The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 582: Beauxbaton's Mutation

A smile slowly emerged from the corner of Link's mouth.

This smile, like the spring breeze blowing across the winter land, melted all the frost on Link's face.

Seeing this, Emily finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sudden change that Link showed just now is really scary.

In the entire hall, only Fu Rong still maintained her original sluggish appearance.

This is actually a variant of Link's Legilimency chanting.

He combined the energy of Occlumency with Legilimency and chanting mantras. By invading the brain, he can make others abandon unnecessary emotions and become calm and rational within a certain period of time.

"Tell me carefully, why did Maxim go crazy?"

Link helped Furong up, and asked gently.

Hearing this, Furong trembled instinctively, as if recalling something terrible, she said in panic:

"Link, do you remember that we met in Durmstrang?"

Link nodded, but involuntarily glanced at Dumbledore.

Coincidentally, Dumbledore was also looking in his direction.

When the two looked at each other, Dumbledore's face was a little uncomfortable.

Link ever to Durmstrang?

This is information that Dumbledore has never obtained.

As for what Link did when he went to Durmstrang, Dumbledore knew it without asking.

Nothing more than doing what he did at Hogwarts.

Seize the position of school manager, and then support the puppet principal to control the entire magic school.

Dumbledore even felt that Link's progress in Durmstrang should be faster than Hogwarts, and the depth of control should be more comprehensive.

After all, Durmstrang doesn't have a headmaster like Dumbledore.

Link, Link, you hide really deep!

Dumbledore thought so,

But he closed his eyes and refused to keep looking at Link.

Fleur on the other side didn't know that her words exposed Link's arrangement in Durmstrang, and continued to narrate:

"Actually, the Triwizard Tournament dealt a great psychological blow to Headmaster Maxim. She has never been able to understand why Beauxbatons lost to Hogwarts, and she is so familiar with it!

Obviously, Beauxbaton's teaching environment is so good, and the stipends given to students are higher than those of Hogwarts.

But it just can't be like Hogwarts, which can continuously produce legendary genius wizards. "

While talking, Fu Rong glanced at Link with complicated eyes.

Obviously, the genius wizard she was referring to was Link.

It was Link's incomprehensibly powerful operation in the Triwizard Tournament that brought Maxim to the brink of collapse.

"So after the Triwizard Tournament ended, Professor Maxim wanted to reform Beauxbatons. At the beginning, her idea of ​​reform was to improve the teaching quality of Beauxbatons. She felt that she had Reasons to believe that the reason why Hogwarts students are so good is because of the excellent professors. But the problem is that an excellent professor is hard to come by. This cannot be exchanged for money alone. To come, you still need luck. So, he set his sights on Durmstrang."

Furong continued, "She wants to take advantage of Durmstrang's internal and external troubles to directly seize control of Durmstrang. Then use her power to make Durmstrang Some outstanding professors from Langzhong have moved to Beauxbaton, so as to improve Beauxbaton's teaching quality and change Beauxbaton's teaching ideas.

At this time, Principal Maxim was actually not too crazy.

At least she never used any power other than money and scheming in the whole process of pursuing Durmstrang.

Then, this time, she failed again. "

Link touched his nose, but didn't speak.

He was the chief culprit of Maxim's failure.

However, Link felt that even without his presence, it would be difficult for Maxim to subdue Durmstrang.

As long as there is another candidate among them, Durmstrang's die-hard professors will support him as they did back then.

After all, Maxim's attitude was too arrogant.

It might not matter to anyone else.

Durmstrang die-hards may well be more than happy.

Because they worship the strong.

A raging soldier, a raging nest.

In their concept, a strong leader can better lead them on the road of strength.

Isn't this much stronger than Karkaroff's pustule?

But the problem is that Maxim is a woman, and a half-blood witch with giant blood.

How can you let Durmstrang's die-hards accept this?

You must know that Durmstrang is a famous pure-blood magic school throughout Europe!

Its base is black.

There is simply no way to accept the rule of an arrogant giant half-breed witch.

Fu Rong sighed again and said:

"The failure this time made Principal Maxim completely insane. Although she still insisted on her reform ideas at the beginning, her methods became more and more ruthless.

He began to set his sights on the small magic schools around him, and used countless methods including assassination, bribery, and alienation to gather their control.

As a result of this, small magic schools throughout Europe have been ruined.

They were almost completely wiped out under the attack of Principal Maxim!

At the same time, Beauxbaton, who had sucked blood from these small magic schools, became stronger and stronger.

