The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 418: : low profile


It is normal for a homicide to occur in a slum, but if the person who died was a college student and the son of a wealthy African businessman, the result would be different. Gibbs was contacted immediately through the school contact.

When they saw the strange call, the medical staff didn't want to answer it at first, but after calling three or four times in a row, Gibbs who was lying on the bed also opened his eyes and asked who it was very tiredly, so he had to turn on the phone.

The person on the opposite side introduced himself very seriously, and informed that Banneker had an accident outside the school.

Gibbs's eyes that were originally closed suddenly widened, and he didn't raise his breath in one breath, and his throat kept making haha ​​noises. When he raised his hand, he grabbed the hand of the medical staff, which was so strong that it hurt the other party. But gradually they realized that something was wrong. Why did Gibbs keep his mouth open?

After discovering that something was wrong, he rushed to rescue him, but he was still declared dead half an hour later!

Although Mogadishu is in a war zone, there is one industry that is extremely developed and developing rapidly, and that is the funeral industry. There are even crematoria at the gates of the east and west cities. When the hearse drove to his villa, Jibu The news of Si's death couldn't be concealed at all, and the pot exploded immediately.

Gibbs' identity is too sensitive in Somalia.

The veteran of the three dynasties is also famous in the political field, and he did not get along with Hassan. It is said that he had a direct conflict of interest with Mr. Nicholas. Is there any conspiracy behind his death? Everyone stared and watched, and when the savior company passed the news to Tang Dao who was far away in Seoul.

He has roughly grasped the ins and outs!

"You mean, Gibbs died when he heard that Banneker was dead?" Tang Dao crossed his legs and tapped his fingers on the edge of the sofa. The reason why he knew the news of Banneker's death was because Wu Li Hui met, when the group of them came out, the entrance of the convenience store was already full of police officers. At that time, they saw that something was wrong, and when they saw the deceased, they were also shocked.

It doesn't matter how late it is if you are in a hurry, call quickly.

When Tang Dao heard the news, he couldn't say he was shocked, but he just thought it was a coincidence, and according to the scene, there was no trace of rummaging through the box at all, that is to say, the other party came to kill. The purpose is to kill Banneker.

"Moreover, there was also a murder case in a hotel in the south of Paris. The deceased was Banneker's girlfriend. We found out that there was a last call between them. I suspect that Banneker's whereabouts were provided to the killer. , and she herself was silenced in the end." Xiao Ma's logical reasoning ability is still very strong, mainly because he is a complete conspiracy theorist, and he believes in this statement even more.

Dare to kill people so recklessly in the metropolis, this is probably... a tricky force.

But what opponent can Tang Dao have in France? Suddenly, another thought began, could it be that Gibbs' partners in France were trying to silence him? This old man has a very close relationship with the other party. At the beginning, Tang Dao also intended to cooperate with France in the chip business, but he was rejected, and said that only Gibbs and the others in Africa recognized it.

This makes no sense.

Why choose a Gibbs who is not top-notch in terms of influence and ability, instead of choosing the savior company? The latter's influence is obviously not comparable to that of a landlord trapped in Somalia, which means that Gibbs has something in his hands that makes the other party salivate.

Moreover, the cooperation between the two parties is very deep and has exceeded a certain scope.

Tang Dao likes to use his brain the most. When he thinks about it this way, the answer is very close, but the other party is in the dark, and he is in the light. Besides, killing Banneker is not a warning to himself?

I don't want to touch you, but you should be more sensible.

The natural curiosity of human nature makes Tang Dao really want to know who the other party is, but as a businessman, his instinct tells himself, don't be curious, accidents are easy to happen.

Brother Xiao Ma's breathing became a little slower, he just stood quietly, and then looked at the boss's brows which were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, looking preoccupied, and being the boss is not so glamorous.

"We don't care about this matter. Everything Gibbs has in Somalia can only belong to us. Let Mister accept it as soon as possible. Also, the matter of Mr. Kang will only be said, so that those daring pirates will spit it out wisely. , don't make me say it again, I boasted to others, if it makes me lose face, don't mess around at sea, if they are sensible, I remember there are two high-speed interceptor boats (hsic) that can be sold at a discount Giving them weapons is my thanks."

This high-speed interceptor boat is an Italian product.

It was still an Italian military factory that wanted to cooperate with Tang Dao. It first sent five high-speed interceptor boats (hsic) to help sell them on behalf of them. There are still a small amount donated by the Angelopoulos family to the Greek Navy for use by special forces. The color is light, and there are doorposts arranged on the console without placing the radar above it. And with a removable protective panel of synthetic material. It is a rigid hull inflatable boat with removable synthetic protective panels.

Displacement is 16 tons, speed: 64 knots, if the weapons are fully equipped, it is a 40mm 19, a 12.7mm machine gun, two 7.62mm machine It is completely maneuverable at close distances from the coast I am afraid that even the so-called "Golden Squad" under the name of the well-equipped General Hassan has only one high-speed interceptor boat.

The price of such a ship is about 400,000 US dollars. If weapons and ammunition are added, it will be no less than 650,000 US dollars. If it is discounted, it will cost more than 300,000 US dollars. Of course, they can buy it or not. Tang Dao intends to take the opportunity to launch this thing. , It can't be sold at all.

"Boss, the company's service department has received an order from the Ghanaian military, and they want naval ships." Brother Xiaoma seemed to suddenly remember, "However, our company's marine weapons are relatively small, and this is the fourth customer to inquire. ..."

"Don't worry, the goods are there, but I dare not sell them if they dare to want them. There are hooligans in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. How to transport them? Tell them to wait. When we get through the relationship, I will give them whatever they want. They sent it." Tang Dao was very angry and actually aggrieved. Ermaozi also had a lot of weapons at sea, but he didn't dare to move them. They were all at the town level, and the strategic significance was too heavy. Tang Dao was bold, but he still had to Not so brave.

All he has to do now is the system task, to control Gibbs' channel!

Peace of mind and prudence, keep a low profile, don't jump too far, keep a low profile when making a fortune, and be safe as a talent.

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