The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 180: Shocked (on)

Chapter 180—Shock (Part 1)

Chapter 180—Shock (Part 1)

After sending Li Keqing to the dormitory, Zhang Yang turned to his room. Fang Shaoyun hadn't returned yet. He turned on his computer and Zhang Yang was ready to try to write out the general software in his previous life. When opening the program, Zhang Yang saw the report materials of the major case he copied back.

The file opening speed is relatively slow. Obviously this text is quite large. After opening, Zhang Yang found that each case in this file has a detailed picture description. It is almost a criminal case. Once again, Zhang Yang discovered that these cases are unresolved, or that the case that may be resolved is very shocking (Chapter 180).

After turning over the cases one by one, Zhang Yang did not find the detailed record of the case he encountered last time. It is estimated that the case is sufficiently confidential or handled separately, so there is no report here at all. Just as Zhang Yang was about to close the file, suddenly Zhang Yang found that the victim's photos in a case were familiar.

After Zhang Yang froze for a moment, he immediately turned the document back and looked at the photo carefully. The more he looked at Zhang Yang, the more familiar he was. Although Zhang Yang did not remember it at first glance, he dare to guarantee that he had definitely seen it somewhere. This middle-aged man. Zhang Yang immediately thought hard and meditated. He subconsciously felt that this dead middle-aged man had a great relationship with him, but this is the thing with humans. Once he thought about something, he lived at once. After thinking for a long time, he was in Zhang Yang. When he was about to give up, his face changed suddenly, and he remembered it

Zhang Yang felt that the sweat on his body was upright. This middle-aged man was no one else. It was in the shop of Zhao Li that the man with the surnamed Liu who sold the server that Zhang Yang used to him now remembered. Turning to Chapter 180, I was shocked (on) at the beginning of this case, and started to look at the introduction of the case. At this point, Zhang Yang immediately affirmed that he was absolutely correct.

There are detailed information about the man named Liu Liuping, formerly known as Liu Liping, 46 years old, Han nationality, from Zibo, Shandong, doing computer recycling and reselling business in H city. Seeing Zhang Yang here has been confirmed, this man is sold to his server Man, this is not the key, the key is that this man's death is extremely miserable

Judging from the report of the case, Liu Liping was severely tortured before he died. His body was covered with scars. At first glance, he experienced torture. At the same time, Liu Liping died with his wife and a 17-year-old nv. All three of the family were killed by brutal means. According to the report provided, the murderer did not leave any useful traces.

Moreover, in the case introduction, the person who reported this speculated that the murderer seemed to be looking for something, which might be related to some important information, and, at the end, it was also mentioned that there were a total of related cases Seven times Zhang Yang was taken aback. He couldn't help but think of the server he bought from Liu Liping at a low price, and the disordered array hidden in that server.

Fuck, isn't that the thing? Zhang Yang suddenly felt that this server is so hot. Quickly following the seven series of cases mentioned in this case, Zhang Yang checked them. The death methods of these deceased are almost the same. They must be from the same person or a group of people. The means are extremely cruel, and according to this The police reported that the other party was obviously the master of this.

As each case turned up, Zhang Yang became more and more shocked. As these seven cases were related to Liu Liping’s case, Zhang Yang slowly recalled it. The main actor of death in these seven cases was Zhang Yang in Zhao Li. Several of the employees of Liu Liping who had been seen in the store.

Zhang Yang quickly checked the time of these cases, which occurred within the same day. A total of eight cases, the death of the eight main deaths occurred overnight, and the earliest death Liu Liping was selling The next day for Zhang Yang server

Zhang Yang couldn't help cursing. What is the information in this server? Not only is the server obviously far more than the server on the market, but the data stored in it is probably something important. Otherwise, it will not be hidden. So deep, but also made a disordered array out.

Zhang Yang does not know whether this matter has anything to do with himself, but he is not afraid of 10,000, but if he has a relationship, God knows whether Liu Liping has said himself. And at the end of Liu Liping’s case, Zhang Yang saw the report of the reporter’s handling, which stated that, according to the analysis, the murderer was likely to be an agent of an overseas organization or a spy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang felt that he could not stay still. Although according to the murderer’s investigation, the other party’s investigation method was obviously quite fast, otherwise it would not be possible to know eight parties within a day. Zhang Yang checked all the things inside again. There is no news about Zhao Li in the case.

If the murderer finds it first, he must find Zhao Li first, not publicize it here. Although there was no such file, Zhang Yang couldn't guarantee it. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang quickly took out his mobile phone, then turned over Li Yuxuan's phone and called.

