The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 208: Looking for abuse (middle)

Chapter 208 Finding Abuse (Part 2)

The ghost virus did not disappoint Zhang Yang. They almost let the ghosts of GD and their poisoned hands send back the feedback information. Zhang Yang received a total of eight feedback messages, and it seems that no one has found that they have been tracked. It takes a little time to enter a ghost virus.

Therefore, the number of these people is different, and the progress of the natural ghost virus is also different. After less than fifteen minutes, the prompt of the ghost virus makes Zhang Yangmeng excited. It has traced the real address of a hacker. Zhang Yang quickly checked the ghost virus tracking page. With this view, Zhang Yang's face became weird.

Before finding the hacker's real IP, Chapter 208, looking for abuse (middle), Zhang Yang passed a public gateway, that is, a public IP. This IP is no longer familiar, that is, the public IP of the outside world, and the intranet IP, Zhang Yang is more familiar, but if he remembers correctly, this intranet IP is Zhang Yang's building.

I've gone, is there a master in my building? Zhang Yang quickly found the registration records in the dormitory allocation system. The IP of each dormitory was registered in the school system. After finding this, comparing it with the IP he found, Zhang Yang was a little speechless... 703

Bai Su has already left, and 703 is now alone. The school has not yet arranged for new members. Don't think about who is in 703. Zhang Yang's mind flashed the one he had met with Fang Shaoyun once. Jiao iǎnv child, road iǎ gull. Unexpectedly, the computer technology in this way was actually so powerful. After looking at her major, she was also in the computer department and software major.

Looking at the IP prompt on the computer, Zhang Yang was a little curious and hesitated. Zhang Yang decided to secretly invade Luiou’s computer to see who she really was. For this basic skill, her Chapter 208 looked for abuse ( China) The strength should not be too bad, and it should not be unknown in China.

Quickly opened her own scanner and scanned Luiou’s machine, because she attacked each other on the school server, so several easily intrusive ports on Luiou’s computer were open, and the data The traffic is quite large, he tried to initiate an access request, and was quickly rejected, but from the rejection information, Zhang Yang was immediately sure that the firewall function in her computer should not be very powerful.

In fact, although most ihackers have some defense software in their computers, the comprehensive and powerful firewall is not something that every hacker can write. Many hackers use firewalls uploaded by other hackers. Opening his own analysis software, Zhang Yang quickly found out that the leak in the computer was easy to handle.

After a few fraudulent orders, Zhang Yang easily entered Luiou’s computer, saving even insects, and could not blame the way. If it was usual, Zhangyang would have to spend a lot of money if he wanted to invade. Kung fu, but now Luiou’s attention is not here at all, plus a few leaks in her system are not found at all, so Zhang Yang can easily come in.

First, I scanned the system of Lu Yiou heartily. After avoiding a few honeypots, Zhang Yang started to check the programs running on her computer. Now Zhang Yang can directly see Lu's computer desktop. When he sees a chat room window, Zhang Yang's face becomes abnormal.

I went there, how could it be her? The window of this chat room is nothing else, it is the chat room window of the Black League Forum, and Zhang Yang has also seen the ID of Luiou, the poison palace rose... When Zhang Yang went to their chat room last time, he also talked to the poison palace Rose said a few words, but she didn't expect that she had passed the exam, and lived next to Zhang Yang.

It's no wonder that when you usually enter and leave the dormitory, the two beautiful nv in the other dormitory 704 can occasionally meet once, but Lui Ou, I met it only last time when I followed the macho, and I didn't see it at other times. Having been there, it is clear that Luiou is also of the type of Madam Curie, and she is in the dormitory every day, and there are ghosts only when she can meet them.

I just don’t know ing, I don’t know that the poison palace rose is here. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang’s face showed a playful sound. He quickly opened his computer, and then logged on to QQ. ing’s QQ should be online. Now ing Zhang Yang was given to Fool, and started to go to QQ every day.

Zhang Yang was just about to say a few words to ing. Suddenly Zhang Yang’s firewall started to call the police crazy. He quickly checked it. Zhang Yang was directly aggrieved. I’m going to say, aren’t you just looking for abuse? The attacker was not someone else, or the one who was cracking the school server. This guy is estimated to be an emperor. Except for the few poison palace roses, the ghosts are easy to trace, there are many other people, and there are a few The level of defense is quite good, so the progress of the ghost is very slow.

