The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 542 Action failed?

The current situation of Aberforth can no longer be simply described as miserable.

As a defense against dementors and Voldebats, the Patronus Charm is actually very difficult to use purely its positive energy magic power to break the illusion constructed by black magic.

Even though Aberforth himself is powerful, it took a lot of mana and time to do this.

And the consequence of this is that after he finished casting the patron saint spell, he could no longer cast other defensive spells in a short time.

With no means of defense, he was caught fire by the reacting Death Eaters, and was almost sieved by the dense magic barrage.

Although various controlling spells are not known for their lethality, it also depends on the number and the level of magic power of the caster.

After all, who says you can't stab someone without a gun?

Aberforth was almost stabbed to death by a wave of wooden guns without a point.

Looking at Aberforth, who was drenched in blood not far away, with half of his ears cut off, and was almost on the verge of death, Link nodded.

Newland and Sceffen understood immediately.

The two rushed into the firepower net of the Death Eaters, one left and one right, and the two protective shields, one gray and one white, instantly enveloped Aberforth and the two of them as they danced their wands.

Not only them, Cedric and the others also got down quickly and carefully put several layers of armor protection spells on themselves and the others.

This scene made those Death Eaters who were terrified by Link regain their confidence.

They felt that Link and the others were intimidated by the large army they were in, and they all raised their wands again, ready to attack.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.


Accompanied by the chanting sound, Link held the wand in a charging posture, and then swung it violently.


The air roared and exploded.

A huge ring-shaped blade spread out from Link as the center, and Cedric and Newland who were close to Link were the first to bear the brunt.

Although Link has deliberately reduced the strength of the blades facing them, and even let them cast the protective shield in advance.

But in the face of such a terrifying blade, the protective shield they put up with all their strength was as fragile as a piece of paper, and it was cut to pieces almost instantly.

The sharp edge that penetrated the shield cut several scars on their bodies, and finally dissipated.

This kind of injury is already considered serious for the members of the D.A. Army.

But at this moment, they just took out the potion to heal their injuries, and couldn't even say a word of complaint.

Because the experience of those Death Eaters was countless times more miserable than theirs!

Those Death Eaters standing in front of Link and the others only saw the air twist for a while, and then they were directly cut into blood mist by the berserk blade!

So far, nearly half of the dozens of Death Eaters who appeared in the Hall of Memory have died at the hands of Link.

The remaining Death Eaters had been completely killed.

One by one, they turned into black smoke and flew towards the hidden passage where they came, no matter how much Lucius and Bellatrix shouted, it was useless.

Link didn't seem to care about that.

He just pointed his finger casually, and the D.A. army behind him roared and rushed towards the scattered Death Eaters.

And Link himself stretched out his hand towards Aberforth expressionlessly:

"Give me Harry Potter and Voldemort's prophecy ball."

Hearing that Aberforth was about to lose consciousness due to excessive blood loss, his eyes froze suddenly.

"It seems that you should know what this is, so you are also here to grab it?" Aberforth panted and sneered at Link, "Give up, I won't let you succeed!"

As soon as the words fell, Aberforth was already struggling to lift the ball of prophecy, about to smash it to the ground.

Destroying the prophecy ball before he died had been something he had planned for a long time.

He will not let this important prophecy ball fall into the hands of inexplicable people.

Instead of letting Voldemort succeed, he might as well destroy the prophecy ball!

After all, this is a major event related to the survival of the entire magic world in the country!


Another invisible sharp edge slid across, and Aberforth's arm fell off, together with the prophecy ball held in his hand.

Aberforth looked at his severed arm that was bleeding in disbelief.

Newland and Sceffen had already caught the prophecy ball, handed it to Link with respectful hands, and at the same time gave Aberforth a faint.

Link nodded and said:

"Help him attach the arm."

Hearing this, Newland raised his head in doubt.

In his opinion, the guy who wants to destroy the prophecy ball is no longer with them.

But the enemy!

