The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 213: I got a fork (middle)

Chapter 213 I have a fork (middle)

Chapter 213 I have a fork (middle)

For a time, everyone's attention was focused on the foreigner. Because Zhang Yang and Tan Yudie were walking together, it was not clear to everyone at the moment whether the foreigner's goal was Tan Yudie or Zhang Yang. After all, foreigners are more direct . Although it is said that the foreigner is 50 or 60 years old, but she loves a girl, and the confession is not unexplained, not to mention the identity of the foreigner is not simple.

Even Tan Yudie thought that this foreigner was coming towards herself. She really encountered something similar, so Tan Yudie's face was immediately full of alertness, and her right hand immediately lifted her open arms. Looking down at Tan Yudie holding her arms, Zhang Yang has chapter 213. I made a cross (middle) and couldn’t cry or laugh. Zhang Yang didn’t think of Tan Yudie’s thoughts, but Tan Yudie’s actions were very similar. It was an nv person who followed his man on the street and encountered another nv person's movement.

The problem is, this foreigner is a man. Are you afraid that I will be robbed by him. Zhang Yang was full of black lines, but he quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang." The old man named Fortu came over and said to Zhang Yang with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Fortu." Zhang Yang nodded slightly. When the old man introduced himself, he didn't introduce his full name. Zhang Yang knew he was called Fortu, and the specific name was unknown.

Everyone's eyes were immediately focused on Zhang Yang. Everyone started to look up and down, including Tan Yudie. To be honest, Tan Yudie didn't expect that this old man actually knew Zhang Yang! Although Tan Yudie doesn't know this old foreign man, she can live in a five-star hotel and has such a large negotiating team. Obviously, the company should not go anywhere.

While Zhang Yang said hello to Fortu, he quickly took a look at the group of chapter 213 next to Fortu. I had a cross (center) person. At this point, Zhang Yang was taken aback. He actually looked at Arrived at an "acquaintance"! Said an acquaintance, because Zhang Yang is familiar with him, but people certainly do not know Zhang Yang, this person is not someone else, is the CEO of Jiucheng Company Zhu Jun!

I have a fork, what is Zhu Jun doing here? Zhang Yang's head quickly wandered through several thoughts. The rise of Jiucheng is a process of acting as a game company. The problem is that it is now 04. In 2004, when thinking of this, Zhang Yangmeng thought of a game that is popular all over the world! World of Warcraft!

Yes, it is definitely World of Warcraft. Otherwise, Jiucheng will not send such a large negotiation delegation, so the identity of this old man will be called out, should it be the CEO of Blizzard? Although Zhang Yang used to be Warcraft in his life, he just knew Blizzard. Zhang Yang really didn't know who Blizzard was.

"Thank you very much for the last thing." Fortu thanked again seriously.

"No need to thank, just a hand." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Oh, President Zhu, let me introduce you. This is what I told you, Zhang Yang, and also my friend in China." Fortu turned around and greeted Zhu Jun behind him. Zhu Jun walked over to smile and shook hands with Zhang Yang, and then said: "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"Hello." Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, then reached out and shook hands with Zhu Jun.

"Is this beautiful elder sister Mr. Zhang's friend? Would you like to introduce us?" After the two met each other, Fortu smiled politely. Zhang Yang quickly introduced Tan Yudie to them, and Tan Yudie smiled and greeted everyone.

"By the way, last time I went too hurriedly, I forgot to tell Mr. Zhang, if Mr. Zhang has anything you need me to help, despite the words, isn’t there an old saying in China called Dian Deng En Dang Yong Quan? Introduce it again. My name is Jean Reina Fortu, the president of the Vivendi Group of France." Fortu said seriously looking at Zhang Yang.

I am dizzy! Zhang Yang was speechless. He originally thought that Fortu was also the president or vice president of Blizzard Entertainment, but Zhang Yang was never killed. He was actually the president of Vivendi Group. It stands to reason that Blizzard although It is one of the subsidiaries of Vivendi, but this level of negotiation is not worthy of Voltau?

