The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 245: Cheng Biaojin (Part 2)

Introducing Ouyang Xin to several people, everyone began to clearly divide the labor. When everyone started to work, Zhang Yang found that it seems that he and Li Kejing are rookies in this group of people, Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie don’t need to Having said that, at present, they are still the characters of the vice presidents of two large companies with more than 100 million assets, and Ouyang Xin Zhangyang does not understand, but from her speech and the clothes she wears, I am afraid that Ouyang Xin’s family background is also not simple.

Obviously, it wasn't Li Yuxuan who knew Ouyang Xin, but Tan Yudie, and in Tan Yudie's identity, the identity with the people she knew was probably not that simple. As for Xia Yiyue’s family, Zhang Yang knows that although Xia Yiyue’s family conditions cannot be compared with those of Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie, her father is the 245th chapter of the regulations. ) Provincial agents of Haier and other regiments are considered to have assets, so things like recruitment are naturally very skilled.

Only Zhang Yang and Li Kejing didn't understand this aspect. Zhang Yang simply didn't ask some things, he helped to sort things out, and he was too lazy to ask. However, Li Kejing was studying very hard. Anything he didn't understand was asking Chen Xiaowei seriously, or Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie.

"The talent market is about to open, but can you remember what I said to you? Don't be nervous, no matter what happens, just smile." It's almost time, Chen Xiaowei said Pull Li Keyan to the side and say.

"Well, I remember." Li Ke nodded his eyes heavily, but he could still see a little tension between words. Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, then walked over and said: "But you should remember that you are the chairman and you are the boss. Everyone has to look at your face and watch the bosses in movies and TV shows. Well? You have to have your own prestige, their rice bowl is in your hands, so you don’t have to be afraid of them."

"Have you taught the 245th chapter of the regulations to bite gold (below)? Let go, you are stupid." Several nv children next to them were not happy after listening to Zhang Yang, Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes. , Walked straight to pull Zhang Yang away, then pulled Li Keyan to the side and whispered away.

Time passed quickly, and there was a loud noise immediately after the mouth of the talent market. Soon, countless huge crowds of people flowed into the talent market, and Zhang Yang and they quickly entered the right track. Li Kejing sat in the middle. Chen Xiaowei sat on her right side, Li Yuxuan on the left, Tan Yudie and Ouyang Xin and Xia January, and Zhang Yang... was to collect resumes outside.

Zhang Yang was a little speechless. Anyway, I am also the real boss behind the scenes. How big is the US nv effect? This is really hard to say, but Zhang Yang soon saw it, because Li Keyan and Li Yuxuan were spinning around every day, Zhang Yang’s resistance to the US nv was quite strong, and now there are five flowery people standing around him. Damei nv, into the talent market, Zhang Yang and even other nv people are too lazy to take a look.

However, a large number of people stopped quickly before the recruitment desk of the Star Group. It can be said that there are all kinds of people in the talent market, but there are also diversions, some companies, or other temporary work. The work is in the adjacent hall, and the requirements for recruiting staff in the hall where Zhang Yang is located are relatively high.

Most of the people who entered here are fresh graduates or graduate students. These men are very young regardless of male nv, but no matter whoever sees six beautiful nvs sitting together, especially five of them. After a super beautiful nv that has been rare for a hundred years, it is difficult to stop.

Zhang Yang, who was standing outside, even heard the news throughout the hall, saying that there is a company in the front of the company, and there is a long queue in front of the Star Group. Is that how they came up with it?

But don't believe it, this method is really awkward! The five beautiful nvs are like a huge magnet. The entire talent market is sensational. The five nv children with different expressions sitting there strangely have to say that there are many beautiful nv people, but they want to find their eyes. Such five beautiful nv children are quite difficult. The nv people are not only good-looking, but more importantly, their temperament!

Li Yuxuan, Tan Yudie, and Ouyang Xin's temperament will not be mentioned. The temperament of growing up in that environment is definitely the kind of cold, unattainable type, especially when several nv children are full. The seriousness of the face made their temperament even more dusty.

The next Xia Yiyue may not be as good as their few, but unlike Li Yuxuan, they are wearing relatively serious professional attire. Xia Yiyue wears a type that is more youthful and sporty, giving people a A very lively feeling.

