The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 612 He is destined to become the most shining star

Hogwarts Great Hall.

Compared with the quiet and peaceful Hufflepuff lounge, this place is like a battlefield.

The battle between Gryffindor and Slytherin continues.

The cause of this fight may appear to others to be very childish.

But the Slytherins and Gryffindors don't think so.

The thinking of the Gryffindors is very simple. Slytherin is a big quagmire. Maybe a very few people can get out of the mud without getting dirty, but most of the mud in this quagmire is stinky mud!

They absolutely cannot tolerate others pulling their revered Link into the quagmire.

The Slytherins thought more and more complicated.

In the current environment where the Death Eater has become a street rat.

They are eager to get rid of their hats of "quasi-Death Eaters" and their dark history of supporting Voldemort in the past.

Link is obviously the best breakthrough point and even a talisman.

By supporting Link and describing Link as his own kind, they can use Link's aura to whiten themselves.

This is equivalent to:

Link = good guy, Slytherin = Link, ie Slytherin = nice guy.

This algorithm is very outrageous, but a large part of ordinary people often convert it in this way subconsciously.

As long as there is a little bit of artistic processing added to this, they will be able to stand up!

What's more, after experiencing so many incidents, Link has already become the hero, even the belief, of many people in Slytherin.

Now Gryffindor came to take off this amulet and take away their faith. How could the Slytherins bear it?

Moreover, at this moment in the battle, everyone has already played a real fire.

For this reason, many people have even pulled out their wands.

Not only that, but thanks to Link's popularization of first aid on the battlefield and the treatment of minor injuries quickly in the D.A. army, the two teams actually set up special "first aid positions" in the rear.

This made the battle more and more protracted, and the auditorium was reduced to ruins.

And not far away, there are a group of professors who are glaring at all this.

Professor McGonagall's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Professor Flitwick was at a loss.

As for Slughorn.

The new robes he had put on this morning to impress the students were now in tatters.

This is the price he paid for his previous delusion to join forces alone to stop this dispute.

As a professor who has just arrived at Hogwarts and has not yet accumulated any prestige.

There are not many students who are willing to bird him.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Slughorn's face was surprisingly ugly, "He didn't come out when such a big thing happened, how did he become the headmaster!?"

"It can't be his fault, he already left for the International Federation of Wizards last night!"

Professor McGonagall said with a cold face.

Hearing this, Slughorn trembled.

Naturally, he also read the "Daily Prophet", knowing how horrible things happened outside last night.

He said in a trembling voice:

"Dumbledore... he actually got involved in this kind of thing?"

"As the headmaster of Hogwarts, he can't see his students being attacked and just do nothing, right?"

Slughorn ignored Professor McGonagall, panted heavily and said:

"Well, this is his own choice, let's not talk about it! The key now is that we have to stop the riot in front of us quickly! Hogwarts should not be a place where these students fight! Damn it, I really I regret that I agreed to Dumbledore's request for a comeback, the current Hogwarts is rotten and worthless at all!"

It is said that Professor McGonagall did not refute, although Hogwarts is not as bad as Slughorn said,

But it is true that Hogwarts is no longer the old Hogwarts.

Hogwarts now implements the same tripartite committee system as the Ministry of Magic.

The emergence of this system brought not only progress, but also the transfer of authority.

In the hearts of the students, the authority of the professors is gradually declining, while Link Foley's prestige is endlessly increasing.

This is an easy reason to understand.

Link Foley defined "professors" as workers through restructuring, and also defined the education of "professors" for students as ordinary jobs after getting paid.

Under this definition, it has become very difficult for students to be grateful and respectful to their professors.

At least ordinary professors would never be able to do it with just the skin of a 'professor'.

If you want to be respected by your students, you have to make some special contributions.

Correspondingly, the halo that was originally instilled on the heads of the professors was re-worn on the heads of Link and Dumbledore.

This makes Link and Dumbledore the highest status in the minds of the students.

Dumbledore doesn't need these things, after all, he is already a legend.

But Link is different.

This young man has now become a banner.

Anyone who dares to insult this flag will be bombarded by Hogwarts students.

To be honest, this situation is a bit similar to Slytherin when Voldemort first rose.

At that time, the Slytherins were also in the same state, wishing to die for Voldemort.

And Link is more terrifying than Voldemort.

Because Voldemort's influence is still limited to Slytherin, the remaining three colleges, except for a few guys whose brains have been shot, will not join in the fun at all.

But Link is different.

The radiating range of his influence is the entire Hogwarts!

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, turned to Professor Flitwick and said:

"Where's Snape? Why isn't he here yet?"