Help the enemy to break the arm?

This is outrageous!

But since Link had spoken out as the boss, Newland didn't dare to raise any objections.

Turning around, he picked up the severed arm from the ground and walked towards Aberforth.

Helping Aberforth take over, this kind of work is not too difficult for him.

Because he has already learned the counter-curse of the Shenfeng Wuying Curse.

At this time, Link, who had already obtained the prophecy ball, also set his sights on the battlefield of the members of the D.A. Army not far away.

It is said to be a battlefield, but it is actually more like a joke.

Link originally thought that it would be enough for the D.A. army to train with a group of defeated soldiers who had lost their will to fight.

But it turns out that Link still overestimated the combat capabilities of this group of D.A. troops.

Right now, there are only a few Death Eaters who are still fighting the D.A. Army, including Bellatrix and Lucius.

Most of the rest of the Death Eaters were still on the run.

But even so, those few people forcibly blocked the attack of dozens of people from the D.A. Army.

Even, the Killing Curse that Bellatrix sometimes shoots will penetrate the entire fire protection net of the D.A. Army.

If it weren't for the existence of Cedric, John, and Emily, Bellatrix and the others would probably be able to kill several people in one encounter.

As for the student army like the D.A. Army, once there are casualties, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated.

"What a bunch of trash."

Link shook his head and said in great disappointment.

Hearing this, Sceffen, who was standing on the side, gritted his teeth, turned around and drew out the long sword behind his back to join the battle, fighting for the D.A. army in front of Link.

But at this moment, the light in the entire memory hall suddenly flickered.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Aurors, led by Scrimgeour, appeared on the path that the Death Eaters must pass in order to escape!

"Formation, salvo!"

Scrimgeour, standing at the front of the line, said coldly.

After saying that, the Aurors behind him raised their wands in unison.

Compared with the previous attacks of the Death Eaters, the Aurors' attacks were almost like art.

Hundreds of dazzling white lights first lit up from the tips of the Aurors' wands, and then rushed towards the Death Eaters in front of them almost at the same time.

Such a high degree of coordination resulted in the Aurors' attack no longer being the sparse firepower network of the Death Eaters or the previous D.A. army, but more like a complete light curtain.

Facing such an attack, the Death Eaters within the attack range didn't even have the slightest room to dodge.

Even if they imitate the tactics of the Aurors and use the team as a unit to cast combined defensive spells, it's useless.

Because as soon as the defensive spells they cast took shape, they would be smashed to pieces by those highly overlapping spell barrages!


A huge light curtain pushed across the entire Death Eater formation.

Everywhere I went, it was a mess!

Here and there were broken wooden shelves and the scum of shattered glass orbs.

But the strange thing is that there are very few Death Eaters who actually died in this attack.

Most of the Death Eaters just lay wailing in the ruins with their wands and corpses shot through.

"Good job! Everyone move forward! Get all the Death Eaters who are crippled!"

A staff officer beside Scrimgeour shouted excitedly.

Hearing that the Aurors took neat steps and began to move forward little by little at a not slow speed.

The Death Eaters who were howling along the way were knocked unconscious and tied up one after another. As for the remaining fish that slipped through the net, they were forced to retreat in the direction they came from.

However, that direction is the battlefield of the D.A. Army.

Although the actual combat effectiveness of the D.A. Army is simply horrible, what they represent is Link!

The brutal killing of that demon when he first appeared on the stage has scared all the Death Eaters!

Ever since, some desperate Death Eaters stopped in their tracks.

They threw away their wands and walked towards the Aurors with their hands up.

They surrendered!

This move was quickly echoed by the rest of the Death Eaters.

After a while, except for Bellatrix and other diehard Death Eaters, almost all the Death Eaters knelt down in front of Scrimgeour, accepting the control of the Aurors.

On the other hand, the D.A. Army did not have a single prisoner.

This is actually very easy to understand.

After all, it can be seen from the beginning of the battle.

As a regular army, the Auror troops actually aim to control and arrest them.

