The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 127: Where does life meet (Part 2)

   Chapter 127: Where Does Life Not Meet (Part 2)

After chatting a few words, the boss brought the food up. Fang Shaoyun was estimated to be hungry. He couldn’t wait to grab a bite and took a bite. Then he nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, the food here is really good, better than the school cafeteria. Eat too much and it doesn't seem to be expensive."

"Yeah, I was also brought by a teacher the day before yesterday to know that the food here is good." Zhang Yang nodded, and the two students in school uniforms walked in the doorway, and Zhang Yang was eating while eating. Lifted my eyelids and glanced.

   glanced, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then he quickly retracted his eyes and began to eat again, but his face suddenly became weird. He didn't expect that he would encounter maple leaf red here. Although the face in front of him was still a little bit green, Zhang Yang would never admit it wrong. He knew the thin and tall boy. His name Zhang Yang didn't know. Maple leaf is red is his network ID, this guy is probably reading more novels.

   Calculate the time, this guy should be just in the third grade now, probably this time next year, he will also be admitted to S major, and become a member of S major computer department. Zhang Yang knew that he should be four years later. At that time, the maple leaves became red and he was a junior, and Zhang Yang was a graduate student of S major. Once, Zhang Yangxian's egg hurts and went to the school computer room for a while. Then it was discovered that this guy was invading other websites in the school computer room.

He was very serious when he invaded, and even Zhang Yang didn't find it when he peeped not far from him. From the step of his invasion, Zhang Yang saw it at the time. This guy is very talented in this respect, so Zhang Yang wrote down His ID, and Zhang Yang later encountered several times on the Internet. The progress of his intrusion technology made Zhang Yang look at his eyes, at least much faster than Zhang Yang's own progress.

   didn't expect that he was actually from H city, and he was studying in the middle school near S University. There is only one middle school near S university. The second middle school in H city is also a key high school in H city.

   "...I said, don't you scare me?" The two men just sat down, and the other chunky boy whispered. "Fuck off, when did I lie to you? This virus is definitely the most bullish computer virus I have ever seen. It is a very rare son-mother structure. The infection performance is extremely powerful. I was on several portals last night. I found them all, but I haven't studied them for a long time, and I haven't figured out **** him." Maple Leaf whispered red.

   Although the voices of the two were small, there were not many people in this small restaurant, so Zhang Yang can also hear clearly. "Hey... I want to ask you something." Fang Shaoyun reached out and shook his hand in front of Zhang Yang.

   "Ah, what?" Zhang Yang was eavesdropping on Maple Leaf's speech, but he didn't hear Fang Shaoyun say anything.

   "I rely on, I said what do you want? I asked you what arrangements in the afternoon." Fang Shaoyun asked depressed.

"Oh, I'm going to bed. I didn't sleep much last night. I hurried to eat. I was sleepy." After Zhang Zhang quickly bowed his head and started eating, his ears kept listening to the maple leaves. Just after listening to it for a while, Zhang Yang felt like maple leaves. It should be the "Assassin" virus, but the "Assassin" virus already has a special kill. If Maple Leaf can find it by its own ability, then surely it will also know the special kill?

   "...Is it a famous assassin virus on the Internet?" What did you say, Zhang Yang just wanted to know this question, Maple Leaf's companion asked, and Zhang Yang quickly put his ears up.

   "You TM are dying!" A harsh voice rushed into the ear, and then came a burst of French.

   "Rely!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but scream, can you not have this kind of problem at this critical moment? Raising his head and looking down at the source of the sound, just at the door of the hotel, the two bullies were entangled with a gray-haired foreigner. Although the suit on this foreigner was messy, he was very elegant.

   "What do you say, we don't understand, and we want to go when we hit it?" The two **** obviously couldn't understand French, and one of them shoved the foreigner.

"I said, buddy, don't you? People are international friends anyway, aren't you embarrassing us Chinese?" The surrounding area has been surrounded by a lot of lively people, Maple Leaf and several of their high school students have gathered around, Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun He looked at each other and stood up and walked outside.

"Go away, don't be okay with TM, let me tell you the truth, if you want to go, it's okay to take the money." The leader of the **** stared fiercely, glared at the talking student, and then took out a spring directly from his pocket Knife.

   There were still a few people who wanted to talk around. At first glance, the two gangsters even took out their knives, and immediately they were silent and dared not speak. The foreigner who was unable to speak in French immediately dared not speak.

   "SORRY, I...Bush...Oilcoat...Oilcoat." The foreigner said in stuttering Chinese when he saw the two scoundrels come up with a knife.

  Zhang Yang couldn't stand it anymore. Although he said he didn't like French, he did so too much, and the person said just now that this kind of thing really affected the international image.

"I said You two... It's almost ok, people just hit you, you just ask for money from you, you made it with gold?" Fang Shaoyun twitched and Zhang Yang didn't rip Live, only a little depressed to stand up behind Zhang Yang.

   "I tell you, don't try to die." One of the gangsters glared at Zhang Yang and even waved the knife in his hand to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang's body stiffened. To be honest, he was just an ordinary college student, but he didn't have the skill of Zhao Fei, and fighting with this kind of gangster was actually the easiest thing to do. These little gangsters have no skill, no culture, and don't know how to do it. It's easy to stab people when they start a fire, but Zhang Yang hasn't even changed his face. He has some experience in dealing with these fools.

  After a round of mingling with Song Zhaojun, Zhang Yang understood, what is meant by bullying and fear of toughness, especially to deal with these gangsters, you have to live in town.

"Okay, don't play these little tricks in front of me. If you want to play, do you want me to call someone to play with you?" Zhang Yang glanced at the squint sideways and said coldly. .

   The two gangsters glanced at each other, and then looked at Zhang Yang and said, "What are you doing?"

   When Zhang Yang heard it, he knew that there was a door, and said quickly: "I don't mix anywhere, but I am familiar with Jinbi's brilliant boss, or should I call Song Zhaojun?"


   The last day of August, the brothers give it a bit, the tickets are ready, I go to the code word brothers to eat and remember to come to the hacker. The last ink sentence: "September monthly tickets are ready..."

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