Its student base is getting bigger and bigger, and the quality and quantity of its teaching staff are skyrocketing. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Emily frowned softly.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with what Maxim had done in this matter.

General expansion of power often uses some shady means. This is true of the Foley family, and the same is true of other families and even organizations.

What Maxim did was just what everyone would do.

Those little magic schools that were devoured deserve no mercy either.

There may indeed be excellent magic professors among them.

But generally speaking, they are still the existence of misleading children.

The students who came out of these small magic schools were either on the wrong path, or they could only become waste, there was no third possibility.

Therefore, being swallowed by Beauxbatons cannot be regarded as a bad thing.

"Yeah, if it's just like this, it's really a great thing for Beauxbatons. But the problem is, this is just the beginning..." Furong said quietly, "The quality of teaching and the number of students are steadily improving. It made Headmaster Maxim very happy. Although Beauxbatons had to spend a lot of money to maintain this situation, Headmaster Maxim felt that as long as the quality of students can also increase, even if only the Hogwarts genius output rate A small half of it, then she will be satisfied.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Principal Maxim's strategy was wrong.

In a school-wide test half a year ago, Beauxbaton's average scores in each grade not only did not rise, but plummeted by nearly 30 points!

This is a very exaggerated number, so exaggerated that Principal Maxim went completely crazy. "

"Her failure is inevitable." Link shook his head and said, "Even compared to Hogwarts and Durmstrang, two super-large magic schools with the same reputation as Beauxbatons, Beauxbaton's The living conditions are also the best, not to mention those small magic schools in remote places.

When the professors and students from those poor schools entered Beauxbatons, it was like mice falling into a rice bowl, and hungry ghosts who had been tortured in hell were suddenly pulled into heaven.

This kind of sudden change in the external environment is absolutely impossible to make them continue to go crazy, on the contrary, it will turn them into worms who are greedy for enjoyment!

This is human nature! Even wizards are no exception! "

"As expected of you, Link, your guess is exactly the same as the conclusion reached by Principal Maxim after investigation. The professors and students who were raided to Beauxbatons were indeed corrupted. Even this corruption has Many of Beauxbaton's original excellent professors and students have also been affected by them and become lazy."

Fu Rong said slowly, "However, foresight in advance and investigation after the event are completely different! Professor Maxim, who was unprepared, fed all of his good intentions to the dogs, and even those who benefited from it even fed them to the dogs." After she was taken advantage of, she went completely crazy!"

"What happened next?"

Link asked, and couldn't help but sit up straighter.

He had a premonition that what Furong was going to say next was the key to what they were looking for in this trip to France.

Link trusts his premonition very much, because it is actually a kind of quasi-prediction ability obtained through Link's skyrocketing mental power.


But after hearing this, Furong closed her eyes in pain and said:

"In the early days of Headmaster Maxim's plan to annex Durmstrang and other magic schools, Beauxbatons welcomed a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. His name is Madero Tomoff De Lillo. Professor Lillo is a very young man, but very knowledgeable.

He's always been able to come in from perspectives we've never even considered before, giving us a ton of really useful Defense Against the Dark Arts. Most importantly, Professor Lilo has no airs yet. Compared with the more serious title of Professor Lilo, he prefers to let the students call him Madero.

Excellent teaching quality and approachable personality directly made him the most popular professor in Beauxbatons in a short period of time. Even Headmaster Maxim favors him. "

"Does this have anything to do with what you said earlier?"

Old Klein frowned and said.

He felt that Furong was a bit off topic.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Fleur suddenly said loudly, "Because it was this Madero who gave Principal Maxim a proposal when he was frustrated by the overall corruption of professors and students! He proposed, Beauxbatons implements a comprehensive teaching program that combines Hogwarts Black headmaster education and Durmstrang Spartan education!"

"I know a little bit about Sparta. The strong prey on the weak." Old Kret asked puzzledly, "But what the hell is Black's education?"

As soon as this remark came out, Dumbledore cast a look of pity at Link and Old Kled.

In his opinion, the chief steward of the Foley family is so ignorant, this is really...

Link couldn't help but take a deep breath and explained:

"Phineas Nigellus Black, Sirius Black's great-great-grandfather. He once served as the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and during his reign, he has always implemented a strategy of high-pressure and high-punishment governance. At Hogwarts at that time, there was a lot of corporal punishment against students, as you would know if you had been to Filch's office.

Until today, he still has the instruments of torture used to punish students at that time. There are all kinds of bells and whistles, which are guaranteed to open your eyes.

