The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 518: : burst


Zaire. Small border village.

This is a gathering place for Popi people. Because of the backward education, system, and civilization, it is out of sight all the year round, but now it gathers a lot of people, and there are always Neko wearing military uniforms with simple gloves on his hands. , Throw the corpses into the dug pit, and then burn them with fire!

A woman rushed out of one of the rooms suddenly, her face was covered with blood blisters, she was hideous and horrified, her protruding belly was obviously a pregnant woman, she yelled in local slang in horror and helplessness, hoping to save her.

Brother Nige warned her not to come out, but it doesn't matter so much? They're all about to die!

The woman ran forward staggeringly, just after two or three steps, a burst of gunshots knocked her down to the ground, and a Neko went over with a gun and shot him in the head again.

The camera flashed, and a face appeared in front of him, saying seriously, "The virus will spread on a large scale!"

Tang Dao sat in front of the computer, touched his chin with his right hand, frowned and thought deeply, Mister called him and sent a video by email, which was the scene above, and the tone was very cautious, I hope the boss If we can make preparations in advance, the virus may soon sweep the entire Zaire.

It was a disaster!

The medical system in African countries is very chaotic. From the way it is handled in this video, it can be seen that there is no basic isolation suit. Under such circumstances, the virus will only spread faster. If a large-scale epidemic occurs, then ...It was a major blow to the savior. Many businesses were placed there. This shock will definitely cause heavy losses.

Tang Dao sat quietly thinking, and the little angel next to him was also shocked by the scene on the video, frowning, as if recalling some bad memories.

"You asked Mr. Charlie in Boston to help buy 300,000 medical supplies, send them to bases in Somalia and Zaire, ensure the safety of employees, and spread this matter, we need more people to see " Tang Dao said that there is nothing he can do about this disease. He can only make more people pay attention to it. It is best for the health organization to intervene.

He knew that it was uncertain how far the disease would develop.

But taking precautions can minimize losses.

"Also, each of our employees in Africa must undergo a physical examination, and any problems must be resolved as soon as possible."

The little angel responded, then hesitated, and said, "Boss, I have seen this disease before when I was in Africa."

"?have you seen?"

Tang Dao was surprised, turned his head to look at the other party and asked, "Then what kind of disease is this? Do you know?"

The little angel's eyes were heavy, "I was on a mission in Africa to protect a professor. He is a well-known virus hunter. He was looking for a powerful virus spreading in Africa. He called it Ebola!"

Tang Dao frowned. The name was so familiar that it could even be called terror.

The death is ugly and the transmission is extremely strong. This is a disaster for Africa. The biological level of this virus is level 4, and AIDS is only level 3. This is the most direct manifestation.

The little angel seemed to be thinking of something, with a sad expression on his face, "We stayed in Africa for four months, and I saw that about a thousand people were infected and burned. That scene is something I still don't want to recall."

Tang Dao could also feel the heaviness in his tone, nodded slightly, and remained silent. He suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked, "You should know the phone number of that professor, is he very authoritative in this regard? If We ask him to make a call in the news media for a full assessment of the situation in Zaire."

It's not that Tang Dao has the heart of the Virgin, but he understands that if the disease really breaks out, the whole of Africa will be paralyzed. He still has this vision.

The little angel frowned and thought for a while, "He is very famous, and he can be contacted."

"That's fine, you are responsible for contacting him, and transporting the medical supplies to Somalia and Zaire together with other supplies, so that Mist will make long-term preparations for the border closure." Tang Dao arranged in an orderly manner, " Work hard, this matter must be fast."

"Understood, boss, I will order the purchasing department in Europe to act immediately." The little angel also realized the seriousness of the situation and said quickly. Tang Dao nodded, and after a few more instructions, he signaled that he could go to work first. In the guest room, only the light of the computer was shining on the whole room. He watched the video above, and felt a chill in his heart.

Also chilled was the Spanish purchasing group, who were rejected again!

Lewis is still very polite, but the meaning is already obvious, and it is impossible to make concessions. Montagu and the others are only willing to give 5% of the down payment. This price is getting more and more outrageous. Can you get the follow-up money?

After coming out of Lockheed Corporation, Bruce finally couldn't bear it anymore. He was dissatisfied that the earl was so despised, and he felt more than once that Eagle Sauce was a robber without a gentleman's demeanor, and he also complained about Monta Gu, what are you doing with so many moths? It just so happens that Nicholas is willing to sell, so you place an order. Now you are completely human inside and out.

He squinted at Montagu, and looked at the sun again, "The weather is too hot, if there is nothing else, I'll go back to the hotel first, and I don't want to see this kind of embarrassment of being rejected again next time , UU Reading Mr. Montague!"

Montagu frowned on the right side, and glanced at the little earl who was half a head shorter than himself. He actually nodded, as if he finally let go of his stubbornness, "Then let's contact Nicholas again."

Bruce glanced at him with the eyes of a fool, and came here again after going around, why bother?

But after all, they are also Spaniards, and Bruce didn't want to say anything to him, just nodded and said, "I will contact him, but Nicholas obviously hates being played by others. If you are not ready, there is no need to talk to him again." Keep talking, I'm afraid that when the time comes, he will put a gun to your head."

Of course, it was Bruce who frightened Montague. How could someone with such a good temper like Tang Dao shoot? He is not this kind of person, absolutely not, even if he is beaten to death, he will not agree.

Montagu was also under great pressure at this time, and the domestic side had already urged him. The cabinet hoped that he could get these weapons with less money, and even hoped to exchange the old ones for new ones if possible.

Hearing this, he wanted to smash his shoes on the heads of those idiots who had no social experience and were obsessed with elections, so that they could understand why the flowers were so popular.

Now, the only thing left to do is to make that Asian lion speak loudly.

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