The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 204: I'm a little major, how? (under)

After a pause, Zhang Yang didn't expect the other party to come up and take this story and tell the truth, until the second lieutenant said it, Zhang Yang didn't think about it, but when I think about it, Zhang Yang naturally can't bird In this set, he gave a cold glance to the second lieutenant, and Zhang Yang said quietly: "Since you talked about this issue, then you must have a very deep understanding. I saw that the chief was disrespectful, but since you pointed out this issue, Why don't you salute? Is my rank fake? Or are you blind?"

After talking about it, Zhang Yang almost asked back, LGBD, finally caught the opportunity to fox, fake, and prestige. Similar scenes When Zhang Yang watched military movies before, he never imagined that he was the head of the training, and his brows were second. Chapter 104: I am a little major, how? (Last) It was quite majestic, and the other party did not dare to refute it. ;

After catching this opportunity, Zhang Yang will not let it go, and he deserves the luck of the second lieutenant. He usually accustomed to follow the colonel in the military division, and when he saw Zhang Yangguang scolding, he forgot that he was just a second lieutenant. The other person was carrying a major on his shoulder. The difference between Yu and Yu was three levels.

"Enough!" Kang Genliang shook his head secretly when he saw that the second lieutenant's face had turned into liver, immature. This comrade is politically immature, otherwise how could he leave such an obvious handle to others? Anyway, this second lieutenant is his own person, and he made such a big mistake that Kang Genliang, who wanted to seize Zhang Yang's problem, had to choose to "ignore" the problem.

"Where are you soldiers? Today is not a holiday, why are you here? There are swear words between words and words, don't you know that this is a violation of military discipline? Also, comrades in ruthless places are in conflict, three How many do you remember about the eight discipline disciplines? I don’t see the picket. I’m afraid you won’t realize the mistake!” Kang Ruliang came up to Chapter 204. I’m a little major. (Below) string of accountability


Zhang Yang secretly sighed in his heart, TD, the political commissar in this army is estimated to be almost the same as those who are officials on the officialdom. Looking at this excuse, I came up with a few big hats. Don’t even say that people really want to use this military discipline to tell things, Zhang Yang really has no place to refute, but now, anyway, things have happened, Zhang Yang will naturally not be like this.

"You have no right to know where I am, but to tell you the truth, the reason why I don't salute you is because my troops can overtake the command of all troops under special circumstances! So I am equal to you. "Zhang Yang said lightly, but he was different. He was purely a lie. Zhao Fei didn't ruin him. But this kind of situation exists in every country.

Domestic is no exception, this is what Zhang Yang saw in an internal file in his last life, otherwise he did not know that there are troops of this rank in the army.

Zhang Yang’s words made Kang Genliang’s heart jump. If that’s the case, then he can really kick the iron plate today. The troops with such rights are basically the General Staff, the General Political Department, or the troops directly under the Central Military Commission. Like the ancient mission, let alone the political commissar of his military division, even the commander of the Inner Mongolia Military Region may not dare to care.

After all, the Limong Military Region is not a big military region, it just belongs to the Beijing Military Region. "Yes? Anyway, I suspect that you are posing as a soldier illegally. How old are you, that is, you have just passed your twenties? Can you upgrade to a major? I haven’t heard of it yet. Take out your officer’s card. Take a look." After weighing the pros and cons in Kang's heart, he immediately had a choice.

Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly, Kang Genliang wanted to do this, and Zhang Yang couldn't refute it. After all, people stood on the ground, and from beginning to end, Kang Ruliang didn't even invest in that man's business even if he was looking for aphid. Even if Zhang Yang finds a complaint, he will not make a complaint. After all, there is no "speak" to support others.

The military officer certificate Zhao Fei had already prepared for Zhang Yang. Although it was fake, this political commissar could not see anything unless he actually checked it. I have to say that Zhao Fei was quite thoughtful about their issues, and Zhang Tuo was prepared for these things.

Taking out the officer’s badge in his jacket pocket, Zhang Yang delivered it straight away and said lightly: “This is my officer’s badge, look.”