Moreover, foreign companies, even the financial and operations of the subsidiaries and the parent company are separate. If it is not a major matter, generally it will not be presented by the parent company. Besides, even if the parent company comes, it is not necessary. Is this president of Fortu?

"Uh, Mr. Fortu, no, I said that it was just a piece of cake. It's just too common for you to be so solemnly grateful." Zhang Yang shook his head, even though Fortu is Vivendi Group The president of the company, but the president is the president. He has only a few shares in Vivendi Group. The real decision is the board of directors.

Of course, no one can deny Fortu's influence. After all, if those directors do not trust Fortu, he will not be allowed to assume the position of president.

Just thinking of World of Warcraft, Zhang Yang has complained again, Lich King ah Lich King, Zhang Yang's heart pain forever, mlgbd Zhang Yang did not play World of Warcraft at that time because Jiucheng patronized the money, and the Lich King was not open all year round. Zhang Yang simply did not believe in any matter approved by the Ministry of Culture.

Everyone knows the domestic situation. If you really want to approve it, you can actually approve it. Otherwise, how would NetEase let the Lich King approve it? Moreover, the speed of approval of the subsequent cataclysm data piece is also very fast. Although it is still slower than that of foreign countries, it is always more reliable than Jiucheng.

"Well, then Mr. Zhang doesn't know if I can invite Mr. Zhang to dinner today?" Fortu continued to ask again. The invitation of the CEO of a tens of billions of dollars company to be repeated three times or five times may only be publicized, and this person, Fortu, may not want to owe anyone a favor, so this is the case.

"Well, if you have to thank me, Mr. Fortu, then, I heard that your company's World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment, is going to be listed in China. I don't know if I can run it for me?" Zhang Yang smiled openly Just a joke. He was purely kidding, even if Fortu was willing to give Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang couldn't take it down, running such a big game, not to mention playing, the sales channel of the card, the assumption of the server, and the customer service, as well as various All kinds of things, if there is no mature operating company, be prepared to lose money. When he said this, Zhang Yang also paid attention to Zhu Jun's face, and as soon as Zhang Yang said his words, Zhu Jun's face changed.

"Well? Mr. Zhang, do you have a game company?" Fortu froze for a moment, then asked. What do you mean? Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Zhang Yang thought that Fortu would be very embarrassed to refuse, and then he would no longer mention the matter of human relations. Who knew that Fortu would seriously question this matter.

"Uh, can you really give me the power of agency of World of Warcraft?" Zhang Yang choked, if the company is not for Futu, he can't be the master, it's the board's final decision, Fuer What does the picture mean?

"Of course, direct agreement is impossible. If you open a game company, Mr. Zhang, then we can sit down and negotiate. This time I came to China because I saved you last time, and then I came again. Trip to China, and I am not afraid to tell Mr. Zhang that the people behind me are the person in charge of Blizzard Entertainment, and this time we and Jiucheng Company are talking about the agency of World of Warcraft." Fortu said happily .

As soon as Fortu’s words were exported, Zhang Yang knew that the contract between Blizzard Entertainment and Jiucheng must have not yet been reached, or even entered the substantive negotiation stage, otherwise, the two parties will first sign a contract of intent, nor will Fortu May say such things.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was a little bit emotional, although he said that he could not get the agency of World of Warcraft, he could not get it, but, or to change the host for World of Warcraft? Anyway, Zhang Yang played Warcraft for a few years in his life, and it was completely sad for Jiucheng. Zhang Yang can't forget the grudges of many Warcraft players at that time!

Although many domestic game companies are almost the same, but relatively speaking, NetEase, which later accepted World of Warcraft, is still a piece of cake. At least for anti-plug-in, anti-theft, and protection of game accounts, NetEase is among all domestic game companies. Do the best.

