The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 229: The end of annoyance (Part 1)

Chapter 229 The End of Jay (Part 1)

Chapter 229 The End of Jay (Part 1)

This time Zhang Yang was not going to talk nonsense. After looking at the evidence in his hand, Zhang Yang directly killed the official website of the Cyber ​​Security Supervision Bureau. After the killing, Zhang Yang did not make any announcement, but just made a criminal record of French hacking crimes in his hand. Began to list them on their official website, accompanied by a large amount of evidence, as well as the i-address of these hackers, and even a few hackers are still serving them in the middle of the French intelligence department. ;

After issuing these evidences, Zhang Yang did not say anything, just left the id of the gd directly behind, and waited for the result. Originally, this matter did not attract much attention, especially in this chapter 229. Sao's ending (part 1), domestic hackers have paid less attention, but it is different in Europe. Most people in Europe have not yet finished work at this time. They are the last time after work, and there is nothing to do. The computer's idleness hurts. Although most people will not pay attention to the official website of the Cybersecurity Supervision Bureau, as you do in China, you can't help the speed of news circulation.

"I'm relying on it, I said that the guy gd won't appear for no reason, the feelings are suffocating here. gd, but I think this guy is just as inferior to you, otherwise it won't be like you They stab them at the back and go.” Guzhu Mengmeng said to gd in the chat room.

There is no answer to gd here, but Zhang Yang remembered something. He directly logged in the id of gd in this system and entered gd's chat room.

As soon as he came in, Zhang Yang immediately chose a voice-changing software and said quickly: "Is gd? I am gd."

"Uh..." When gd was just about to return to Gu Zhu's residual dream, Zhang Yang choked him back with a word.

"Is there anything I need to help?" Gd didn't know how to say hello to gd at the end of chapter 229 (2), saying that there was no resentment to gd in my heart, it was a fake, but if it was said to gd What kind of hatred is not enough, and gd still admires gd quite a bit, otherwise, it won’t pretend to be gd and go to the server that hacked the Japanese last time, and it won’t be given by the other party once.

"Can you help me contact Blackhawk." Zhang Yang said quickly. After finishing this sentence, Zhang Yang quickly switched back to another channel and asked weakly with the id of l: "That, gd great power. Can't sign me?"

I didn't expect you to have new people here? ? "Zhang Yang switched back quickly. It’s not that fun to sing the double reed, but fortunately this chat room is good, various voice-changing software is quite awesome, they are impossible to find by gd, and the login of Zhang Yang’s two IDs is not at all. In the same place, unless someone can track both accounts to Zhang Yang at the same time.

"Uh, it's a newcomer, but the talent is good, and the achievements are much better than me in the future. I will help you contact Black Hawk, but what do you want? Black Hawk is very resentful to you." gd said quickly.

"That l, someone will sign you for a while. I didn't expect to have my fans here. I'll do the business first." Zhang Yang said wryly.

It is estimated that the death of gd and Guzhu’s residual dream is unexpected. The legendary gd will be so insignificant. This is simply the kind of playing myself...and playing the very windy kind.

"Great God, you're busy." Zhang Yang hurried back again. After returning, Zhang Yang also felt jerky pimples. It seemed that this kind of work was not suitable for himself.

"Don't worry about that, gd helped me contact Blackhawk." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Well, it's what you asked for, I don't care." gd said indifferently, "you'll wait." After leaving a sentence, gd went to contact Blackhawk.

After about five or six minutes, a "ding dong" sounded in the chat room, and a vest with a black eagle id jumped in. As soon as he came in, Zhang Yang smiled and greeted the black eagle with a smile: "Hi ~ Black Eagle boss Hello."

"Do you think I can be good? I haven't slept a good night's sleep in more than a month." Black Eagle said with a mouthful of depression. Black Eagle did not use voice-changing software, exactly the same as Zhang Yang heard.

"Ha, really, Black Hawk, you're insomnia, then you have to eat more, pay attention to conditioning your body." Zhang Yang said haha ​​and said quickly.

The lonely bamboo dream and gd sitting in front of the computer almost fell off the chair. Gd this **** dare to ridicule anyone, ruthless enough.

" say, find me something." Black Eagle's face was helpless, shaking his head and asking.

"I know you have a lot of resources that can be mobilized. Can you give me all the evidence of French hacking crimes in your hands?" Zhang Yang directly raised his request. Zhang Yang's words came out and a few in the chat room The individual immediately knew what Zhang Yang wanted to do.