Kang Genliang cast it, opened it, and his eyelids jumped. The authenticity of this officer’s card is undoubtedly natural. Kang Genliang saw it a long time ago. This officer’s card is true, and more importantly, the contents of the officer’s card Kang Genliang felt a little scared.

Although he is a university, in China, who is more important between the real power department and some remote departments, there is no doubt that this kind of thing exists even in the military system. As the saying goes, I haven’t eaten pigs or seen pigs running. Although Kang Genliang saw this kind of officer’s card for the first time, he already knew the significance of the officer’s certificate. There are similar documents in each military area.

What is said is the speciality of these special ministries and their documents. If Kang Ruliang remembers correctly, these people have another kind of document, but that kind of document cannot be presented with the investigation. Despite the commanding power of your troops, a major event has been shown. Usually, with this officer certificate can explain the problem.

However, Kang Genliang still didn't quite believe that the promotion in the army, in the war years, the front-line soldiers were promoted quickly, as long as you have better luck, life is greater, and encounter hard battles, there may be a battle down, a company commander, platoon leader It is possible for the leapfrog command to become the battalion commander or regiment leader. This kind of thing often happens on the battlefield.

But in a peaceful age, if you want to be promoted, then you are not a front-line unit, but a staff! If you have extremely strong commanding abilities in commanding talents, in times of peace, you might be able to come to several military chess demonstrations, let the generals above see you, and transfer you to the General Staff, then the promotion is much faster than the first-line troops.

But how old is Zhang Yang? Even if you study well and have a good mind, you have to graduate from college to enter the General Staff, or the military staff of each military district, right? But this year is a major, that is too scarce, of course not without, but definitely not many, more importantly, the military officer certificates of the various military regions or the General Staff are not confidential documents?

So hesitated for a while, Kang Genliang bit, he simply took out his mobile phone, dialed a number directly, and talked to it when it was connected, it seems that the person in the military division is calling, it should be ready to check Zhang Yang The military card is true or false.

To be honest, Zhang Yang was really taken aback. I didn't expect Kang Genliang to dare to check this. In case it was found, it would be over, and posing as a soldier is not a crime. But although he couldn't help thinking, Zhang Yang still had a relaxed look on his face. In any case, he had to hold on with his scalp at this time. If he was discouraged, the other party would directly check it, and maybe it would be true Find out what the problem is.

In fact, Zhang Yang also wanted to get it right. Kang Ruliang made a phone call while deliberately speaking loudly. He just wanted to observe the **** of Zhang Yang to see if he had panic or something. However, Zhang Yang's calmness left Kang Genliang's heart a fluke. Kang Ruliang naturally did not expect that Zhang Yang was basically catching the ducks on the shelf at this moment, and was holding on to death.

Soon there was a humming question on the phone. Kang Ruliang quickly reported a string of usernames and passwords, which should be his own account. If he wanted to check the military ID, he also had to investigate it in the military system, just like It was the same principle of the Namu system when Zhang Yang was short of Bai Su.

Soon, Kang Genliang began to report Zhang Yang's military number. After about a few minutes, Kang Ruliang's face changed slightly, he said something inside, and then dropped the call straight. Zhang Yang couldn't hear the voice on the phone and naturally didn't know what was said, but Zhang Kang guessed that Kang Ruliang didn't attack, and his military card was estimated to have passed.

What Zhang Yang didn’t know was that Kang Genliang’s heart was turned upside down at the moment. Although he was just a big school, he was a political commissar of the military division anyway. The authority in the military system was not too high, but it was not too low. , I didn't expect my account to finally get a result, the authority is not enough!

After stabilizing his emotions, Kang Gen lighted up, and then handed the certificate in his hand to Zhang Yang: "Well, the certificate is real, major. I don’t know if you came to Inner Mongolia for business or private affairs? What Lei Yaojun division help? Where?" As soon as he said this, the face of the man standing behind the political commissar changed, and only the nv person had not realized what happened.

