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The black shadow man with the broken arm lingered on the boy for a moment, but finally waved his hand.

The lady understood, and quickly took the boy and the little girl out of the auxiliary drawing room.

The bonfire in the fireplace was still burning.

But compared to before, the firelight has been much weaker due to the consumption of wood.

This also made the one-armed shadow man shrouded in darkness again.

"It looks like I failed."

The one-armed black shadow man sighed.

While talking, he walked slowly towards Voldemort in front of the bonfire, those eyes were illuminated by the fire, and they were actually reflecting a strange rose red light.

"Number 1..." A dry voice came from Voldemort's throat, "Don'"

The one-armed black shadow man frowned and said:

"No. 4, you know it. No. 2 and No. 3 have been suggesting that I eat you up. After all, you are a loser. But I rejected their proposal. It can be said that I have done my utmost to you gone."

The one-armed black shadow man drew out his dagger again, "The mysterious object in the Department of Mysteries of the Kingdom is very tricky. In order to save you, I not only broke an arm, but also lost some 'blood'. I can't afford such a loss." accepted.

But even so, I still chose to adopt the plan of sacrificing other people.

But as you can see, this method doesn't do much at all.

So, I can only make up for the loss from you. "

"No! This method is useful! You... the 'blood' in your body will absorb the power of other souls to replenish itself!" Voldemort said a little excitedly, "As long as you kill enough... as long as you can continue to kill , you can recover! But you... you actually used the absorbed soul energy on that little girl!? Why? Why did you do that?"

It was said that the shadow man named No. 1 suddenly paused, as if he was really thinking about the question Voldemort raised.

After a while, he replied:

"Maybe... it's because her eyes are beautiful?"

"Lie!" snarled Voldemort. "You're lying! I know you too well, Number One! I am you and you are me, so you can't lie to me!"

An ugly grin twisted across Voldemort's bandaged face, "She reminds you of that woman, doesn't she? Merope Gaunt, our mother! Ha! Before her mother rushed out and called her Ma I already guessed it when it was a melon! This experience is exactly the same as our mother!"

Voldemort's words caused a momentary look of confusion on No. 1's face.

He murmured:

"They are so similar. Although I have never seen what my mother looks like, even if we turned the Gunter's house upside down, we couldn't find a picture of our mother there. But I just think, They are the same. So I..."

"To shut up--"

Voldemort screamed hysterically, "I can't believe that I used to be childish! Even without eyes, I can guess what you look like now! Crying, like a child who has not yet been weaned! Poor !sad!

You don't really think that woman loves us, do you?

Give up fantasy!

That woman is not qualified to be a mother at all!

She has never loved us, she has always loved our scumbag father! "

Even if that man doesn't love her at all, even if that man abandons her without hesitation after the love potion expires!

But she still loves that man! "

Number 1 didn't speak, just looked at Voldemort quietly.

Voldemort, who did not receive a response, became even crazier and continued:

"You don't believe it, do you? It doesn't matter, I have evidence here!

You know, she died of dystocia after giving birth to us in front of the orphanage.

But what you don't know is that she made a wish before she died. "

Voldemort's voice became more and more gloomy, and finally turned into a strange whimpering sound,

"She made a wish...that we could have the same handsome looks as our father!

Also, she is a witch. Although her magic power is so low that she is called a squib, how could she die because of dystocia?

So... After combining these two points, the answer is very clear.

Our mother, who had no intention of raising us, chose death voluntarily and voluntarily, giving up the will to live. "

After finishing the words, two tears of blood flowed down from Voldemort's empty eye sockets.

I don't know if it was because the exercise was too intense, or because the emotion was extremely sad.

Not far away, No. 1, who had been silent all along, finally raised his head.

His face was full of pity, and he said with some emotion:

"I didn't expect that you, as me many years later, would have such radical ideas. Looking at you, I understand why you lost to that little baby Harry Potter."


"Because you don't have love."

No. 1 shook his head and said, "What Dumbledore said is absolutely right, love is the most powerful force in this world. It can make the promiscuous love loyal and the loyal betray. It can also make the cowardly violent and strong It is a pity that you abandon such a powerful force like a shoe.

The most ridiculous thing is that you still want to persuade me to accept your set of ideas that have been proven to fail.

So what if my mother doesn't love me?

I love her, it has nothing to do with whether she loves me or not!

I also love the world, and it has nothing to do with whether they love me or not! "

While talking, Number 1 opened his arms.

The look of pity on that face was particularly ironic against the huge mountain of corpses behind him.

Voldemort couldn't see all of this, but he still sensed the weird smell from Number 1's words.

He opened his mouth wide in a daze, as if he wanted to say something else.

But before he could make a sound, the dagger inlaid with green gemstones had already pierced into his chest.

A large amount of soul energy is constantly being drawn away.

But what was different from before was that the soul energy drawn from Voldemort's body had the same rose red color as No. 1's pupil.

And with the influx of this rose-red soul energy, the gray-white energy at the broken arm of No. 1 also boiled.

These two energies are constantly intertwined and fused, and finally broke through the shackles of certain rules!


A brand new arm suddenly grew back from No. 1's wound.

This whole root presents a strange blue-gray color, and through the thick layer of mucus and delicate skin, one can even directly see the blood flowing and twitching muscles inside.

The dagger was pulled away, and No. 1 carefully looked at his brand new arm, and found that it was the same as the original arm except that it was a little softer and thinner, so he nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Voldemort had already fallen to the ground clutching his chest.

He is not dead.

But it's also close to death.

Number 1 just took out nearly half of his soul, which is an irreparable blow to the pair!

