The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 157: School expenses and money (middle)

Chapter 157: School and Money (Part 2)

Chapter 157: School and Money (Part 2)

Standing with such a beautiful nv, an nv person has pressure. Even Li Keqing, a nv child who does not care about this aspect, Zhang Yang feels her tension and helplessness. Beautiful nv like Tan Yudie has a very indifferent, arrogant temperament, which is not their original intention, but the temperament cultivated by such a family for a long time, so that ordinary people can easily see them when they see them. There will be a sense of distance.

It is not the sense of distance of people in a world. The temperaments of Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan belong to one type. Even Li Yuxuan cannot compare with Tan Yudie. There is no way, although Li Yuxuan’s 157th chapter is a school flower There is also money in Heqian (middle), but under China's official-oriented system, the official is the one who comes before you. Tan Yudie's father is already a member of the Central Committee, and it can be called party and further The national leader has been in this family for a long time, and it is difficult to think about it without this temperament.

"Hello." Li Keqing held out his hand and shook Tan Yudie, then said with a voice.

"You are Ke Qing, always listening to Zhang Yang to praise how beautiful his nv friends are, and finally seeing a real person, it is really beautiful." Tan Yudie quickly took Li Keqing's hand and said with a smile. Zhang Yang felt dizzy for a while, this nv person, dare to say anything, when did he say that Li Keqing is his nv friend.

"No... not... we... we are just ordinary friends." Li Keqing's face immediately lit up with a blush, and he glanced at Yang Yang quickly, then hurriedly retorted.

"Uh... that's Zhang Yang bragging, what are you going to do? Go out on a date?" Tan Yudie glanced at Zhang Yang, and couldn't tell what it meant in those bright eyes. The helpless Zhang Yang watched, only one meeting, Tan Yu Butterfly grasped Li Keqing's special characteristics of Chapter 157: School Flowers and Money (middle). It seemed that the question just asked two people, but in fact it was Li Keqing.

How could Li Keqing's case lie? Sure enough, Tan Yudie's words fell short, and Li Keqing hurriedly said: "No... we are going to buy things. We joined the robot community, and recently we will assemble our own robot. Isn't there no class in the afternoon? Zhang Yangji Prepare to go out with me to buy some materials."

"That's it, then get in the car, anyway, I'm fine at noon, just bored and ready to go around, this time is good, I know where there is something you need, go, I will take you." After that, Tan Yudie didn't wait for Zhang Yang to object, so she pulled Li Keqing to the car.

Tan Yudie's Porsche is a sports car, but it is also a sedan. Although the space in the back row is a bit lower than that of a normal sedan, it is okay to seat four people.

Zhang Yang was helpless for a while, and Tan Yudie was right. As long as Li Keqing was willing, Zhang Yang would have to follow, so he didn't ask Zhang Yang's opinion at all.

"I can drive, but Keqing and I see it as usual, are you okay to drive?" Tan Yudie opened the cab directly and then pulled Li Keqing into the back row. He asked quickly as he lowered the window.

"No problem." What else can Zhang Yang say? Although he didn't have a driver's license, he had taken the test in his last life, and he would drive. As for the problems that were found, Zhang Yang didn't even consider it. The mayor nv's car, whoever wants to check it, come over and check. Zhang Yang has no opinion.

Porsche is not too expensive in a sports car. Unlike the gorgeous Lamborghini, the dynamic Ferrari, the expensive and luxurious Bugatti Veyron, Porsche can only be regarded as an ordinary sports car. People with at least a bit of money can still buy it, but anyway, sports cars are sports cars. Besides, Tan Yudie chose a relatively low-key Porsche to avoid being too gorgeous. At least in H city, Porsche is everywhere. Visible, but in terms of energy, this car is definitely not bad.

The low and mellow engine makes Zhang Yang feel that his blood speed has accelerated a lot. The common hobbies of men can never be separated from three things. These three things can be said that 99% of men will feel them. Interest, nv people cars and weapons

First, I believe that all men will not have opinions, oh, at least normal men will not have opinions, let alone cars, and weapons, maybe many men have not encountered it, so there is no intuitive feeling, but if there is If you have a chance, you will see after seeing it in person. In fact, this is basically a kind of heavenly and fragile man hidden in the bones of men. This kind of sky is only suppressed.

After starting the car, Zhang Yang smoothly put on the seat belt, looked at the smiling face in the rearview mirror, and was pulling Tan Kedie, who did not know what to whisper, and Zhang Yang hated the foot and stepped on this The low engine of the fox is accompanied by a powerful movement, which can make the Porsche of Baiè go straight out like a cheetah.

Unexpectedly, the two nvs exclaimed in surprise, then leaned back.

"Zhang Yang, you're going to die. You can't drive slowly." Tan Yudie, who had recovered, said immediately and hatefully.