And Li Kejing sitting in the middle, Zhang Yang only found out that Li Keyan changed his clothes, and the kind that is worth a lot at first glance, it is estimated that they were bought by Li Yuxuan when they went out yesterday afternoon. It’s not a professional attire, but it is also a type of formal attire, but Li Kejing’s appearance is of the cute type, plus that long black silky hair and a light smile on his face, it seems like a no The fairy in the cannibal fireworks is as dusty and noble.

The five nv children have their own flavors, which can be seen only by this temperament. It is definitely not some vases with appearances. More importantly, the five nv children have clear makeup on their faces, and Li Kejing is even more Just wipe a little oil, this is really beautiful nv, unlike some nv people, once you remove makeup, you can't watch it at all.

"...This gentleman, sorry, forgive me for taking the liberty to find a better job with your academic qualifications, and currently our company has no way to provide a higher salary, can you tell me why?" Chen Xiaowei asked with a smile Sitting in front of her was a 20-year-old man with glasses.

Because of Zhang Yang’s resume, he also just glanced at the man’s education and work experience. As Chen Xiaowei said, work experience is very bullish. He is a senior engineer of computer software. He used to be the director of technical department in Microsoft China. The working time is three years.

"...Of course I understand, but I am not short of money now. What I am short of is a challenge. In your company, I see a vibrant and vigorous new company, unlike companies like Microsoft, although it is the world A well-known IT company, but there is no love in it." The man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

Zhang Tuo almost laughed on the spot. This excuse was good. If it wasn't for him that he couldn't keep his eyes floating on Li Yuxuan's face next to him, Zhang Yang believed it. Zhang Yang discovered at this moment, who said that high-tech does not understand the girl? There are also experts in this technology.

"Mr. Tang, please forgive me, may I ask you a question, although I don’t know why you resigned at Microsoft, but in our Starry Sky group, we are a company that has just been established. As you said, our company is full of It’s full of vitality and vigour, but we are also in the development stage, not that we don’t want to use you, but if you then change jobs because of our salary and other issues, our loss of investment may be very large. You should understand that there is a secrecy issue in this respect." Li Yuxuan next to him suddenly smiled at the man and said softly.

"No, no, like such an excellent company, how can I just change jobs casually." The man said quickly.

"Well, if Mr. Tang is willing, we can hire you, but the contract of employment will be signed for three years, and there will be liquidated damages." Li Yuxuan nodded immediately.

"Three years?" The man immediately hesitated. After all, the beauty of nv is beautiful, but the three-year period is not short, and the salary currently given by the Star Group is indeed not high due to his ability.

"Well, there is another key question, Mr. Tang, do you have nv friends, or are you married? It’s better to be single, because all the employees from our chairman to the present are sheep, because our company is in the entrepreneurial stage, I don't want to affect the work because of the emotional problems of the employees below." Li Yuxuan suddenly said another word.

Zhang Yang listened for a while, but he noticed with keen sense that there was certainly no joy flashing in the man’s eyes. Of course I was not in a hurry to get married. I am willing to come to work in your company. I hope we can work together To take our company to the next level. "The man said quickly.

"Uh..." Zhang Yang turned his head quickly, pretending to look in another direction, he was afraid he could not help laughing on the spot. Zhang Yang is not stupid. Li Yuxuan's words just now are just confusing. This is simply Luǒ's abduction. The seemingly righteous words are completely considered by the company, but these men are here to apply for who they want to do. do not know?

This is not clear, is to tell many people in the queue behind, is the beauty nv here single? While turning his head, Zhang Yang noticed Tan Yudie sitting next to them, although the expressions on their faces had not changed, but the corners of their mouths could not help ōu ōu. of.

Looking at the male creature lined up in the back with a lot of excitement and excitement, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. Well, men are all animals thinking about the lower body, Zhang Yang admitted. But apart from your chairman, other things, if you want to soak... I'm afraid it's really not that difficult.

The identity of Li Kejing did not know these applicants, and no one thought that the chairman of the company Zhou would actually come here. After all, this company is not a company, with a registered capital of 20 million RB, and this number is not. .

The time passed quickly, and the progress of the recruitment was beyond Zhang Yang's expectations. Until about noon, the busy and exhausted Zhang Yang was suddenly attracted by a voice: "...Hello, I am here Apply for the position of manager of your company's human resources department."

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) A! ! ! ;




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