"I sent someone to look for him half an hour ago!" Professor Flitwick didn't know whether he was excited or frightened, and kept rubbing his hands, "It's a pity that he doesn't seem to want to intervene. The students I sent Even the door of his office was entered and driven out."

Professor McGonagall was silent.

When it came to Link Foley, the Gryffindor students might listen to her, the head of Gryffindor, but the Slytherin students might not.

This can be seen from the fact that they have already appeared in the auditorium, but the fighting on the scene still has not stopped.

Then asking Snape to restrain the Slytherin students and stop the fight with her would be the best way.

It's a pity that Snape pulled his hips at a critical moment.

So what to do next?

Should we wait for the students to calm down by themselves?

Professor McGonagall couldn't help thinking.

But this idea was rejected by her as soon as it appeared in her mind.

If they did that, where would they put their prestige as professors?

Gritting his teeth, Professor McGonagall exchanged glances with the excited Professor Flitwick.

Immediately afterwards, both of them took out their wands in unison.

Since preaching doesn't make sense, let's use force directly!

However, just as Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were about to make a move, a strange pressure suddenly descended on the entire Hogwarts auditorium.

Under the influence of this pressure, almost everyone in the auditorium held their chests in pain.

This feeling is as if countless big hands are squeezing the organs in the body, making people breathless.

Professor McGonagall put down the wand that had been raised high in his hand, panted and said:

"It looks like we don't need to make a move, Link, he's back."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the auditorium was pushed open by an invisible force, and it hit the wall with a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the expressionless Link walked in slowly and expressionlessly from the outside steps.

The faces of the students in the auditorium all became ugly.

Because as Link gradually approached, the pressure field surrounding them became more and more terrifying.

In the end, they were even crushed to the ground, like a fish thrown to the shore, they could only helplessly open their mouths wide to breathe continuously, to absorb the little oxygen.


Link raised his wand lightly, and the pressure field in the auditorium was instantly canceled.

The students who were about to lose their hold finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that you are very free."

Link scanned the crowd and the messy auditorium, and said expressionlessly.

His voice was cold and without any emotion, like the cold wind of Siberia mixed with the wailing of potato farmers in the small days, piercing straight into the eardrums of everyone present.

Those students who were so arrogant at first, even daring to ignore McGonagall and other professors when they got into a fight, jumped up from the ground one by one as if they had been electrocuted, bowed their bodies and started stuttering. Apologize and excuse to Link.

The entire auditorium became noisy again amidst their apologies and excuses.

Link frowned, raised his left hand lightly, and the audience fell silent again in an instant.

He looked around with a cold face and said:

"Don't apologize to me, and don't make excuses for me. If you make a mistake, you made a mistake. Apologies are meaningless, and no one is willing to listen to your excuses. Now, those who should be deducted points and those who should be punished should accept it. Punishment, understand?!"


Mountain shouts and tsunami-like echoes continued to resound in the auditorium.

Seeing this, Link went straight to Professor McGonagall and the others.

"Professors, I will leave the relevant punishment to you."

Link saluted slightly, and said with a soft tone and expression, "Don't worry about anything, just follow the previous procedures. If anyone is dissatisfied, you can go to the D.A. headquarters, and those people will send relevant personnel The work of punishment will be taken over. At that time, the punishment given to them by the D.A. headquarters will not be so simple."

What Link said was simple, but the meaning in the words was so cold that it could almost freeze people into ice cubes.

Several nearby students who accidentally overheard were so frightened that they almost fell down.

Professor McGonagall nodded calmly and said:

"I will, this is our job. But Link, since you are back now, does it mean that the outside work is over?"

"It's come to an end. Most of the remaining work will be handled by other committees of the Ministry of Magic. Of course, there will be some work that needs me in the future, so I may often ask for leave to go out this semester." Link said with a smile on his face With a smile, he understood what Professor McGonagall was trying to ask, "As for Professor Dumbledore, he probably has to finish his work there, so come back soon. In fact, it was the message he sent me that made me I'll wait for him at Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall, who got the news he wanted, was obviously relieved.

Seeing this, Link nodded and said goodbye:

"So, I will go to the principal's office first."

After saying that, Link turned and left.

Behind him, Slughorn's eyes were shining with a strange brilliance.

“I take back what I said earlier, Minerva, Hogwarts is still valuable.” Slughorn said excitedly, “Link Foley is the greatest value! The most shining star of the century, shining the entire wizarding world! And Hogwarts, and even the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of China, will reach a whole new level because of his relationship! This is really... really... ..."

