The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 223: Various vests (on)

Chapter 223 Various Vests (Part 1)

Chapter 223 Various Vests (Part 1)

Interrupting the conversation with Zhang Dao, Zhang Yang reopened the file he just closed, mainly the task of these people. Since this file is in the hands of m, it is clear that most of the goals of these tasks should be in the country. Zhang Yang Instead, I want to see which domestic companies can attract the attention of these people. ;

The first time I looked at it, Zhang Yang did not take a closer look. He just turned it off after seeing clearly what was in this file. But this time Zhang Yang took a closer look. This file is not only a domestic company. Instead, it is classified according to each country.

Moreover, Zhang Yang noticed that most of these companies' chapter 223 chapters of various vests (part 1) are some second-tier companies. Some truly internationally renowned large companies are not much here, even if they are some of their subsidiaries. Finding a domestic company made Zhang Yang somewhat stunned that the top ranking was Matrix Security.

The ranking of these companies is calculated according to the priority, that is to say, matrix security is ranked first in the eyes of these people, and Zhang Yang also sensitively noticed that there is a time for remarks behind each piece of information here. The time of matrix security modification is not long after Zhang Yang cooperated with matrix security in the name of gd, after Matrix Security launched the assassin virus killing.

That is to say, the special killing of the assassin virus launched by Zhang Yang put the matrix security sequence level directly in the first place, from which it can be seen that nubi attaches considerable importance to computer technology, but think about it, too, the largest source of profits for the entire nubi It is possible to steal these technologies by hackers. Although it is impossible to obtain all of them, as long as they get a part of them, then whether they operate them themselves or sell them to other companies, the profits they can get can be said to be essentially no-cost trading!

No wonder n Chapter 223 The forums of various vests (part 1) at the beginning of the establishment of the UBI forum have no other charges except for registration fees. The real purpose of feelings is in this place.

Moreover, in the description behind Matrix Security, Zhang Yang has noticed that what they care about is not the assassin virus killing at all, but they want to know whether there is a real killer in Matrix Security that can independently pursue the assassin virus on the network. In Nubi's eyes, that is their biggest threat.

Under Matrix Security is another company that Zhang Yang does not know. After turning a few companies down, a familiar company fell into Zhang Yang’s line of sight. Seeing the name of this company, Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. Thinking that Xingyangye didn't escape nubi's sight, and seeing this, Zhang Yang was sure that there might be a group of people in nubi who are solely responsible for collecting this information.

After all, although it is impossible for Xingyangye to develop new things quietly, it will never be publicized everywhere, and nubi can get new information about this, and can imagine how detailed their intelligence work is.

Matrix Security is not worried, because after all, Matrix Security’s exclusive killing has been provided to other security companies for free. Presumably, nubi has already been obtained, but the real assassin’s exclusive killing, that is, adapted from infected insects, Zhang Yang, the killer software that can actively hunt down the assassin virus, did not give anyone, so their hackers will not get any useful information even if they enter the server of the matrix security. Zhang Yang naturally does not care.

However, Xingyangye is different. If Xingyangye's new formula and detailed information are obtained by these people, they won't be able to get it back. Even now Xingyangye has just cooperated with Jinghai Group, but Li Yuxuan has already said that this new has obtained preliminary experimental theoretical data, as long as it is conducted on animals and human experiments.

So these things can not be obtained by the other party, there must be a computer in the laboratory, and it must be inseparable from the network. Zhang Yang doesn't know if these people have succeeded, but since he knows it, then he has to check it out, which is also the company of Li Yuxuan.

I glanced at the back of the document, and none of the following companies were familiar with it. Directly turn on the computer and connect to Xingyangye's official website. Last time Zhang Yang helped Fang Shaoyun invade Xingyangye's official website, but they did not find out that Zhang Yang still exists after he left.

After quickly digging into it, Zhang Yang copied his firewall and scanner, and after a free comprehensive analysis of Xingyang's firewall, Zhang Yang sneered. He really was on the official website of Xingyang Group. The traces left by others were found in it. It should be no doubt that the nubi hackers did it, or they did it at all. If it is other hackers, it is estimated that no one will be interested in a medical company.