Especially anti-plug-in, no matter what game a game can play, even if it is a game that charges items, in fact, its biggest enemy is the plug-in, and NetEase does a good job in this regard. No one can pick out this problem, and NetEase has done a pretty good job in hacking.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect me to talk casually, and I guessed your purpose." Zhang Yang smiled and said haha, but he quickly began to turn his thoughts in his mind. Is it done or not? ?

"Does Mr. Zhang own his game company? Haha, although I can't make a decision, it is okay to let Mr. Zhang's company join the negotiation. If the same conditions are met, I will give priority to Mr. Zhang's company." Fore The figure said with a smile. Although Zhu Jun's face was a bit ugly, he didn't say anything. After all, they had just contacted Blizzard Entertainment for the first time. They contacted several companies at the same time, and they had no right to refute.

Businessmen chase profits, everyone is the same, but Fortu can tell this in front of Zhu Jun, Zhu Jun is still very fond of Fortu, at least contact with others, and then negotiate a strong contract, to When Jiu Cheng was thrown aside, it was too tragic.

"Uh, I don't have a game company, but my friends do. If possible, I hope we can still cooperate. Of course, we will negotiate normally." Zhang Yang thought about it and didn't say anything to death. If it's not possible, it's okay not to participate when the time comes. There is naturally no problem leaving a comment.

"Well, then I also hope that we have the opportunity to cooperate, then I will not disturb the two, we have time to contact by phone." Fortu said with a smile.

"Okay, goodbye." Zhang Yang nodded.

After they left, Tan Yudie looked up and down with a weird expression: "I said, you are a demon jīng? How do you know anyone? Even the president of a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars. "

"Uh, I didn't mean it on purpose." Zhang Yang choked, how did he know that at that time, he saved an old man who was the CEO of Vivendi Group? This kind of thing is not much more likely than a cannon hitting a mosquito.

"Cut, I confirm once again that I was right to bring you over. Maybe our negotiating opponents also have people you know. You can help negotiate." Tan Yudie said with a smile.

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, and he was not a god. How could he know the CEOs of so many companies? Speaking of them, there are only a few of these people Zhang Yang knew. One is Gao Gang, and the other is Pan Hu, but Pan Hu is still an enemy. If negotiating with Pan Hu, I'm afraid Zhang Yang is helping. For Fort, this is completely unexpected.

Seeing Zhang Yang didn't speak, Tan Yudie seemed to remember something again, and asked quickly: "Yes, that game thing? Do you want its agency? Now the domestic online game market is indeed a huge cake, if you If you want to do it, you now have money in your hand. I can invest and invest in shares, and I will give you the operation."

"How much can the two of us get together? The agency right to buy this game is not an amount." Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. Zhang Yang had checked the price of Jiucheng's agency right in his previous life.

The three-million-dollar signing fee, followed by a subsequent post-authorization fee of $51.3 million, will be paid for more than 4 years at a rate of $1.6 million to $3.7 million per quarter. There is also a pre-development investment of 6.8 million US dollars, and a later promotion of 13 million US dollars. In total, it is close to more than 600 million RMB. You should know that the exchange rate of RMB to USD is still more than 8 yuan.

And Blizzard also has to split up on sales So much money is not for Zhang Yang to play.

"How much is it?" Tan Yudie obviously didn't understand this. The two asked as they walked toward the meeting room. "A dozen billions of dollars, it must be indispensable anyway." Zhang Yang shook his head without elaborating.

"So much? Isn't it? Can a game make money?" Tan Yudie has an incredible feeling. After all, whoever listens to this number also feels a little scary.

"You can get rid of that word and earn it will definitely be earned. I don't know if you play or not play games, but Blizzard's products must be jīng products. This is not a play." Zhang Yang smiled.

"Uh, if it can be earned, it is not impossible to have so much money, is there still a bank?" Tan Yudie skewed her head and thought about it.

Zhang Yang is a little dizzy. Is the bank opened by your family? A little speechless, Zhang Yang quickly bowed his hand: "Forget it, I just talked about it casually." A! ! ! ;




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