The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 882: : Elpis Rapid Development Plan!

Boss Maltz is right. The Savior Company is naturally not so free. Do you still need to use such dirty methods to deal with them "little fish"? He, Boss Tang, hates this kind of abuse the most. He usually kills the whole family. Who will put bananas in your exhaust pipe?

Just don't be too LOW.

But as Maltz thought, the police station in Paris was unreliable at all, and it was even worse that night. His car was directly bombed. It was purple, showing the high temperature, which obviously frightened the child. After waking up, the son burst into tears.

Frustrated, Maltz took out the shotgun from the cabinet in the bedroom, stood on the second floor, and shot at the figure running hurriedly in the shadow of the fire. The double-barreled shotgun aimed at the head, so far away, it would definitely not be accurate, even if he It's an angry fight, but it doesn't have a BUFF bonus, so I can only watch them run away.

Maltz wanted to rush out, but was held back by his wife, who almost collapsed and begged him not to be impulsive.

Of course the police are slow to come...

But it may just be an abbreviation, because, the next day, someone wrote a string of French on the wall outside the Elysee Palace: "Nepouvons-nousmême paschoisirnous-mêmesle (Can't we even choose our own dollars?

Then there is a painting next to it, holding a microphone with one hand, but the microphone is wrapped with the national flag and cannot make any sound at all. It is used to satirize the authorities. This has aroused dissatisfaction with the country and even held a press conference. , urged everyone to calm down, and said: national interests are far more important than personal interests.

Everyone is to accept and trust unconditionally!


Someone rushed into the press conference and threw away his shoe clapper, and hit the spokesperson's side face heavily. The hurt person covered his head and looked a little embarrassed, while the "assailant" was pressed to the ground, and the person yelled loudly. : "We need freedom!"

The reporters below didn't care, even if they pressed the spotlights, the security personnel next to them rushed up to protect the spokesperson according to the plan, and they didn't dare to force the reporters to hand over the photos, otherwise... it would really become The target of public opinion.

After these reporters went back, they were so open-minded, it was jaw-dropping.

Naturally, there are also newspapers supported by the funds of the Savior Company. Anyway, they are free to write. Can the French government still sue him?

Belgium... is a small country anyway, with limited influence.

When the news came back to Somalia, Tang Dao was receiving the chief of Harardeire—Zayed Al Nahyan!

This is the first local power figure in Somalia to "pay tribute" after Okasi came to power. The government wants to win him over, because his tribe, Yoruba, is one of the largest tribes in the south and the first among the top ten tribes in Somalia. 7, with a population of 1.1 million, more than 400,000 more than Tangdao's Oroman tribe.

They still retain the custom of hunting and a small amount of fishing skills, and the HIV infection rate in the tribe remains high, accompanied by mortality. The living conditions are extremely poor, but their physical fitness is excellent, Zayed Al Nahyan has a "straggler" of about 6,000 people.

Equipped with a variety of weapons, there is even Maas 1936. The Saint-Etienne weapons factory has stopped production. This is an old antique during World War II. There is not a single artillery, and it can only satisfy one meal. How can such an army have combat effectiveness? ? He was fighting with a tribe due west near Somaliland, and the one who was beaten was defeated, so he came to ask for help.

In order to show respect for the local chiefs, Tang Dao received them personally, mainly to see what these things were.

Zayed Al Nahyan wears a pair of black-framed glasses and looks slightly bookish. He is only 30 years old. His father gave birth to 17 sons, he is the youngest, and his mother is Mexican, so he is a bit He looks like an Indo-European mixed race, and his height is close to 190, which is considered tall among Africans. It should be for this reason that he inherited the position of chief.

But Tang Dao didn't think that the other party was a "simply and honest" honest person according to the information he received.

Four years after taking office, 7 brothers died of illness, and the rest were also expelled from the Yoruba tribe. This guy is also ruthless.

But in front of Tang, he always pretended to be very humble.

"In principle, Mogadishu is unwilling to meddle in the internal affairs of any tribe. We respect your right to choose the future, and we will support the Yoruba tribe to gain their own dignity." Tang Dao said, as if he had said that , but I feel that I haven’t said it, anyway, it’s getting oily, full of the wisdom of a politician.

He's not an idiot, he won't end up fighting, if you're disabled, wouldn't it be better if I end up again? Regarding the strength of the local armed forces, the think tank has already carried out deduction, trying their best to make them guess each other, otherwise, if they unite against Mogadishu, they can gather more than 400,000 miscellaneous troops!

The number of people piled up is also scary.