"You..." Black Hawk didn't write a word after you said that the original Black Hawk wanted to say, can you stop bothering me? Are you an uncle and I beg you? I just thought about it. In the style of this animal, I would not listen to him. Black Hawk didn't say anything in the second half of the sentence.

"...Okay, it's okay for you, but can you take it easy, don't toss about anything that can't be cleaned up?" Black Eagle sighed helplessly, and then changed the way.

"No problem, I try to..." Zhang Yang agreed "refreshingly".

Black Hawk is completely speechless, what is meant to be as much as possible... Well, he squeezed his forehead hard. Black Hawk has a headache. For a long time, he said helplessly: "You wait for me for 2 minutes, I let people prepare the information, and then send Here you are." These things can be retrieved by the Blackhawk at any time, and there is nothing to gd. Anyway, these things are useless for them to hold, and it is impossible to go to France to catch people.

"It’s okay, yes, by the way... don’t disturb my master, he doesn’t know my identity anymore. As for you, you have to send an agent in the past, so a big beauty nv, you send it to How good I am." Zhang Yang smiled, anyway, now killing Blackhawk will not doubt gd on Zhang Yang's head, saying it makes Blackhawk depressed and successful.

"How do you know?" Black Hawk was still a little surprised. After all, even few people in the network supervision bureau knew about it, except for the few people who handled it directly.

"I’m not stupid. I chatted with my master that day. He said that they came to the school next door with a beautiful level of uā level. I was transferred to the school. I was a little curious. There is such a coincidence in the world, so I just I checked the files of the Ministry of Public Security." Anyway, the Internet Supervision Bureau has already put gd on the blacklist, and Zhang Yang will naturally not be so polite.

Black Hawk was speechless for a long time, and Black Hawk quickly said: "I have prepared something for you, please accept it." After finishing talking, Black Hawk directly sent a file to the server of the chat room. Well, Zhang Yang did not continue to say anything. He directly downloaded the files uploaded by Blackhawk. Zhang Yang opened it and looked at it. I went there. There was a lot of information here. I didn’t expect that Guoan got a lot of information.

After getting the information, Zhang Yang greeted them with gd and flashed people directly.

"French politics is going to be a tragedy this time. How about those people? How is your situation on the gd side?" Gu Zhu's residual dream suddenly came to mind. Several guys are still on the official website of the Ministry of Public Security.

"The website of the Ministry of Public Security has been maintained. Those people seem to have retreated, and I don’t know. The person I tracked in the Netherlands dropped me, but gd seems to have caught one of them. One of the individuals is in France." gd paused.

Going back to the official website of the French Cybersecurity Inspectorate, a notice has been posted on it, saying that it was hacked, but which hacker was hacked but did not put a fart. Obviously, the information that was just put on by Yang Yang It has a great effect. The hackers all over the world with the id gd know that they are Chinese hackers. If the French political fǔ still wants to continue the argument, it is undoubtedly hitting his face. After all, the evidence sent by gd proves that France also has Many hackers are doing similar things. More importantly, some of these hackers are still serving the French network intelligence department.

Even if these people caught them before serving the Cyber ​​Security Department, the things they did before could not be wiped out. In this way, ordinary people can ignore you, most people start to doubt whether they are French fǔ is instructing these hackers to do these things to collect and American countries are different from the domestic, and various news media are quite free, and these news media have dedicated people staring at these various political departments. There is also the habit of reading newspapers and news, so the hacking of the French National Cybersecurity Inspection Bureau quickly spread in France, and then the major media flocked to pay attention to the National Cybersecurity Inspection Bureau. Official website.

The news media in Europe and the United States have reported a much faster rate than domestic ones, especially when they see the news. The speed of getting on TV is not comparable to that in China. Many reporters even receive news from the frontline, and even the TV station will broadcast the news directly, unlike In China, you need to apply for any major event first and let it broadcast before you can broadcast it.

Roughly looking at the official website announcement of the French Cybersecurity Supervision Bureau, Zhang Yang pouted, without saying a word, directly hacked back in, deleted their announcement, and then sent the information from the Black Eagle again. An official website. At the end of the announcement, Zhang Yang thought about it and left a few sentences: "...the following is the hacker information that just invaded the website of the Ministry of Public Security of our country!" A! ! ! ;




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