Especially the hackers who are so capable are so rare. Zhang Yang did not hesitate. He was too lazy to check other things. He copied the mother nest directly, and Zhang Yang ordered it to run. The function of the mother nest is unquestionable. Soon Zhang Yang used the mother nest to clean up the internal servers and official website of Xingyang Group.

After cleaning up, Zhang Yang helped them start hardening the system again. The larger the system, the more numerous the system and the more vulnerable it is to intrusion. After all, the more functions the server means, it means it has to calculate more access requests, etc. Wait. Unnecessary ports and some systems leaked and started to patch this system.

After scanning it with his own scanner, Zhang Yang couldn't help but whisper, Xing Yangye has a master! Xingyao’s server also uses the Linu system, and this Linu system is doing very well. Most of the leaks have been made up. There are even two that are not public in the world today. Zhang Yang once thought that only he knew. The leaks have been made up.

But he still didn't make up all the patches. After all, six years in the fast-growing industry of computers, it is equivalent to two decades of technology leadership in other fields and even longer. In theory, a system can never be the most perfect. After all, with the development of technology and hardware conditions, it is normal for a system to leak. After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang decided to patch these unknown systems.

Even Li Yuxuan's technicians from their own company will encounter a person who knows two unknown leaks. If the experts in nubi don't know who the few leaked out.

Zhang Yang’s actions were not completed. Suddenly, the firewall directly issued a system alarm prompt. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then reacted violently. When he just used the mother nest to clean up, there must be similar information alerts in the entire system. Some honeypots, it is clear that these honeypots saw the message that Zhang Yang sent out.

At the moment when the firewall issued an alarm, Zhang Yang directly dragged his firewall back into his computer. The last time he traced those mysterious hackers, that is, when he was a group of people, Zhang Yang once used his own firewall. In the eyes of experts, the same firewall can be easily recognized. If you let these people know that they are gd, then there will be a lot of trouble. Zhang Yang also wants to give nubi some trouble.

Zhang Yang's firewall is placed under Xing Yangye's own firewall, so when the other party attacks Xing Yang Ye's firewall, Zhang Yang's firewall has detected them, but this hacker has not yet touched Zhang Yang's own firewall, so he I don't know who the person in Xingyangye's computer is.

Immediately after the entire system was cleared, Zhang Yangqian’s first thing was to repair the entire system, close the port, clean up, etc., so this time the hacker wanted to re-enter Xing Yangye’s system. Less effort, but with the help of Zhang Yang, the system is much stronger.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang directly touched the alarm system of the system directly inside the system. Soon, the technicians of Xingyang Industry should get the information. Zhang Yang doesn't want to use gd's id to do things, so it can't be too powerful, so it is also appropriate to involve these technicians, especially the technician who is doing the system for Xingyang Industry is quite good.

Of course, these security personnel are good or bad for Zhang Yang. The advantage is that Zhang Yang is already violent anyway, so some actions don’t have to be in the way. The disadvantage is that these security personnel will definitely not treat Zhang Yang. People who are also uninvited guests are merciful.

Other people are not afraid of Zhang Yang, but the technician who can find the two unknown leaks is definitely not simple. I am also a famous expert in the security Zhang Yang just touched the system alarm less than three minutes, Zhang Yang is sensitive Noticed that someone logged in the server system, because Zhang Yang has been monitoring the server information, so as soon as someone logged in the server system, Zhang Yang got feedback immediately.

And the person who logs into the server system is the highest authority. That is to say, the highest administrator who has all authority to the entire system. You know, even if they can modify the entire server system, they can get some advanced permissions, but there is always only one real top administrator, and they cannot be deleted.

This top administrator has all the operating rights of the entire system. Generally speaking, it is reserved for the account of the main maintenance personnel of the system. This account is written independently with the underlying code. It must be modified on the hardware, but it cannot be deleted because It must be reserved by default. Therefore, they have no way to get this permission.

After discovering this, Zhang Yang secretly said badly. Obviously, it is probably the master who owns this account, and Zhang Yang is helping at the moment. In case the other party solves Zhang Yang first, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will be tragic. A! ! ! ;




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