Li Yuxuan answered the phone quickly. "Hello? Zhang Yang?" Li Yuxuan asked strangely. "Well, it's me." Zhang Yang replied, hesitating, he couldn't ask Li Yuxuan directly, did Zhao Li have an accident? Someone greeted others in this way, and Li Yuxuan's relationship with Zhao Li was obviously good. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he entrusted Li Yuxuan to pay Zhao Li back. When thinking of this, Zhang Yang quickly asked: "I have something to do with you. , Did you help me pay my sister Zhao?"

"I'm dizzy. What are you in a hurry? I'll pay you back. Anyway, she doesn't lack any money for you. Don't worry. I just called her just a while ago. Sister Zhao said on the phone Well, saying you don’t have to worry so much.” Li Yuxuan said a little depressed.

Zhang Yang sighed with relief and just called Zhao Li, which means that Zhao Li is fine, then Zhang Yang will be fine. From this, it can be concluded that no matter what the murderer is looking for, it is clear that Liu Liping broke the clue. As for how he was interrogated, why did he not ask, of course Zhang Yang would not think that Liu Liping was dead and did not say, Judging from Liu Liping’s injury, no interrogation can be carried out unless there is a professional spy trained in anti-interrogation.

If the murderer gets the information he needs, then there will be no response for such a long time, because this kind of evil case will definitely alarm the public security bureau and dispatch the maximum police force to investigate. The longer the time, the more harmful the murderer will be, so long No response from time, then it is clear that the murderer broke the clue at Liu Liping.

As for what went wrong in the middle, Zhang Yang naturally had no way of knowing. But Zhang Yang felt that his head was about to explode, even if the murderer didn't get a clue, but in case, Zhang Yang had to crack the disordered array first and get the information inside. The sooner you know what is inside, the more certain Zhang Yang is, is this matter related to him?

Finding the disordered array, Zhang Yang has some pains. This Super Mary is no less difficult than the white cat version of Super Mary that Zhang Yang played in his life. It is even more difficult than that. It is simply medium. Zhang Yang really has no patience to clear this thing

But he can't crack the program of the game itself in any way. Once this program is touched, the entire disordered array will collapse, and the hard disk information inside will completely disappear.

"I" Zhang Yang couldn't help but scolded, one bō was not flat, one bō was up again, this Bai Su matter had not been resolved yet, and there was such a thing in the middle.

After thinking about what he had to do recently, Zhang Yang decided to put this matter back. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang first logged in a few springboards, then quickly linked to No. 1 satellite, and then changed another springboard, Zhang Yang began searching for Zhao Li's information.

It is not difficult to find Zhao Li’s information, and directly invaded the network of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. In the login information, Zhang Yang found Zhao Li’s information and her home address, etc., quickly entered Zhao Li’s photo into the No. 1 satellite Inside, Zhang Yang started letting the No. 1 satellite search Zhao Li.

Once the satellite keeps up with Zhao Li, Zhang Yang can temporarily rest assured that if Zhao Li does not have an accident, he will not have anything to do here. After doing these things, Zhang Yang calmed down and began to write the half-infected bug that was written last time. Infected bugs I wrote last time fell into a dead end, but when Zhang Yang read a book this afternoon, he got a lot of inspiration, especially after following Bai Suji, Zhang Yang had a new idea.

In the special effect production software envisioned by Zhang Yang, there is an embedded function, and this function can be taken out separately and written as a software. Its main function is to seamlessly cut Can know what it is used for, and use this thing to decompile any video or picture.

Unlike P, its function will be more powerful than P, especially when replacing people, it will automatically decompose an image into source code, and at the same time decompose the image into pixel-level data, and then perform a face on the inside Analysis, and then through the three-dimensional modeling of the face, as well as ergonomics, biology, etc., from the skeleton, muscle level to change the person in a picture

It is no exaggeration to say that some people use P to put the faces of some stars on the picture, but even if the picture P has a high level of skill, you will also see it. With this software, you can never see that this is P. , Because when replacing the face inside, it is based on the division of the human skeleton, muscle vessels, etc., starting from the cell level.

Not only can it be replaced, but when replacing, if there are some places such as the face that needs to be thin, it will fill in the vacancies for the vacancies anyway. In Zhang Yang’s view, this thing is simply a magic, with the current technology , Photos produced by this software, almost no one can identify the authenticity. A! ! ! ;




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