The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 216: Inadvertently plug the willow

Chapter 216 Wuxin chāliu (Part 2)

   Chapter 216 Wuxin chāliu (middle)

  After all this is well, Zhang Yang quickly connected to the mobile satellite base station with his mobile phone number and directly connected to the No. 1 satellite. Some of Zhang Yang's software is distributed and hidden in the network. Although the computer in his school is not turned on, Zhang Yang can still download a few of the software he needs into the PDA.

   In fact, Zhang Yang does not need much software. His main task is to strengthen the defense of pda in case something unexpected happens. After all, mak is also a computer expert. After returning to the hotel, Zhang Yang went directly back to his room. The luxury suite had a computer, but Xìng was sure it would be fine. Zhang Yang was too lazy to modify it and sat on the sofa. Zhang Yang quickly started using PDA Black Hilton Hotel system.

The rooms in the hotel are equipped with network cables, but the network cables of ordinary rooms are not provided free of charge. You need to purchase an Internet card or charge it on a daily basis. The network of these rooms must pass through the Hilton server before connecting to the outside world. , Scanning Hilton's server, Zhang Yang's heart moved.

   is naturally responsible for the scanning of the No. 1 satellite. The pda in Zhang Yang's hand is just a command transceiver and a display. The main operation does not depend on it at all. Looking at the results of the scanner, Zhang Yang was immediately sure that Hilton's server had been manipulated, and the person who manipulated it was definitely mak.

   If it wasn't for Zhang Yang who had secretly mōmō invaded mak's computer, he would never find this hidden honeypot. This guy is very dangerous. The honeypot is called a honeypot because it is a trap. The functions of the honeypot are different, and the placement of the honeypot is also different. Most honeypots are so-called traps. When you touch the honeypot, After living it, you will think that you have successfully invaded other people's computers. In fact, otherwise, you are in the simulation system of the honeypot.

   And when you touch the honeypot, it begins to record all your cào operations and transmit your information. There are also honeypots that contain unused and extremely damaging viruses. Once touched, these viruses will directly infect your machine and start to wreak havoc, or destroy your computer, or destroy what you want. s things.

The last kind of honeypot is of alarm quality. It is different from the two above. It is more secretive. Even if you trigger it, it will not make any changes that will draw your attention. Its people sent an alarm telling him that an enemy stepped on the trap.

   And the honeypot that Zhang Yang discovered is of this kind of alarm. Apparently mak is very vigilant. It should be said to be quite vigilant. Just staying in a hotel, you must do some work in these areas. However, honeypots are just like traps. Once discovered, there is no threat. Zhang Yang has some ways to bypass this honeypot.

Mr. mak is also very smart. He didn’t modify anything in the Hilton server system. He secretly placed a few alarm honeypots inside mōmō. It seems that this behavior is not very consistent with his alertness. In fact, this is the case. The smartest choice.

The server of a hotel, even the server of a five-star hotel, will definitely not be smarter than the servers of other large enterprises, because the server of the hotel is just a transit, and the hotel's official website promotion, etc., although there are internal Management systems, but compared to other types of enterprises, hotels are not highly dependent on the Internet, which has caused the security of most hotel servers around the world.

  Know that if you want to increase the security level of the server, the related security cost is not a sum every year. Therefore, under the condition that the hotel server is generally safe, if mak secretly changes the hotel's system, perhaps the hotel's system security is high, but it will also cause another result, that is, if it is true If someone hits the idea of ​​this hotel server, I'm afraid it can be seen at a glance that this server has been tampered with.

In that way, even an idiot knows what to do, and mak like this, a few cleverly placed honeypots, if it’s not Zhang Yang’s usual prudence, and Zhang Yang once invaded mak’s computer, knowing his For some habits, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will have a considerable chance of being given to Mak by Mak.

Bypassing the several honeypots found, Zhang Yang huā successfully entered the Hilton server for about ten minutes. Zhang Yang placed the infected worm directly without any hesitation. The infected worm is in stealth mode by default. The hidden mode refers to infecting other computers as much as possible, but it will not affect any functions of these computers. Except for secretly opening a computer, users of the computer will not find any problems.

This does not mean that the infected insects are not destructive. On the contrary, the destructive power of the infected insects is absolutely unmatched by other computer viruses. Infected insects can not only destroy computer data, but also directly damage the computer’s hardware, but these functions are just publicity. It's rarely enabled.

   Infected insects quickly spread across the entire Hilton hotel network, and any computer in each room in the entire hotel that uses the Internet cannot escape the fate of being infected by the infected insects. Put the pda on the table, Zhang Yang directly opened the computer in his room, checked the internal network IP of his computer, and Zhang Yang quickly found the address of the next room.

   However, there is no data for the network cable in the Mak room. It should be unused, and Mak estimated that it did not return. Turning off his computer, Zhang Yang turned the ndang program in the pda into the background, and then called Li Yingjie and Li Keqing separately, telling them that they couldn't go back today. After making a call, Zhang Yang did not modify the Hilton hotel system, but began to place honeypots like mak, but before this, Zhangyang used the mother nest's analog system function to send mak's honeypot alarm system to block .

Then Zhang Yang quickly started to place his honey pot. Zhang Yang set up a program, he set his honey pot under the mak honey pot. Once someone checked the mak honey pot, or touched it, not only Only mak will receive the alert, and the program hidden under the mak honeypot will also send the alert to Zhang Yang’s mobile phone.