Students like the Weasley brothers would have been beaten to death long ago during Phileas Black's tenure as the headmaster!

Note that the 'beaten to death' here is not exaggerated.

They are really going to be beaten to death.

Because Hogwarts at that time had casualties every year.

As long as the number of student deaths does not exceed this quota, everyone will treat it as if nothing happened.

This kind of teaching strategy made the students who came out of Hogwarts extremely powerful, and it was also at that time that the magic world of the country reached the peak in history. "

"But such a teaching method is devoid of humanity!"

Dumbledore stood up and retorted that Link's last words were simply trampling him and Phineas Black, which he could not accept, "The most valuable thing about us as advanced intelligent creatures is that we have Human nature can be used to resist our own desires. Although Phineas' teaching strategies can effectively improve the quality of students, they will wear away our humanity and return us to the state of beasts.

Indeed, the students of Phineas' period were powerful, and they could be called the best in Europe. This group of students even led the country's magic world to conquer most of Europe's magic world.

But it didn't last long, did it?

In fact, the status of the country's magic community in the international wizarding community has plummeted since then.

And the reason is precisely because although the students of Phineas period were powerful, they had no humanity.

Most of them have all turned into dark wizards, becoming cancerous tumors that disrupt the order of this magical world! "

Link also narrowed his eyes and retorted:

"But what's the use of blindly developing human nature? Professor Dumbledore, don't you think there is any essential difference between you and Phineas Black? In my opinion, don't you both go away? Are you an extreme representative? The only difference between you is that Phineas Black is an extreme radical, and you are an extreme moderate. History has proven that any extreme strategy will extend Extremely bad consequences! Only inclusiveness is the best solution!"

"So you said so much, just to show that you are more correct than any headmaster in the history of Hogwarts?"

"Isn't that the truth? I stand on the shoulders of giants and learn from the lessons and experience of my predecessors. Naturally, I can do even better!"

Dumbledore was silent.

He stared into Link's serious eyes, as if he could no longer find words to refute Link's point of view.

After a long time, he smiled wryly and said:

"Compatibility is not as easy as you think. It's like a person is blindfolded and walking on a road full of crossroads. In this case, it is almost impossible for you to go out in a straight line continuously and steadily. There are many leaders in history who have tried, but without exception, they have deviated from their original path, either to the left or to the right.

Hope, you can succeed. "

"Of course, I have a lot of confidence in myself and my partners."

Link said with a deadpan expression, which ended the debate with Dumbledore.

But at this time, they realized that Emily, Fu Rong and others around them were all looking at them with incredible eyes.

Obviously shocked by what just happened.

This made Link and Dumbledore a little overwhelmed.

The current complicated relationship between them is far from being able to explain clearly in a sentence or two, and it is not something that people like Emily and Fleur should know.

At this time, Old Klein showed his excellent qualities that made him the chief steward of the Foley family.

He coughed twice and quickly changed the subject:

"So, that Madero is actually suggesting that Beauxbatons use a more rigorous teaching plan?"

"Generally speaking, this is indeed the case, but at the detailed level, there is still a big difference." Fu Rong sighed, and then said, "In fact, the core point of Madero's proposal lies in—discriminatory treatment.

He adopted the extremely strict education of Headmaster Black, and at the same time adopted the Spartan law of the jungle mechanism of Durmstrang.

The result of the combination of the two is that a small number of talented students and professors have received higher salaries and stipends, better living conditions, and It is the privilege to beat down low-level students and even professors at will.

In contrast, those students with poor grades and no tactics are deprived of most of their survival resources.

Even they themselves have become slaves of other outstanding students! "

"This is really...sorry, I really don't know how to describe it." Link shook his head and said, "I can only say that his proposal is a bit too much. He has almost pushed the reward and punishment mechanism to the limit. In terms of extremes, it is really hard for me to imagine how bad it would be for the students cultivated in this way. Such a vicious educational method, let alone me, I am afraid that even Phineas Black would not be able to stand it if he was alive .”

Dumbledore also nodded and said:

"Indeed, their set of ideas is essentially the same as the set of competitive ideas you promoted at Hogwarts. But your implementation and scale are very good, so that you can achieve the goal without affecting the nature of the students. , so that the students began to compete with the results of conscience.

But it is undeniable that such an extreme approach will be much more effective in simply improving students' grades and strength than the one at Hogwarts.

After all, the rewards they gave were really amazing. "

"That's why I'm asking you to help rescue Gabriel." Fu Rong said with a pale face, "Gabriel...she has been deeply trapped in it, and she can't extricate herself!"


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