The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 106: Fairy woman (Part 1)

   Chapter 106 The Fairy Woman (Part 1)

Just heard Tan Yudie’s re-introduction, Zhang Yang did not know how to put these things together. Holmes did not say it well, put aside all impossible goals, and the remaining one was absolutely distanced even if it was outrageous The truth is not far away. Few people have the ability to help Zhang Yang repay the money. Apart from Fang Shaoyun and Li Yuxuan, there is no one else.

   Now a Tan Yudie suddenly appeared, Zhang Yang instantly affirmed that her money was definitely hers. Although she was a little wonder why she did this, Zhang Yang did not think too much. Tan Yudie had no chance to know his identity on the Internet, and Zhang Yang didn't think about it in that way.

   "First of all, I apologize for what I did before, sorry." Tan Yudie said seriously.

   Zhang Yang looked at her a little surprised, but did not expect Tan Yudie to take the initiative to apologize, but it was nothing. Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yang said calmly, "Nothing, you have something to say."

   "It's like this, I beg you to help, can you participate in this year's National College Student Computer Contest." Tan Yudie bit her pink lips and said softly.

   "The reason." Zhang Yang glanced at her and said two words.

"Okay, I’ll tell you, but first of all, I don’t mean anything for you to pay the money, it’s just that I borrowed it from you. If you have the money, I’ll do it. I heard from Zhang Tao, I It’s not your fault to know what happened that day. Also, that day in the commercial street, I really happened to meet you, and I didn’t follow you or something. Finally, are we friends?” Tan Yudie hesitated After a while, then looked at Zhang Yang seriously.

   "Forget it. You still have to say something first." Although Tan Yudie might have done something excessively, Zhang Yang did not lose anything. Instead, he helped Zhang Yang a lot, and Zhang Yang was not the hypocritical person.

"Okay, things are very old-fashioned, this is the case, you know my family, I won't be wordy, I made a bet with my dad about my marriage, a family like me, political marriage It’s a very ordinary thing, but I don’t want to marry someone I don’t like. I don’t think anyone likes this kind of thing. And the person my dad asked me to marry is Q big. During the time I was studying, as long as the computer club of our school participated in the National College Student Computer Contest and won the award once, I would not be able to marry that person. And with my dad supervising, there was no way to cheat. Tan Yudie said, biting her lip.

   Zhang Yang was silent, and for a long time, Zhang Yang said helplessly: "If your father's words are the original words, I am afraid that even if you marry this person, who you want to marry in the future will still not be your choice."

Tan Yudie was silent for a long time, and nodded bitterly after a long smile: "I know, but it's not a time to avoid it once, isn't it? It's a pity that although the S major computer department and the Q major are both well-known domestically, but between the two There is still a gap."

  Zhang Yang did not refute this. This is a fact. As the leader of domestic computers, the technical strength of the Q computer department is undoubted.

"And the entire computer department of S, I know, not many people have that strength. I also accidentally heard Zhang Tao talk about the situation at that time. I have studied the virus and can solve this virus as easily as you. , The strength in software should be not bad." Tan Yudie added another sentence.

   "I think about it." Zhang Yang finished his coffee in one sip and stood up.

"Okay, anyway, thank you! Also, the previous things, because it is related to my future happiness, some places I have done too much, I solemnly apologize." Tan Yudie also stood up, seriously Bow Zhang Yang and apologize.

   Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, and the helpless worshiper said, "Nothing, I still have to thank you for that. That's right, you should take the money back. Today, I don't have any energy, and the money won't be collected."

Zhang Yang returned the 4,000 yuan that Tan Yudie had just given him back. Tan Yudie bit her lip, raised her head to look at Zhang Yang, looked at Tan Yudie’s already reddish eyes, and Zhang Yang had some scalp hair Ma, he didn't want the woman to cry, and said quickly, "It's as if I paid back the money in advance, so I'm leaving."

After talking about Zhang Yang, he quickly walked into the elevator. It was not that Zhang Yang did not want to participate in any computer competition. This kind of thing, even if he participated in Zhang Yang, there was no loss, and when Tan Yudie mentioned the competition, Zhang Yang only remembered it. The contest also had a lot of prize money, but Zhang Yang now owes a lot of money to others.

   But if he wants to get the ranking, Zhang Yang can't remember for a moment. What software competition will he use at that time? In case he is not sure about the ranking, it's better not to lose sight of it.

   came out of the Jinghai Group, it was not too early, the sun in the H city on the east coast set very early, and the night came especially fast, just like the sun set in the northwestern Xinjiang of the motherland in summer until about 11 pm. From the Jinghai Group, Zhang Yang called Li Keqing and went to work at Zhao Yue. Zhang Yang was also relieved a lot~ At least no messy people would harass her.

   "I'm off work soon? I'll pick you up." Zhang Yang looked at the time, it was already more than six o'clock in the afternoon, and the time for Chengxin Digital to get off work was still relatively early. Zhang Yang forgot to ask her what time to leave yesterday.

   "Well, I'll be off work in more than half an hour. Then I'll wait for you here." Li Keqing whispered.

"Okay, I guess I'll be here in a while, and I will call you when I get there." Zhang Yang smiled and hung up the phone after speaking. Zhang Yang did not ask Tan Yudie to send him out of Jinghai Group. Although Jinghai Group said that there was only one The headquarters is in H city, but it is a large group after all, so the company's headquarters is built in the development zone. It is far away from the S side. Fortunately, the road to the S side is very smooth here. The traffic is most congested and there is no traffic jam. local.

   stopped a taxi and Zhang Yang quickly reported the place name. After the master drove, Zhang Yang did not see Tan Yudie's eyes behind a glass in the headquarters building of Jinghai Group. Watching Zhang Yang's car disappear in the traffic, Tan Yudie smiled bitterly. Although he hadn't been in contact with Zhang Yang for a long time, Tan Yudie even thought Zhang Yang was a man.

   From the first person he knew, to the moment of separation, this guy did not show any trace of his desire, cough, or appreciation like other men. Women are inherently a collection of contradictions, especially beautiful women. It is no good to have men around every day, and men are not around her all at once.


   Second more! ! ! Ask for votes, ask for favorites, ask for clicks! ! Even more at night!

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