But Link is different.

The remaining severed limbs and blood on the ground are telling the remaining Death Eaters that if they fall into the hands of the D.A. Army or Link Foley, it will definitely be a dead end!

Soon, the last batch of Death Eaters who surrendered were also brought under control.

The D.A. Army also withdrew from the fight with Bellatrix and the others, and the Aurors took over.

The students who came down from the battlefield tremblingly looked at the devastated Hall of Memory and the Death Eaters tied up in twists, and cheered excitedly.

They all feel that they have won this war.

The Aurors on the outskirts also joined in the D.A. Army celebrations.

They patted the shoulders of the students one by one, praised the bravery of the students, and encouraged them to become Aurors after graduation.

The Auror Force lacks talents like you!

These highly repetitive scenes and words stimulated the untrained students all blushing, wishing they could graduate from Hogwarts now.

However, unlike the joy and encouragement of ordinary Aurors and D.A. Army members, Scrimgeour, Cedric and other commanders looked gloomy.

Because the goal of their action this time is to kill Voldemort.

The early stage of the operation also developed very smoothly, but unfortunately, Voldemort did not appear from the beginning to the end.

That's a little embarrassing.

"Don't be so stern." John forced a smile to comfort him, "Even if we failed to achieve the final goal, at least we have controlled all the Death Eaters. Now Voldemort is a bare-bones commander!"

Hearing this, Cedric glanced at John and didn't speak, but his face became more sad.

This time they did eliminate almost all the Death Eaters currently known to Voldemort.

But that doesn't really mean much.

Because there has never been a shortage of dark wizards in the magic world.

And as long as Voldemort still exists, as long as he waved his hand, countless dark wizards would be willing to join him.

Although the Death Eaters recruited in this way are completely rabble, no matter in terms of combat ability or comprehensive quality, they are not as good as his original elite Death Eater troops born from various pure-blood families.

But it is also a usable power.

Given enough time, they can always make a comeback.

"Who said our operation failed?"

Link's sudden words made Cedric and others startled.

I saw Link came out with the prophecy ball bouncing in his hand, surrounded by Newland and Sceffen:

"Voldemort will appear, he cannot escape."

"Oh? You think so?" Scrimgeour also walked out of the Auror troop, staring at Link with a blank expression, "So, how can you say such a thing? Link Foley, The current head of the Foley family!"

Scrimgeour's eyes contained a deep murderous intent, icy cold.

He has already determined that the Auror troops of the previous generation were destroyed by Link.

Those partners and subordinates who used to get along with him day and night all died because of the conspiracy of this man in front of him.

This gave Scrimgeour the urge to immediately order Link to be arrested and thrown into Azkaban!

"Scrimgeour! Watch your tone!"

At this moment, Old Barty suddenly stood up and said to Scrimgeour with a gloomy expression.

Not only old Batty, Percy also got out from behind Link and sneered:

"Yes, Scrimgeour, you'd better show some respect to Lord Foley. You know, the funding for your Auror troop this year hasn't been approved yet!"

As soon as these words came out, Scrimgeour's expressions became ugly along with the Aurors.

Just like the ancient emperors used food and grass to restrict the rebellion of the generals who led the army abroad, the Ministry of Magic actually has similar restraint methods for the Auror troops.

The only difference is that the food and grass in the past have become the current funds.

The reason why Aurors would devote themselves to the Auror Army was not to save the magic world, or to fulfill some lofty ideals.

Although there are Aurors with this kind of ideological awareness, the vast majority of Aurors are actually just for the super high salary of the Auror army.

If the funding is cut, the Auror army will also fall apart in an instant.

Of course, Scrimgeour could also choose to directly turn the tables and rebel.

But in the current situation where old Batty and Percy are clearly prepared, can he really succeed?

This group of politicians can't do anything else, but their methods of dividing and sowing discord are superb!

What's more, Batty Sr. and Percy seem to be getting too close to Link Foley!

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