But even so, he still had a look of rejoicing.

Because he knew very well that No. 1 could have killed him directly.

This is a big help for number 1!

But in the end No. 1 didn't do that.

As if sensing Voldemort's inner thoughts, No. 1 shook his head and said:

"How could I kill you? You are closer to me than a brother. Not only will I not kill you, I will also prepare the highest standard resurrection ceremony for you, so that you will have a healthy body and Intense power.

Because, I love you too! "

The words of No. 1 were gentle, but Voldemort's body trembled uncontrollably again when he heard the words.

It was as if what No. 1 had just done was not a true confession.

It's a death announcement from the god of death!


"Jingle Bell--"

Hogwarts Castle.

In the Gryffindor bedroom.

Accompanied by a rush of alarm, Harry sat up suddenly from the bed.

"Huff! Huff..."

His eyes were straight, his breathing was rapid, and his whole body was almost soaked in sweat.

Ron, who was sleeping across from him, raised his head and asked sleepily:

"Damn! Who set the alarm clock! It's been so many days since the exam, why is it still ringing?"

Harry brushed away the sweat that was sticking to his forehead because of sweat and said:

"I... I'm dreaming again."


Ron woke up instantly.

After experiencing the previous battle in the Department of Mysteries, "Harry's dream" has become Ron's psychological shadow.

He jumped up from the bed in an instant and said excitedly:

"What did you dream about again?"

Hearing this, Harry shook his head and said:

"No, this dream...uh...not the kind of dream you imagined, it's just...just a nightmare."

"Really?" Ron still couldn't believe it, "Then tell me what did you dream about?"

Harry frowned, and said in a dreamlike voice:

"I dreamed that there was an endless darkness in the depths of me. Then... Then there was a gentle voice that couldn't tell the difference between male and female, saying to me...I love you, I love you..."

"Ah, that's right, it's all right."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and said while patting his chest, "I guess you must miss the little girl, it's no big deal, the dreams I've had are much more exciting than yours! Tsk tsk, you're too I have no ambition, and I don’t even dare to dream boldly. For a dream of your level, I’m afraid you don’t even need to change your underwear, right?”

After saying that, Ron winked at Harry a little wretchedly.

Harry was a little speechless and could only smile wryly twice.

But leaving aside the colorful part of Ron's words, Harry actually agreed with Ron's point of view.

His dream this time shouldn't be a big problem.

Because he has practiced Occlumency for so long, he already has sufficient experience in resisting brain invasion.

At least, he can still tell whether someone has deliberately invaded his brain or whether he is really dreaming.

Moreover, Voldemort's previous plan to lure him into a trap by invading his brain was also used by Link. He almost killed the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself was seriously injured.

In this case, Voldemort should not dare to invade his brain in the short term.

Thinking of this, Harry also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Ron was aroused by the previous topic.

He tiptoed onto Harry's bed, squeezed into Harry's bed, and said in a low voice:

"Harry, don't say I'm not mean enough to be a brother. Lavender has been matching up her girlfriends recently. If you want, I can help you connect. I want to use your identity and fame to find a girl Friends shouldn't be a problem."

Hearing this, Harry raised his eyebrows, seeming quite moved.

But soon, the figure of Qiu Zhang flashed in his mind.

This made him frown again:

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this kind of thing."

"You've been having that kind of dream and you still say you're not interested. It's really duplicity. If you want me to say..."

Ron froze in the middle of his sentence.

Harry turned his head a little strangely, only to find that Ron was looking in the direction of the alarm clock with a dull expression on his face.

"Harry, I probably know who set the alarm clock just now."

"who is it?"

As Harry asked, he stood up and looked in the direction of the alarm clock.

The process was a bit difficult because Ron was squeezing him on the outside.

"That's what I set," Ron said with an ugly face, "but it's not an alarm clock for getting up early, but an alarm clock for the start of lunch."

After Ron finished speaking, Harry caught a glimpse of the pointer on the alarm clock.

Unbiased, it's exactly 12:05!


Without any nonsense, Harry jumped out of the bed and started getting dressed as fast as he could.

Ron on the other side was doing the same thing.

At their age, they are at the time when they eat a lot and grow their bodies. It may be okay to miss a breakfast, but if they miss a lunch...

That is simply torture!

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. With our biological clock after the exam, how could we be woken up by the early bell? Damn it, I'm afraid we can only catch up with the dessert part after this time."

Ron was still whining as he got dressed.

Harry bowed his head in silence, hurriedly dressed and ignored Ron, and rushed out of the dormitory.

As Ron said, they were long overdue.

Now is not the time to wait for each other, it is only decent for anyone to come to the scene first and leave more food.

Seeing this, Ron finally became anxious.

Regardless of not putting on his coat, he hastily chased after him.

The two of them galloped all the way to the auditorium, and the road was full of students who had finished their lunch and were returning home.

There were cheerful smiles on the faces of these people.

Such smiles have not disappeared from everyone's faces in recent days.

Because, OWL and a series of year-end exams are over.

Although some people know very well that they did not do well in the exam.

But at least the test results will not be announced for a short time.

So this period of time has basically become a carnival week for students.

Almost any student, regardless of their usual grades, will start having vengeful fun during these days to make up for the joy that was previously lost due to the stress of the exam.

For example, Lavender mentioned by Ron earlier.

The way these people pursue pleasure is quite primitive and extreme.

Adhering to the concept is - not proactive, not responsible!

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and Hermione is a good example.

After Harry rushed to the auditorium, he could clearly see that Hermione was reading a newspaper.

She was so serious, her brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, and the edge of the newspaper was crumpled in excitement.

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