is the happiness that should be held in his hands as a treasure.

His happiness is to be able to keep this young man by his side...

He can plunder and draw from him anytime, anywhere...

However... the person who was so treasured by him died.

Lying in the human prison controlled by countless weapons and agencies.

He watched many humans die, and he watched his companions feast on...

However, he failed to see the young man who was supposed to be alive, standing still waiting for him.

"So everyone in this world deserves to die, they... all deserve to die!!"

Countless black monsters heard an angry voice, which was a voice that could make them tremble and fear to surrender.

What is the master talking about?

Why is he so angry? !

Was it because they accidentally ruined what he wanted?

"Master! The mankind opened the nuclear artillery, now we should leave!"

Qin Liexi sat on the white soft bed that was carried by the huge Holga, and through the tentacles of the Holga, he saw his faithful servant.

A purple-black eyeball full of scars and stinging...

"Oh... I thought that human beings are so cowardly, they must not dare to die with us."

Without the slightest hurried hurriedness of the imminent disaster, Qin Liexi hugged He Jiu who was lying on the bed An Ran and placed it on his lap.

Like an adult holding a child, Qin Liexi embraced He Jiu in his arms.

With his head buried, Qin Liexi tried hard to smell the warm taste of He Jiu...

However, the dead body, although there is still an extremely weak life reaction, is not as sweet and warm as it used to be.

"Throw those useless waste to the humans to play, take the big monsters and go to Jufeng and leave here...The person who should be killed is almost dead anyway..."

Qin Liexi said coldly to the servant standing in the lower position.


A simple and powerful answer showed that the servant was obedient to Qin Liexi.

The huge Horgar was originally a very cruel creature.

But at this moment, when facing Qin Liexi, he only made a caring and silent mobile mount.

Let the blasting noise in your ears clamor, let the flesh and blood around you fly everywhere.

I don’t know what to drink, I know before I die that I might never wake up again...

In the vast fog that rose again, He Jiu slowly opened his eyes.

He Jiu, whose brain is completely blank, stared blankly in front of him...

But where he lies, knows nothing...

I don’t know who I am, I don’t know where it is...

【the host……】

The old voice like a ghost floated from the depths of the fog...

There seemed to be something humming in He Jiu's ears, and he could hear this sound as if blocking him.


When he wanted to turn over, He Jiu finally realized that his body was like a mass of useless weight.

He knows he has a body, but when he wants to control his body to do any movement...

He can't do...

【the host……】

The erratic voice floated again, He Jiu wanted to turn his face to look.

But he opened his eyes but could only lie there, paralyzed like a dead man...

[Master, why do you choose evil ways? 】

"Have I chosen?..."

He Jiu didn't know at all, he didn't know anything.

Like a completely blank piece of paper, he has no memory. So you can’t comprehend what you mean by choosing evil ways?

[Yes...you have chosen...you have chosen a path that cannot be turned back, but can only be endured. 】

"……is it?……"

He Jiu's voice was so soft that he couldn't even hear him.

In the vast white world, he seems to be a person without a past.

Or maybe there is something that gently wiped away his past...

[You should wake up...]

Another young voice interrupted the conversation between He Jiu and the old voice from the depths of the fog.

It was a very familiar voice. It took a long time to get acquainted with He Jiu, but he couldn't react. It was his own voice.

"who are you?"

[I am who you are now...]


He Jiu was still dumbfounded, reacting slowly.

He could not move, like a piece of wood about to rot.

There is no choice but to wait for a clear ending.

"I... shall we... wake up?..."

[We are all too hungry. If you don't wake up... I'll lie here forever. 】

He explained it slowly, with unspeakable sadness and helplessness in his voice.

However, he was too hungry, even He Jiu felt that he was too hungry...

"We...what shall we eat after we wake up?"

He Jiu has no memory, but he vaguely feels that his hunger should be filled by something different.


But after hearing this answer, He Jiu felt that this answer shouldn't be the same thing as himself...

"Can you only...cannibalize?..."

The faint voice of mosquitoes and flies asked slowly and hesitantly...

[We... have no choice. 】

That oneself coldly cut off He Jiu's extra thoughts.

However, there is no choice, which is a choice in itself.

Because, he can still choose not... and just lie here.

Continue to endure hunger...

【the host……】

It was the old voice again.

He Jiu opened his eyes once again.

"Do you... have anything else to tell me?..."

[Master, you... are dead...]

At that moment, He Jiu heard these words and finally couldn't keep calm anymore.

Pain, severe pain.

The constant ferocious voice from the depths of his mind was the source of his pain.


His forehead is all blue veins, and even the entire white world he lives in is beginning to twist...

"This is not my world, this is my mind...what is talking? Stop talking! Stop talking! Hmm!"

He Jiu is like rotten wood nailed in place, he was expecting to slowly usher in irreversible decay.

But something completely out of his control broke this procedure.

Before losing control completely, He Jiu in reality was held in Qin Liexi's arms.

He got on the wings of Jufeng and floated into the cold high altitude.

He is dead, unable to overlook the collapsed city...

So in the same way, he couldn't take another look when he passed Lan Qi's head, his old friend...

This is a one-sided pass.

This was also the first time that Lan Shen looked at the world with those deep eyes that belonged to Lan Qi.

A man with a long, handsome silhouette, he has long black hair that stretches to his waist.

Thin, merciless lips, eyebrows like a blade.

The deep blue spiritual flame ignited from the deep blue fingertips.

The huge monster crashed down in front of Lan Shen.

"Patriarch... Patriarch... did it! She did it!"

Even in this apocalyptic catastrophe, the Lan family, which has a thousand-year-old family heritage, is still because of its owner...


"Yes, Patriarch did it. She did it, but she also died..."

Xinqiu is holding two babies less than one month old in her arms.

A baby boy, a baby girl...

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