And because after the "Beledwin" war, those supporting local troops have long been absorbed, and the 31st National Defense Army is being integrated. They will be the best "cannon fodder" group, and will also be the main force to attack local areas One of them is that the relationship between Mogadishu and the local area has been further cracked.

A new round of civil war is about to break out!

Political peaceful solution? Impossible, who will be the boss in the future? What Tang Dao wanted was an extremely centralized country, not this kind of "feudal system".

After listening to Tang Dao's speech, Zayed Al Nahyan's eyes flashed with impatience. He was purely farting, but he still nodded to express his understanding. The Horde guards the southern front for Mogadishu, we need support from the same faction, and together we will destroy the rebels!"

What do you mean, did the Yoruba tribe follow Mogadishu?

They don't want such a trashy little brother.

But you can't tear your face, and you must stabilize the opponent. Tang Dao also doesn't want the opponent to be wiped out. He pondered for a while, "There are a batch of Soviet weapons in the military committee. We can sell them to you at a low price. This is Mogadishu. With the greatest sincerity, we also have to face pressure from the Ethiopian side in the north."

Zayed Al Nahyan looked embarrassed, "We don't have much money to pay."

Tang Dao smiled, and looked at the seven or eight rings on the other party's fingers. They were colorful, and the price alone must not be less than tens of thousands of dollars. Yoruba is not a poor tribe, and there are no poor chiefs, who control nearly 70% They are all stingy with wealth, even the shrewd Zayed Al Nahyan also hopes to be able to prostitute for nothing.

Perhaps, everyone thinks that the government has money now, after all, the funder is sitting here.

But if you want to get a dollar from someone in Tang, you have to prepare 10 dollars, otherwise, what do you use to seduce vultures? He is not the kind of person who wants to save face, and then the other party continued to say, "That's a pity, there is no other way." There was still a look of helplessness on his face.

Zayed Al Nahyan waited for him to continue, but Tang Dao closed his mouth. This time, he was a little confused. He opened his mouth, his face became very rich, and finally showed He closed his mouth gloomily, feeling that the anger after being underestimated was gradually burning in his heart.

After chatting for less than a few minutes, the other party found an excuse to stop the conversation, took someone away, and left the living room. This kind of almost rude etiquette is reflected in a young chief, which is very rare, even if it is If the cooperation is unsuccessful, there is no need to show embarrassment.

Tang Dao was not annoyed, but also clicked twice, "It's still too young." The importance of Yoruba in his heart suddenly decreased, he stood up on his knees, straightened his clothes, and looked calm, "Quickly pay attention to the local chief Infiltration, I need more information."

Someone Tang couldn't hold back anymore. When they walked out of the conference hall, Tang Dao was still discussing with Hester Theodore to speed up the migration of the Oroman tribesmen and fill up "Erpis" , the current urban population is less than 150,000, and this potential is completely insufficient.

Elpis has an area of ​​close to 8,000 square kilometers, and 150,000 people are indeed a little small. The main reason is that there will be many conflicts due to internal instability. Therefore, the number of people is slowly piled up, but turning around Think about it, what are you afraid of?

The replenishment speed of the Independent Eighth Battalion is too slow. Now Tang Dao is not short of money. He can invest 100 million US dollars a month. It's not that he can't afford it. What are you afraid of? Afraid of being overthrown? Afraid of assassination?

When there are more people and the class system is more perfect, will Tang Dao still appear frequently on the scene?

More, it should be on TV and newspapers.

If you are too cautious in doing things, you will appear stingy. After all, conspiracy and tricks are trails. Since you are the chief of the Oroman tribe, you have to rely on 750,000 Oromans to support Get in the car, Tang Dao said to the Chief Office Director: Mr. Hester Theodore, "Remove the resident population limit, allow people from the Oroman tribe to live in Elpis, and require each household to undergo identity verification. We It's developing too slowly."

"Will this be too anxious? Affect internal stability?"

"Let Patrick continue to expand the police force, organize a reserve team in Elpis, and let Cui Bolai, the former Satan, be in charge." Tang Dao said.

These plans have actually been in Tang Dao's mind for a long time.

The nature of Elpis is the future auxiliary city of Mogadishu, and even in the future, the capital will be moved here. Will it take a hundred years? The Tang knife is covered with coffin boards.

"Forget it, you let everyone in the chief's office come to the meeting in an hour, and I will host it myself." Tang Dao said, looking at the street outside, and continued, "It's called: Elpis Rapid Development Plan."

As long as the money is in place, planning is not a problem at all.

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