What makes Zhang Yang even more speechless is that this guy's attack method is actually not another, but a computer virus. By the way, Zhang Yang dare not say that he is invincible in other respects, but in terms of computer viruses, Zhang Yang dare to shoot He said with a chest, he is now throwing out the infected insects, but it is all right, dare to play the poison in front of the ancestor who played the poison. Isn’t this the typical toilet lighting, looking for shit?

This virus broke out quite quickly, and several Zhang Yang who were infected with Zhang Yang could not keep up with his ink stains, even the mother nest was too lazy to use it, and directly activated the anti-virus function of the firewall. These viruses simply could not achieve their goals.

After repairing the system, Zhang Yang directly used his permissions to kick everyone out. After kicking out, Zhang Yang copied the firewall in hand, and then activated all the functions of the firewall. Zhang Yang's firewall automatically repaired all system leaks. Function, his firewall has all the leaked data of various systems that Zhang Yang knows.

Then Zhang Yang pinpointed the data stream that just attacked him and immediately followed up... I was kicked out as soon as I was playing with the other party's happily ing screen. Suddenly, ing immediately reacted. I tried again quickly, and ing was dumbfounded. It was just a leaky system just now. How could it be like a copper wall.

ing hasn’t recovered yet, Zhang Yang has destroyed this person like a destructive a dozen times, in fact, the ghost virus has already understood these, and it’s ridiculous that this guy has not found Zhang Yang’s ghost The virus is almost touching his own real IP, he is still trying to stop Zhang Yang's footsteps.

With traces of ghost virus tracking, and relying on his own firewall protection, Zhang Yang didn't need to control the defense at all. He simply used brute force and rushed all the way.

Thousands of miles away, in a computer room of the big computer department of Q, a person's tense tongue was almost spit out, and the few people next to him couldn't help looking back at the man's situation.

"Me, who is this? When did you have such a master? This is definitely not the few guys in the Black League Forum." The boy with eyes next to the person Zhang Yang followed, his eyes almost protruded. This guy sitting next to him is the most technically person in the entire Q computer department.

At the same time, it is also one of the core members of the Chinese Red League. The full name of ID, Red Wolf, and Red League is the Chinese Red Guest League. Of course, it is nothing more than a change of name. Everyone actually changes the soup or the hacker, but the Red League Instead, under the banner of so-called justice hackers, there have been several battles with the newly formed Black League.

The most important thing is that although the two organizations cannot know who the other party is, they all know which university the other party is probably. ing, that is, the founder of the Black League is large, and several core members of the Red League are It is from Q University, and the grudges of the two computer departments of the university for many years, so they have to "fight one" every three.

However, they did not expect that it was just a person who was undefeated and did not attack at all. They originally thought that the other party was just a new member of the Black League, and their basic skills were solid, but who knows, this TD is basically to play a pig and eat a tiger. It’s just that I threw a virus bomb and blew up the other party. This time it’s hilarious, well, the other party’s counterattack can be described not only as sharp, but also in one sentence to describe your own Thousands of miles.

It seems that his defense has no effect at all in front of the other party. The other party does not pay attention to his defense at all. All the defense depends on the firewall, but to their dismay, they have no way to stop others' firewalls. And because the Red Wolf failed so fast, there was no way for several of them to help.

When there were three or four springboards away from catching up with the ghost virus, the ghost virus finally found the real IP of the other party. Upon seeing this IP, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that the relationship was big, and no wonder how to get in touch with the school server. However, Zhang Yang didn't know that there was still a fight between the Red League and the Black League.

The fight between Q Da and the Department of Computer Science Zhang Yang did not spend a lot of time in his life, but he hasn't had time in this life. I didn't expect to encounter it this time. Since I encountered it, Zhang Yang was not ready to let go easily. With the help of the ghost bug, Zhang Yang almost did nothing to go to the firewall of the Q big server. It seems to know that i is not the opponent of Zhang Yang, this guy also Without any defense at all, it directly retracted into the Q big server. A! ! ! ;




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