The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 210: Hard life (Part 1)

Chapter 210—Bitter Life (Part 1)

   Chapter 210: The Life of Suffering (Part 1)

Because the two computer departments of the university are hacking each other’s servers, everyone knows that not only the people of the computer department are exploding in the forum, but the people of other departments are paying attention to these things in the forum. The animals of the computer departments of the two schools, but it is related to the common honor of 60,000 or 70,000 students of the two universities.

So at the beginning, the S forum was a gloomy day, and the Q forum was happily, and various posts could not be brushed up. All of them asked the animals of the computer department to hang on to each other after hacking the S forum. The forum page, and the people of S big are infighting, where the people of other departments can't help but ridicule the computing department, saying that there is no ability to take the challenge, and the whole school is losing.

  Naturally, people in the computing department are unwilling to be ridiculed by outsiders, but also by their own number. Both sides are there while keeping an eye on the latest situation while constantly posting posts. It's just that the change of circumstances has caught everyone off guard. Although people with poor computer skills can't participate, they can learn about the latest situation by visiting the school's official website.

Because the forum is relatively independent, and these animals from the two computer departments of the school are showing off at the same time, they have not deliberately touched each other’s forum. The original situation on the big side is still strong, but Suddenly, those who attacked disappeared silently. While everyone was stunned for a while, everyone's response was not slow.

This time, the two factions in the S forum did not care about scolding, and rushed directly to the official website of Q University. When they responded and logged in to the official website of Q University, Zhang Yang used his ID of the vest L The announcement has been posted directly.

Many S big animals were happy when they saw this announcement. Everyone was so happy, they immediately registered a lot of accounts of Q big forums, and then started posting directly in it, forwarding the content of the publicity of the announcement, and then putting it on the top manually. , The newcomer's waistcoat suddenly appeared in the Q forum.

"Bull, who knows who this L is, as long as he is willing, the old lady is his nv friend, there is a picture and the truth, the photo, QQ: 28. Single nv compatriots who have the same idea, dare to top this post , Lao Niang welcomes competition." An S big MM directly posted a post on the Q big forum, and even posted all his photos directly.

When Zhang Yang saw this post, the reply content had been artificially topped with hundreds of replies. When Zhang Yang clicked in and saw it, he was caught by this content. Although the post's ǎoMM cannot be compared with Li Keqing, they are also very enchanting. The girl, and from the perspective of Zhang Yang's experience of reading countless forums, this photo has never been PS.

What makes Zhang Yanghan even more is that there are really followers below, and the followers are bound to be the same as the landlord. The photos and contact information are not bad. The most important thing is that these MMs that follow are not bad. Among them You don’t even need to say that Zhang Yangzhen has seen it in school, it should not be a random photo on the Internet.

  Furthermore, this year's MM is still relatively simple. Sending photos and videos will not be like a few years later. Fraud is everywhere. In the blink of an eye, there are more than a hundred top posts behind this MM post, and even Zhang Yang actually saw Q-MM posts in these MM.

   This time, a group of wolves in the forum hún screamed and shouted, the post also went straight red all the way. Because Zhang Yang just hacked the Q big forum, all the administrator accounts were directly wiped out, so this forum has not been restored at this time, naturally no one manages it, but let the big S group sāo package Once.

   On the contrary, almost all the boys of Q big face are ashamed. Except for a limited number, the uniformity of other boys disappears directly.

   Zhang Yang got together for a while and also ran away. It was not that Zhang Yang didn't want to watch it, but the ghost virus sent back the real IPs of several people one after another. Those Q big ones are offline. It seems that although the ghost virus has given several IPs, Zhang Yang is too lazy to verify, and he is not a master anyway.

The three Zhang Yangs of S are more curious. Poison Palace Rose is the road, this has been confirmed, and the other is that this Zhang Yang already knows when he looks at the IP, and the real IP of the last one is actually not in S. Big, but in a district of H city.

After searching the name of this ǎo district, Zhang Yang knew who it was. He didn’t even have to invade to guess. This ǎo district can be said to be the government’s courtyard in the entire city of H. Students, except for Tan Yudie Zhang Yang, could not think of a second person. After all, he can be the president of the S big computer society. If Tan Yudie's computer technology is poor, no one can believe it.

   Now that he knows who the third person is, Zhang Yang is too lazy to invade. Besides, Tan Yangdie has read all the things in the computer Zhang Yang, and there is nothing nice about it. Of course, the notebook may have been processed, but Zhang Yang believes that the notebook is definitely not deliberately processed, and Tan Yudie always uses it normally. Otherwise, Zhang Yangxiu was brought over for it, and there is no need to copy some photos go in?

  Opened QQ, and Zhang Yang sent a message to the past, "I said, are you too bad?" Zhang Yang used the ID.

   "Ah? You are here, God." An unexpected expression came over.

   "Of course, I'm euthanized, right, do you know that the poison palace rose is in S?" Zhang Yang asked quickly, it's okay to be fun and fun.

   "Uh? I x, God, that L will not be you?" asked incredulously.

   "No." Zhang Yang directly denied.

   "Uh? Do you know the great god?"

   "Of course I know, we are still good friends, the kind who talks about nothing, just that he did it." said with a smile.

He was a little dizzy, but he didn’t have any doubts. It seems that there is no need to lie in this kind of thing. For this kind of thing, it’s just a trivial matter. The Great God took out the Japanese cabinet and resigned several ministers. The people's approval rate has increased from 55 to 37 percent, and no one has hidden their heads.