  Simply put, Zhang Yang made another trap under the trap placed by mak. Mak's trap dealt with the enemies trying to enter this system, while Zhang Yang's trap was aimed at mak. After doing all this, Zhang Yang quickly removed the iron piece tied to ǎotuǐ and then went to chuáng to make up for it.

  Anyway, if Mak returns, Zhang Yang will get information, he is not in a hurry. Lying on the chuáng, Zhang Yang quickly fell asleep. I don't know how long after that, Zhang Yang was awakened by the pda vibration in his hand. Quickly sat up from chuáng, Zhang Yang went into the bathroom and washed his face, and then picked up the pda to check it.

   It was already dark in the room, obviously it was already night. When checking the news, Zhang Yang looked at the pda time reminder by the way, more than 9pm. Open the pda prompt message, the message was sent by the honeypot. Someone just checked and scanned those honeypots. Needless to say, it must be that Mak is back.

And there is a feedback message sent by the infected insect. Open it, and Zhang Yang waved his fist. The computer before Mak did not turn on, so Zhang Yang had no way, but now, the infected insect has successfully infected Mak. In the computer.

With the help of an infected insect, Zhang Yang immediately steals mō and uses mén to sneak into Mak's computer. Mak's strength is quite powerful. Even if it is a little bit different from Zhang Yang, I am afraid that his comprehensive strength will not be able to find anything. It's just that Zhang Yang has too many artifacts. He is not an opponent at all.

  After entering mak's system, Zhang Yang didn't do anything, but quietly monitored mak's desktop. Obviously mak is just back, he is constantly logging in his springboard, and scanning the information of each springboard, and at the same time resetting the honeypots and traps in each springboard.

  'S abnormal heart mak would never have thought that he was useless no matter what. He already had a pair of eyes into his computer, watching all his actions silently. Zhang Yang is not worried about being discovered by mak. When the infected insect enters mak's system, it means that he is going to be in a tragedy.

   Infected insects have been thoroughly simulated and become the key files of the mak computer system. Infected insects will hide all the publicized login information, and the information that the system feeds back to mak is simply not true.

   Soon, mak made a big circle around the world under Zhang Yang's gaze, and then logged in a ǎǎo program. This program should be a contact tool, even if you don't know who mak is contacting. After logging in to this program, mak quickly sent a message to one of the few friends to ask for information in the past.

:"How are you?"

   mak: "I'm fine here, what did the last incident f say?"

: "People who have sent the past have passed back the news, and the clues have been completely interrupted. From the mouth of the Chinese person who died last time, it is possible that the damage and loss of things may exceed 95%. China's waste recycling market It’s too húnluàn to find any useful information at all. There are tens of thousands of waste recycling bins in the entire city, and many used hard drives will be removed directly after being returned to the furnace."

   Seeing this, Zhang Yang's heart jumped. Although they were talking about hard disks, they didn't know why. Zhang Yang thought of his server and the important partition hidden in the server. The encryption software that came out of that server, Zhang Yang unlocked a program in the laboratory system of the Pan-Asia Group, then there must be an inevitable connection between the two.

   And the words of this gold coin made Zhang Yang's heart jump and connect between the two, then the murderer of Liu Liping's death was also obvious, and they were also sent by these people.

   mak: "How is the investigation about?"

: "No result, very mysterious, but the above analysis is seriously inconsistent with our opponents or those who defected from us. Their strength is very strong, but these are not the most important. No matter how powerful the network is, it is useless. , But the loss of the No. 9 data made us lose the opportunity to become the world's hegemony! That was a cross-generation invention under an accident!"

  Mak: "What the **** is that?"

: "If we knew it, it wouldn't be so mysterious. The investment of more than ten years, the laboratory costing hundreds of billions of dollars has disappeared overnight. If it is not that we have set up a backup system to prove that there is information to leave, we Not even knowing what happened in the laboratory."

   mak: "Do I still need to stay here? I lost the stronghold of the Japan Intelligence Agency and a dozen important agents, and they didn't get information about China's latest stealth aircraft."

: "I asked for instructions again. We are not suitable for American politics. You will go back to work tomorrow. If f has the latest instructions, I will notify you. I will start sending documents now~www Do you accept it, is the environment confirmed?"

  mak: "Confirmed, I am safe here."

  The conversation is over here, then mak starts to accept a file with a size of more than 200m. And Zhang Yang was frightened to see. From the mouths of these two people, Zhang Yang has heard it. These people are not only powerful in the network. Their real power may be even more terrifying. A laboratory invests hundreds of billions of dollars!

  What is that concept? How many people in the world can come up with hundreds of billions of dollars? Although this investment is not a xìng investment, but in addition to national forces, Zhang Yang really can't think of anyone who can get so much money back and forth. But these people are obviously not national forces, nor are they the US politics that publicizes speculation.

  The broadband of the Hilton Hotel is a 100M fiber, and the speed of receiving files is very fast. Mak quickly accepted the files. Then Mak began to clean his own traces. Obviously his things were done. When he took Mak to clean his traces, when he exited from each ròujī, Zhang Yang quickly began to copy the files in his computer.

  Because of the help of infected insects, Zhang Yang is concealed, so those alarm measures in the mak system have become a decoration, which is completely useless for Zhang Yang. In less than five minutes, Zhang Yang copied all the files that Mak just got to the No. 1 satellite, and then Zhang Yang quietly left Mak’s computer. When he left, Zhang Yang did not clear the contents of his computer. Infected insects just remove all infected insects from other places.



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