The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 182: Shocked (below)

Chapter 182 Shock (Part 2)

Chapter 182 Shock (Part 2)

You need to make an assessment of the infected insects. Zhang Yang needs to make a comprehensive analysis of his computer. Zhang Yang first analyzed the log records in his system. This log record is an additional function of Zhang Yang’s firewall. The main function is after the virus is found in the computer. , Statistics on files infected by viruses and the number of virus copies.

After viewing the log, Zhang Yang’s face is full of weirdness. At the time of the test, although Zhang Yang was performed in a virtual system, the virtual system is not omnipotent. It also exists based on the main system, so it is used. During the test, all the software of the main system will also run Chapter 182 Shock (Part 2).

Just like this log record, this log record shows that in the short period of more than half an hour, the infected virus has replicated a total of more than 100,000 copies, and at the same time to the firewall running in the virtual system A shock analysis was launched, no wonder that within such a short period of time, the system's CPU usage will climb to the top at a terrifying rate.

This is not the most important. The most important thing is that after wearing the virtual system, the infected insect virus also began to mutate and infect the main system, but only after copying hundreds of times, its speed has completely stalled. When he saw this time, Zhang Yang’s face was strange, but his heart was extremely shocked.

Although Zhang Yang has not yet analyzed the source code of this actively mutated infecting insect, from this log record, Zhang Yang has drawn a record that he can't believe, that is, the infection of the insect virus is because "discovery" no matter how many files are copied, Destroy the main system before stopping automatic replication

This conclusion shocked Zhang Yang. He certainly knew what this represented as long as people who studied computers would have heard and yearned for four words. Chapter 182 was shocked (below) that artificial intelligence and insects can do At this point, it is the embodiment of artificial intelligence that is not just a basic logical judgment.

Of course, the artificial intelligence here and the super-intelligence in the movie that are self-thinking are two different things. In fact, the computer intelligence in the movie that can self-think and have feelings and emotions can already be called intelligent life, and it does not belong to The category of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence seems to be very advanced. In fact, in 2004, various supercomputers in various countries around the world already had artificial intelligence, but these artificial intelligence and the artificial intelligence on the book are also very different. The artificial on the book Intelligence is capable of advanced logical analysis, logical judgment, and can have independent thinking ability, but no emotion, no emotion.

But in reality, human intelligence is not even one-tenth of the one described in the book. For example, the supercomputer of the US Department of Defense claims to have artificial intelligence, but this artificial intelligence is only in the huge computer resources. With the help of it, the primary logic cycle and analysis ability are established, and some simple analysis can be performed, and the commands are executed through sound collection.

In fact, such a thing is still a computer system, but this system is more advanced, and then attached to a powerful computer resource to improve the efficiency of the system. As long as it invests huge amounts of money to build a supercomputer, and then the person who writes the system is a little deeper, such a system is not difficult to achieve, but this so-called artificial intelligence is the same as the special effect software developed by Zhang Yang, which requires fundamental computer resources. It is not affordable for ordinary civilian machines, even ordinary large servers.

Infected insects are almost the performance of this first-class artificial intelligence. The problem is that its size is only 3. What is going on? After being shocked, Zhang Yang could not wait to drag the infected insects directly into the analysis software, and directly performed the whole analysis.

After the last accident, Zhang Yang analyzed the infected insects, but he only understood the functions of the newly added strange source code, but did not modify it. Naturally, he would not know every number and every character of those source codes. What does it stand for, because it is a mutant virus itself, so the source code mutation is not clear to the author, unless Zhang Yang’s head is a computer, and all the source code is completely restored to 0 and 1, and then his head can Analyze the huge number of 0s and 1s and find the problem.

Obviously, that is not possible. When the results of the analysis software come out, Zhang Yang’s face is even more weird. What level of analysis software is he making? Zhang Yang naturally knows that this analysis software is released according to GD six years later. Is an improved analysis software.

After returning from rebirth, Zhang Yang has adapted it many times according to his own needs. Its strength is beyond doubt, but in the analysis of the results of infectious insects, there are several consecutive unknowns but only from known analysis items. Zhang Yang saw that the source code had become an unrecognizable infection, and the main problem was the first mutation.

