The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 421: :Reincarnation is also a skill

The names of big dogs are complicated, but this Alwaleed bin Talal al-Asud is very famous.

The inherent people on the pig killing list, the gold diggers of the capital, a generation of legends.

As a teenager, Alwaleed insisted on listening to BBC radio news, learning business knowledge, and reading current affairs magazines and newspapers.

In 1976, he went to the United States alone to study for a master's degree in economics, which was the second stage of his life.

Tang Dao has read his memoirs, and there is a sentence in it that says, "The experience of going to the United States alone has built Alwaleed's self-confidence."

In 1979, after finishing his studies, he returned to Saudi Arabia and began to get involved in the business world. His father funded him with $15,000, and he mortgaged a $1.5 million house his father gave him for $400,000 in cash, which was definitely a fortune at the time, he later admitted , His first bucket of funds is more like being sponsored by his father, but... reincarnation is also a skill.

Networking and relationships are also a science.

With these capitals, he launched a series of business ventures. After the two oil crises in the 1970s, Saudi Arabia harvested a large amount of petrodollars in the international oil market, and domestic commercial activities became increasingly active.

Alwaleed used his connections and limited capital to start a trade agency and contracting business. In just a few years, his annual profit reached tens of millions of dollars. Then, Alwaleed foresaw in time that the high welfare policy implemented by the government relying on petrodollars would greatly stimulate the domestic real estate market. He made a decisive move to buy a large piece of real estate in the capital Riyadh, which laid the foundation for him to become the largest private real estate owner in the area in the future.

Alwaleed's wealth "snowballed" as his success in construction and real estate continued. He established the "Kingdom Holding Company" and extended its tentacles to other fields.

In 1986, he became the largest shareholder of United Bank of Saudi Arabia, which had been losing money for years, and transformed the bank into the most profitable commercial bank in 1989.

By the 1990s, Alwaleed began to set his sights on a broader international market, and successfully used wealth and royal blood to weave a network of political leaders and business tycoons from various countries. In the following ten years, Alwaleed has successively spent huge sums of money to purchase the stocks of internationally renowned companies. The companies he has invested in include Citibank, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald's, Disney, Motorola, Time Warner, Ford, Amazon, eBay, Kodak, Four Seasons Hotel and a series of internationally renowned companies. Most of his investments are in the United States, and he is the largest foreign individual investor in the United States.

It is estimated that his personal worth has exceeded 8 billion US dollars. Of course, many things are due to the fluctuation of the estimated price, so it is impossible to give an accurate price, but what can be confirmed is that this is definitely a big man standing at the top of the business circle .

There is no way to make up for the difference between Tang Dao and the other party. For example, the status of the royal family, this thing is destined to meet different people.

But as long as Tang Dao is given time, he feels that he will definitely surpass the opponent. After all, the war will never stop...

"Thank you very much. I'm waiting for your good news." After Tang Dao said with a smile, he hung up the phone, and the smile on his face slowly subsided. This is unexpected news, but if you can get close As for Asud, is it possible to have arms deals with them?

You know, the Saudi army is famous for being stupid and rich!

On this planet, there is a magical country that sits on a golden mountain and spends money like water, and this magical country has raised a magical army. It has bought the most advanced arms in the world, and its military expenditure even surpassed that of Russia. The third place in the world, why is it so good? Do you have a mine at home? Although there are no mines, there is some oil, no more, no less, accounting for almost one-fifth of the world's oil reserves. The main reason may be that you are too rich , and then...was beaten up by some small guerrillas.

These high-end and high-grade armament configurations make the Saudi army exude a rich and really good temperament from head to toe, and what is more capricious is that whenever new weapons are launched, those military enterprises in the Western world flock to them. Saudi Arabia They will immediately purchase without hesitation and "hand over" the previous equipment to the reserve service. To put it bluntly, it is thrown into the desert to accumulate dust. In fact, from the perspective of equipment alone, Saudi Arabia's military strength has surpassed most European countries. Even, There are small countries drooling, but the family is too poor.

It's a pity that money may not be able to do whatever you want. You can buy the world's most luxurious weapons, but you may not be able to buy combat effectiveness. It can be described as world-famous scum, and this is still a "fine tradition". As early as during the Gulf War, their combat effectiveness It has already been leaked. After the indiscriminate bombing by the U.S. Air Force, the Iraqi army’s morale has been greatly reduced at this time. Time to deal a heavy blow to the enemy.

Then: Dad save me! I can't bear it anymore, the other party is so fierce! Beep beep.

Eagle Sauce: Falk! You idiot, who told you to put XO in the plane? Water? You take a Rolex to the battlefield?

After this battle, the general army will reflect on the problem, and the Saudi army is no exception. However, their conclusion is that the armor of the French-made AMX30B2 tank is too fragile. The tanks were fighting head-on, so they decided to replace the French ones with American ones. As for whether they have any problems, that’s out of consideration.

The level is even more exposed. The chariots and infantry fight independently without covering each other. The tanks are used as fixed turrets and are blown up from behind. The armored vehicles are even more funny. Showing extreme war weariness, fear of war, and low combat capabilities. Sometimes, once entering a firefight, many Saudi tanks immediately turned around and retreated after firing two symbolic shots. What's more, they left intact equipment. Escaping from the battlefield in a hurry, the enemy armed forces picked up ammunition and advanced weapons with plenty of fuel for It is even more powerful than Chang Kaishen, the captain of the transportation brigade. Regarding this, the hacked Russian military industry said, Now I can prove that my product is not bad!

It's not that our side is too awesome, but that the other side is stupid!

Once, Saudi soldiers persisted for more than two hours in the face of militants with fewer weapons, equipment and personnel than themselves. This operation was greatly appreciated by the media, who thought it was an excellent defensive battle!

At that time, some military experts made a lot of deduction for this operation. They found that if it was a normal army, it could almost wipe out the opponent, but what about the Saudi soldiers? Two people were killed...

Never seen an army like this, they are just born "Silly X!"

Walk around, look back... bang! I beat myself to death.

But Tang Dao likes such customers, the faster he loses, the faster he loses, he is not afraid of the sales of this weapon, as long as he can pull this thread!

This time is an opportunity.

If he could get even a weapon supply order from an army group, Tang Dao would be full of fuel. Of course, under this premise, he would raise the price first. AK sells for two to three hundred dollars. Who do you look down on? Improve fifty percent!

Anyway, not bad money!

The strongest arms dealer https://

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