Therefore, Zhang Yang said that he was not himself, and he believed it directly. Hearing that he was his friend, he immediately understood it. The friend of the Great God is naturally also a Great God. Although he has never heard of this Great God with ID L, it does not hinder the right. The worship of the great gods.

  The great gods naturally have circles of great gods. People of every level have circles of every level, and the hacker circle is no exception. "By the way, the **** you just said that the poison palace rose is in the big S? No? How do you know." Obviously, he didn't know about it, and asked incredulously.

   "Hey, what I didn't know was the freshman freshman, yes, forgot to tell you, it's still a beautiful nv." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

   looked at the message sent, and for a while, the technical strength of the poison palace rose was not bad, but now it is actually being targeted, and the other party already knows her information, she does not know at all? I originally thought that although I and others had some gaps with the Great God, this gap should not be particularly large.

But now it is found that this gap is not only not as he thinks, but it is much larger than he thought. This is the gap. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but ask in the chat room: " Rose, you lied to me, you are a student of S University, you actually said you are not."

   "Fuck, how do you know?" Poison Palace Rose's reaction made him more certain. Poison Palace Rose didn't find anyone actually investigated her.

   Seeing such a big reaction from the poison palace rose, he remembered what the great **** said, and immediately said proudly: "It's still a beautiful nv, hehe."

"Ix, how do you know? Ix, you won't invade my computer? Right, you don't have that strength, hurry up, how do you know?" The original road, Oo Ou, didn't quite believe it already. Knowing that she is an S college student, I thought it was méng, but as soon as this word was spoken, Luo Ou knew that it was absolutely impossible to be méng.

   "Wow, is it real? Roses are really beautiful nv?" The words immediately activated the chat room, and a few invisible people jumped out directly and asked, eagerly speaking.

   "I am dizzy, Beichenxiang you hún egg, aren't you just there? I called you N sounds and you didn't respond." A moment of depression, is it not as attractive as beautiful nv?

"Hey, I was just not here. I just came back. When I put on my headphones, I heard you said that roses are beautiful nv. Also, how do you know that roses are big, do you two meet?" Bei Chenxiang A quick haha ​​and said.

   "Fuck off, don't care how I knew it, I just knew it. Rose or S freshman freshman, let's meet Rose?" asked quickly.

   "Go away, no interest, if you are willing to tell me how you know, the old lady is in a good mood, maybe you are willing to meet you." Lu ǎo Ou said with a depressed face.

   "Then we meet, I will tell you." I rolled my eyes and said quickly. Zhang Yang naturally didn't know where to tease the poison palace rose. After a few words, Zhang Yang went offline. Tomorrow he will go out for a run, and the training plan given to him by Instructor Li Yingjie will officially start tomorrow.

The next morning, when the day was still méngméng bright, Zhang Yang was awakened by the phone ringing, picked up the phone and looked at it, it was a strange number, Zhang Yang just picked it up, and Li Yingjie's voice rang from the phone. : "Jiaozi, hurry up chuáng, eat chuáng early, and then get out and run. If you don't want to run into something like that day in the future."

   Zhang Yang originally wanted to rely on chuáng, but Li Yingjie obviously caught Zhang Yang's death xùe, and drove away Zhang Yang's sleepers in one sentence, but got up from chuáng helplessly and Zhang Yang quickly put on his clothes. He just got dressed and received a text message on his mobile phone, and opened it, it was Li Keqing.

"Zhang Yang, get up early and eat, the instructor said that you have already got up, I'm outside your dormitory mén." Seeing Li Keqing's message, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, and Li Yingjie even used Li Keqing's feelings. All the back roads are blocked.

  Open mén and put Li Keqing in. The weather outside is already cold in the morning, Li Keqing’s

  O blushing, like a red apple.

   "How do you get up so early?" Zhang Yang asked Li Keqing with some distress to his house.

"Aren't you not staying in school? Besides, the instructor said you decided to start exercising hard today, and then my mother said to make it earlier for you, better than eating outside. No, I brought it to you, it's ròu porridge. Drinking this in the morning is more nourishing." Li Keqing shook the thermos inside his hand.

"Well, thank you aunt for Open the thermos, a scent of yòu people came, Zhang Yang has tasted Li Shufang’s rice in his last life, naturally know that Li Shufang’s food is very fragrant, I did not expect my future Mother-in-law is good to herself.

   After drinking ròu porridge quickly, Li Keqing returned to the dormitory to rest, Zhang Yang walked to the cào field, according to the training given by Li Yingjie, he first ran three kilometers every morning. Zhang Yang didn't run too fast just after his meal. Although it said that the military training of the past month didn't take long, three thousand kilometers was still a long number for Zhang Yang.

Fortunately, the weather in the morning was cold enough, Zhang Yang was still motivated to run. Zhang Yang was breathless after the 3,000-meter run. He did not return to the dormitory but ran directly to Li Yingjie. He did not take the elevator and ran directly from the first floor. Going up and waiting to go upstairs, Zhang Yang wanted to die, and the two tuǐ were extremely soft, just like noodles.

I knocked mén weakly, and Li Yingjie in a wheelchair was driving the mén. When he saw Zhang Yang, Li Yingjie said with a smile: "Zhang Yang, you are too inferior, just look at you and ran a three thousand It's so tired. At that time, we were armed with a 10 km cross-country every morning. It was an appetizer, and we could only eat breakfast after running."

   "Teach... Instructor, I am not you, I am already pretty good." Zhang Yang said breathlessly.

   "Okay, so I didn't force you, come in and take the first step." Li Yingjie said quickly.

   "En." Nodded helplessly, who made it their own wish? Zhang Yang is also a bullish temper sometimes. Since it is something he promised, Zhang Yang does not want to give up halfway.



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