Slughorn said later, his face was flushed, his breathing was so short that he was almost speechless.

Because he, like Hogwarts, is one of Link's vassals.

When Link soars up like a rocket, it will also take him into the sky.

This will be an excellent opportunity, the higher Link's status and influence, the higher his reputation will be.

Come to think of it, what will future history books call him Slughorn?

Naturally Link Foley's teacher!

Just thinking of this made Slughorn shudder with excitement.

Such a demeanor was a bit disrespectful for Slughorn, but fortunately, the professors at the scene didn't pay him much attention.

Professor McGonagall didn't even look at him.

Now, her gaze has been firmly locked on Link's background.

Her expression was extremely complicated.

The professors may not be able to solve it, and they need to hesitate again and again before making up their minds to deal with it.

Link just showed his face and solved it easily.

What kind of prestige is this?

And now, that prestige affected more than just Hogwarts.

After what happened last night, Professor McGonagall can already foresee that the gold content of the name Link Foley will increase significantly in the entire magical world of China.

It is a miracle that a teenager can do such a thing.

Even she had to admit that Slughorn was right.

Link Foley will surely become the brightest star of this century.

But, is this really a good thing for Hogwarts, for the Chinese wizarding world, and even for the whole world?

There is probably no answer to this question.

Professor McGonagall sighed deeply.

at the same time.

The Potions Professor's office... oh no, it should be the Defense Against the Dark Arts office now.

Snape was sitting in front of a crucible that was constantly tumbling purple-blue liquid, concentrating on controlling the heat of the magic flame below.

Brew the potion.

This is his daily habit.

Pharmacy is actually a job that practice makes perfect.

There are too many techniques in it that you need to practice constantly and turn them into muscle memory.

Only in this way can the most correct response be made at critical moments.

In this regard, even though Snape's talent for potions was astonishing, even if Snape was already a well-known master of potions in the industry, it was no exception.

If he doesn't practice for a day, his hard work in the previous ten days will be in vain.

So even though he has become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he will continue to refine potions in his spare time every day. Even in his office, most of the materials and utensils related to potions are still piled up.

Unfortunately, this theory is not recognized by everyone.

For example, Draco, who is sitting opposite Snape now, does not approve of it very much.

At this moment, it would be considered light to describe him as restless.

He kept twisting his body, as if the chair he was sitting on was covered with spikes.

There was an expression of extreme panic on his face, and the strong breath of anxiety was about to dissipate.


Draco couldn't bear it any longer, and stammered, "Link Foley...killed a large number of Death Eaters and French spies again, you said my father...would he also... ..."

Draco couldn't go on.

His voice turned into howling and choking like a young animal.

The desolate sound made people lament.

To be honest, it is really difficult for anyone to understand the sadness and fear in his heart.

Especially when he saw the latest "Daily Prophet" this morning, the image of his father hanging on the gallows and his body being greedily eaten by ravens flashed through his mind.

It was a kind of extreme despair.

Draco was stunned at the time.

A coolness with goosebumps appeared all over his body, and gradually wandered away, finally concentrated on his forehead.

When he came back to his senses, he was already covered in cold sweat.

Then, he came to Snape's office desperately, praying that Snape would fulfill his previous promise.

However, at this moment, Snape was still tinkering with his broken potion!

Draco was actually angry inside.

He interpreted Snape's behavior as perfunctory and passive sabotage.

It's easy to understand, after all, Link Foley is just too scary.

The fear and pressure it brings to people is even more terrifying than the previous Dark Lord!

Hearing Draco's sobs, Snape sighed softly, turned his head and said, "The seat you are sitting now is Link's favorite seat in the past."


Draco screamed, almost jumping up all over.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to! I'm sorry..."

He panicked and kept apologizing. While apologizing, he was still wiping the chair he was sitting on just now with his sleeve.

Seeing this scene in Snape's eyes, the melancholy on his face became more intense.

Draco in front of him was really scared out of his wits by Link.

Instead of stopping Draco's behavior, he turned off the magic flame, packed the potions in the crucible into glass test tubes, sealed them and placed them in front of Draco.

"Drink one, this is the concentration potion that Link and I often use. It can gather mental strength and have a healing ability to calm the spirit. It can calm you down. Drink one every time you feel fear, it should be It will make you feel better."

While talking, Snape walked towards the door, "As for me, Link should be back after some time, so I'll try it for you."

The stone door closed gently, blocking Snape's voice.

Draco, who was sitting alone in the office, had a sore nose for no reason, reached out and hugged the test tube in front of him, and finally couldn't help crying.

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