"No way, the first time I drove such a good car, it was full of power and I couldn't control it." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders from the rearview mirror and said innocently.

Just looking at Zhang Yang’s expression doesn’t seem to be unintentional, knowing that Zhang Yang must have thoughts in his heart, but Tan Yudie didn’t take it seriously, and quickly rushed to Zhang Yang, saying: “You can do it yourself, I don’t care, anyway. Keqing is here." "Zhang drive slowly." Li Keqing said worriedly, and she was just startled.

Zhang Yang was a little sullen. He glanced at Tan Yudie's cunning expression from the rearview mirror. Zhang Yang could only ignore it and started to concentrate on driving. Fortunately, he also spent six years in this city, so Zhang Yang is also familiar with the roads here, and there is basically not much change. There were large commercial buildings where Li Keqing handed out flyers during the National Day, so Zhang Yang did not drive too far.

About twenty minutes later, Zhang Yang drove to a parking lot in a commercial building and stopped. In just over twenty minutes, the two nv children behind the car were already talking and laughing. Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If Tan Yudie started public relations, it would definitely be a bullish fork. But I'm afraid Li Keqing was the first person to take the initiative to go so long as Tan Yudie grew up. Although it is also an nv child, but before Tan Yudie probably never treated other nv people like that.

"Just buy it here? There is no good shopping mall here." The three people got out of the car and looked around, Tan Yudie said.

Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly: "I said, the two of us just came to buy a large toy, disassembled and assembled it, we can't use any high-end things, do we need to go to any big commercial center? This is enough."

"Yeah, that's all, just don't go too far. I have to go back and assemble it in the afternoon, and, listening to Zhang Yang, the robotic core called the basic control core has to be written by us." Li Keqing also said quickly.

"Okay, but, Zhang Yang, do you have a device? It seems that the device that writes to the chip is not cheap?" Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang and asked.

Zhang Yang has already asked Fang Shaoyun about this question. There is no problem with programming Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang can basically get it. He was ambiguous about this because he didn’t know exactly how to burn the program into the chip. It was not a problem of the language itself. Later, after checking it in nubi, Zhang Yang realized that burning into the chip requires professional equipment.

But after asking Fang Shaoyun, that guy simply came up with it. Anyway, your robot does not require much password, how long do you expect this chip to be used? There are millions of good equipment, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions, but can you use them?

Zhang Yang thinks about it too, this thing is really not necessary, let alone, the professional burning chip program equipment of other people is a pipeline operation, which is different from their amateur playing. Amateurs have amateur practices. Of course, the quality cannot be guaranteed. Too.

"No need to be so troublesome, we are just doing fun, and we are not developing in this respect. Real professional robots have to have factories. It's our turn." Zhang Yang shrugged.

"Uh, so, okay, let's go shopping." Tan Yudie immediately pulled Li Keqing happily and started to go inside the mall.

"Wait, elder sister, let's say first, the two of us are here to buy things, not to accompany you to go shopping." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. This vaccination had to be done first. Zhang Yang didn't want to spend a long time. In the end, the book was turned upside down, but instead became a book to accompany the prince.

"Okay, I know, you said you are a big man, why are you like your mothers, okay, Keqing let's go." Tan Yudie quickly waved her hand, and then pulled Li Keqing to the elevator go with.

Zhang Yang chose a comprehensive large-scale commercial building with everything in it. After entering the elevator, Zhang Yang knew completely that don't believe the guarantee of nv people before entering the commercial building. It's really useless. I said well before going upstairs, but as soon as I entered the commercial building, looking at the two nv eyes, Zhang Yang slapped his forehead. When it was over, it was impossible to sell toys on this floor. They were all clothes.

Originally Zhang Yang also wanted to go directly to the destination But Tan Yudie came and said it all came anyway, it doesn't matter if you go shopping, so... it's like this now. But soon, Zhang Yang also let go, especially when he was also very happy to see Li Keqing, Zhang Yang had no complaints. I am afraid that the growth of such a large number of Li Keqing’s shopping is quite limited. Some nv people’s days are also common, although not What to buy, but Li Keqing also read with relish, and discussed with Tan Yudie from time to time.

Seeing the two people look good because of what clothes and shoes, finally, he did not hesitate to go to the fitting room and tried it in the mirror room. In the end, she didn’t buy anything. In order to prove the two people’s point of view, Zhang Yang completely died. He is ready to go back and assemble the robot today.

Zhang Yang is a fate, and Tan Yudie is here today. I'm afraid I don't want to follow the plan. When he walked to the middle of the commercial building, there happened to be a bank's cash machine. Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that Tan Yudie hadn't paid the money yet, so he hurried to the ATM.

"What are you doing?" Although the two nvs were chatting, it was clear that Tan Yudie had always paid attention to this Yang, and immediately asked when she saw Zhang Yang's movements. ! ! ! ;




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