Zhang Yang’s heart was completely put down, no matter how he heard it, he knew that the political commissar had softened. After all, when he appeared to love this, he couldn’t stand the scrutiny, even though he didn’t say anything else from beginning to end. Kang Genliang's brilliance.

"Oh, I'm a private matter, this is my nv friend's mother, because we are far from here, so I come back to see this time." Zhang Yang said lightly.

Kang Genliang took a serious look at Li Shufang immediately. Zhang Yang knew that this was his serious memory of Li Shufang's appearance so as to avoid any misunderstandings or similar things in the future.

"In this case, if there is anything that needs help, you can go straight to the military division. If it's okay, I'll go first. I still have a meeting in the morning." Kang Ruliang said quickly.

"It's okay, then thank the political commissar." Zhang Yang said sternly. This time Zhang Yang did not forget to pay Kang Genliang a salute. After all, everyone has already served, and it is OK to give a step down, and this is ruthless. Liang did not say too much. Kang Genliang returned a military salute, then Zhang Yang said goodbye, and finally even apologized to Li Shufang personally, saying that it delayed her business.

Kang Genliang's attitude made Li Shufang stunned for a while, but she still waved her hands quickly and said that it didn't matter that Kang Genliang came quickly and went quickly. From the beginning to the end, Kang Genliang didn't say much to the male nv, especially when he was walking. He said nothing.

This man is also a personal jīng. When he saw Kang Genliang gone, the man quickly pulled the sleeve of the nv man, and then quickly walked to his car. Zhang Yang sneered, walked a few steps quickly, and went straight to the front of the Mercedes-Benz, blocking the other party's path. He asked coldly: 1, how? Don't we have to lose money? "

"No, no, it's all a misunderstanding. We're going to leave if we're in a hurry." The man said haha ​​quickly, and said.

Zhang Yang raised a foot and stepped on the hood of the Mercedes-Benz car, smiling and said: "Since you are fine, do you talk about my nv friend's mother? Just now my nv friend's mother was killed by you I shoved it a little, and my waist hurts a little bit at the moment. Are we talking about medical expenses?

"What do you want?" The man's face changed immediately. A bright smile immediately appeared on Zhang Yang's face. Wasn't it just a bull? As the saying goes, he is not a gentleman, but Zhang Yang believes in another saying, no poison, no husband!

"No, don't you allow us to make a payment, don't you allow us to make a payment?" Zhang Yangwei smiled, and then took a check straight out of his pocket. This check was Zhang Yanghe Tan Yudie went to the bank to do it when they were shopping. The card was handy. After all, if the amount of money is relatively large, the check is still very convenient.

"Well," I wrote a check of 30,000 yuan and put it on the front of the car. Zhang Yang smiled and continued: "We are reasonable people. Anyway, life is a matter of life, life is more important than clothes, right? Your clothes are worth 30,000 yuan. Okay, we lost it. This is money, but my nv friend’s mother’s health, jīng’s loss of money, and the business of terrifying delays, I don’t want you too much. 60,000 yuan"

This kind of voice The man's face immediately became ugly, and the nv man's mouth immediately said: "You..." It was just that she hadn't spoken, and she was punished. The man interrupted. The man responded fast enough. He glared at the nv person and said, "You shut up and roll back into the car. I'll take care of this." The nv person froze for a moment, and then closed in dismay. With his mouth closed, he opened the car with some depression and drilled in.

"Friend, today's thing is that we are wrong. Everyone takes a step back. How is the sea and the sky?" The man said quickly when the nv person got on the bus.

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, "Okay, no problem, I haven't embarrassed you, I have taken a step back, I was originally prepared to be ten thousand old, my future mother-in-law's body is more precious, not 100,000? I’ve reduced it to 60,000 for you, and I’ve done my best."

This man would like to scold, even if it’s noble, it’s not worth 100,000? It’s blushing, green, and white. Looking at Zhang Yang’s feet on his car, this man knows, Zhang Yang today I'm not ready to be good. A! ! ! ;




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