That is, the virus that hunted down the assassin virus during the time when Zhang Yang was released to hunt down the assassin virus. In fact, Zhang Yang himself did not realize that he had already written a super virus. Such a virus already has The elementary logic analysis ability.

And after the jiā fork exchange with the infecting insect, the mutant infecting insect had already possessed this ability. Zhang Yang did not find it at the time, and after he finished writing this time, he added the core source code of the infecting insect. Analysis ability, and finally led to such a situation

Okay, so far, the infested insects have completely exceeded Zhang Yang's expectations. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's hand still has a big deal with it? Chuang Xi Xing surname surviving the nephew and lying nephew lying on the tomb mound

After the analysis, Zhang Yang hesitated and gritted his teeth, Zhang Yang quickly established a new virtual system, and then copied the infected insects, and then copied his own firewall, and then directly infected the infection After the insects lived again, Zhang Yang noticed that the infective insects after this mutation did not directly copy a large number of viruses to test the firewall as they did for the first time.

Instead, a virus-by-virus replication began. Because the virtual system was under the supervision of Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang could "see" the mutation process of the infected insect. After first copying a virus, the virus secretly began to invade the virtual The system is then detected by the firewall.

At the same time, Zhang Yang also noticed that the warning prompt box detected by the firewall this time is an unknown virus. That is to say, this infection is completely different from the infection originally written by Zhang Yang. To know, there are in the firewall's virus library. The virus characteristics of the infected insects, and now it prompts that it is an unknown virus, that is to tell Zhang Yang that the infected insects have been completely mutated.

After the firewall detects it, the firewall attempts to kill the virus. If the virus fails, the copied infective insect directly sends data information back to the parent virus, and then the copied virus deletes itself directly.

Then Zhang Yang noticed that the infected insect had mutated again and copied a virus out again. This time, after entering the system, this virus directly simulated the firewall function, contacted the firewall, and then under Zhang Yang's stunned gaze , Successfully invaded the file of the firewall and became a part of the firewall.

The other virus immediately deleted itself, and the entire virtual system retained an infected virus and concealed itself. Seeing this, Zhang Yang quickly checked the virtual system. In the virtual system, Zhang Yang discovered that the infected virus was turned on.

In other words, if the virtual system is the enemy's computer, then Zhang Yang can easily invade the system.

After sitting in front of the computer for a long time, Zhang Yang suddenly recovered, and Zhang Yang, who had recovered from God, couldn't help but pinch himself. After feeling the pain, Zhang Yang's emotions were a little strange. It is estimated that all the world's Among the hackers, Zhang Yang was the first person to be shocked by his own virus.

Zhang Yang's emotions quickly became excited again. This time, Zhang Yang copied the infected insect into his own system, then created a new virtual system, and then copied the infected insect into it. This time, Zhang Yang did not copy the firewall, and The mother nest is installed in the virtual system.

After the mother nest was running, Zhang Yang lived the infected insect. After being lived, the infected insect immediately copied a virus and then infected the system. The mother nest directly detected the virus, unlike the firewall that analyzes the virus. Here, the mother nest just found the virus, it has no virus signature database at all, and all the viruses are displayed as unknown Then the mother nest easily packaged the infected bugs in the virtual system and completely deleted it. After re-detecting the virtual system once, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly. It seems that he still has a long way to go on the path of the virus. The infecting insects are very powerful, but the anti-virus model of the mother nest is still unsolved.

Zhang Yang tried to let the infected insects completely infect the system before copying the mother nest. Although the killing speed was a little slow this time, the infected insects still did not have any resistance. Because the mother nest simply packs and deletes the entire system and copies a system out, there is no chance for the worm to analyze.

Zhang Yang was a little disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his emotions back, NND, anyway, the mother nest was also written by himself, and he hit himself, what is going on? However, with the latest version of the infectious insects for experiments, Zhang Yang has a new understanding of the mother nest that he accidentally came out. Zhang Yang has made up his mind that the mother nest must not let out. This antivirus software is too anti-sky, After making this decision, Zhang Yang couldn't help being narcissistic, but he also wrote it himself. A! ! ! ;




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