The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 255: Cutting grass to remove roots (middle)

(Talent) (Sub) (Pavilion)

Chapter 255: Chopping grass to eradicate roots (middle

Chapter 255: Chopping grass to eradicate roots (middle

When GD put forward the conditions, Black Hawk didn't even hesitate, he agreed directly, and Black Hawk also believed that GD was not an idiot and would not make some excessive demands, because he should also understand that some demands even I promised myself, I am afraid I will not count.

"Since you are so refreshing in Blackhawks, I am also refreshing. The cause of this incident is after the result. I am afraid you already know it, so my request is also very simple. I want Baiying Company to go bankrupt and go bankrupt, and Pan Long and Pan Hu go to jail. "" Zhang Yang made his own request very directly.

Seeing the request made by gd, Black Hawk had some headaches. To be honest, he probably guessed that chapter 255 was about to cut the grass to eradicate (middle), but he didn’t expect gd to be ruthless enough. The conditions are stated. Before GD mentions the condition, Black Hawk can think that the condition mentioned by GD must have nothing to do with himself, because GD understands that as long as the condition mentioned by him is slightly flawed, Guoan will definitely find him, so GD will definitely not mention it. Related to myself.

Since I don’t mention anything about himself, only the master gd is left, and the Blackhawks absolutely believe that gd will definitely work hard because of his master, the two political leaders of Japan and France, that is to say, they don’t want to do anything. All of this made the madman gd toss for so long, and Zhang Yang is also the master of this madman. Without mentioning Zhang Yang’s relationship, he said his own face. I am afraid that GD will not let others bully him.

To make an inappropriate analogy, as the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner. You bullied my master, at least you have asked me this apprentice? Uh, this is a bit awkward, but it shows the current situation. Think about it in another place. If Black Hawk has a master and someone bullies him, Black Hawk might not let it go.

Seeing that the Black Hawk did not respond immediately, Zhang Yang did not embarrass him, but continued to say: "You cut the grass in chapter 255 to eradicate the roots (middle). You should also think clearly, even if I don't say this, Don’t you really care? Don’t let them toss? The grandson named Pan Long has caused much trouble this time. You don’t know, if I don’t care, you will wait for the financial system to collapse. Inevitably still."

Zhang Yang made it clear that he was not afraid of Black Hawk not agreeing at all. If Black Hawk really didn't agree, Zhang Yang really wanted to see the collapse of the financial systems of several major banks. Will Black Hawk be safe for them. If such a big event, Baiying's safety can still be suppressed, then Zhang Yang will recognize it!

"What result do you want?" gd had already spoken to this part, and the Black Hawk was no longer hypocritical, and asked cheerfully. gd is right, no matter how this matter, Baiying safety can not be separated.

"I don't care about Baiying's bankruptcy, bankruptcy, bank auctions, etc., but Pan Hu's family must go to jail, and their family's property has been confiscated." Zhang Yang said his condition quickly.

Pan Yang's family has been investigated by Zhang Yang. Their family can only say that they are rich. They have no right to talk about it. Even if they have an affair with some officials, these officials dare not come out to protect them. Strictly calculated in accordance with legal procedures, Pan Long’s crime is adequate even with the death penalty, which is called suspected of endangering national security! Suspected of moving dng society!

These two crimes, gd is absolutely unambiguous.

"Okay, I agreed." The Black Eagle thought for a while, then nodded directly. Even if gd does not say, after the event, the black eagle has to go to the city, the young man named Pan Long, the black eagle will never let him go.

"Then I help you think of this financial bomb, or do you want me to tell you the method?" Zhang Yang asked.

"You tell me the method, I will solve it on my own. In addition, today's affairs are also requested to be kept secret. After all, social stability is important." Black Eagle returned.

"You can rest assured that I am not a reporter of those gossip newspapers. I am not interested in these things." Zhang Yang replied to gd, and then directly told Blackhawk about the method of cracking the financial bomb virus. Black Hawk itself is a master of computer, so after finishing talking, Black Hawk hurried to solve it with a blame.

Zhang Yang just copied the method of cracking the financial bomb from his computer to his computer, so he didn't have to ask him.

Just after handling the matter, Zhang Yang's phone rang again, and picked it up to see, it wasn't Black Hawk's call. Zhang Yang thought it was Black Hawk's. This call came from Ke Qing. Looking at the time, it's almost time for dinner. Ke Qing should be busy over there.

"Ke Qing, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang answered the phone.

"Zhang Yang, is there a problem with your card? We just transferred money into the company account, but the bank's person said that our account has been frozen, it seems that it is still frozen by the public security organ, is there any problem with Zhang Yang?" Li Keqing asked worriedly.

"No problem, the bank just called me and said that there was a virus in the bank's system. There is something wrong with our account. They are repairing their system. They can be used after the repair tomorrow." Zhang Yang forgot to forget. This problem is inexplicably more than 800 million in the account. ICBC will have ghosts if it does not freeze the account, and it may be a very troublesome issue when the money is returned.

"Oh, that's all right, just a few of them are afraid of money problems." Li Keqing immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, it's okay, don't worry, don't you all know the source of my money? And there is a contract with Matrix Security, so we don't have to worry about anything, even if there is a problem, it is the issue of Matrix Security, it has nothing to do with us, right Now, when will you come back? I miss you." Zhang Yang ròu said hemply.

"I don't know, there are still many things to be done, it is estimated to be very late. I... I miss you too." The last half of the sentence is almost inaudible, even if you can't see Li Keqing's appearance, Zhang Yang As you can imagine, she must be blushing now.

"Hey, kiss one, then I will continue to read, and there are competitions to participate in. When you come back, be careful." Zhang Yang said with a laugh.

"Well, well, then you rest early." Li Keqing agreed, and then hung up.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but whistle in complacency. I’m in a good mood today, but I don’t know how the last **** Pan Long in history would be tragic, but if Black Hawk really finds him in trouble, I am afraid that Pan Long will spend the rest of his life in prison. This is not a time. If the banking system really crashes, I am afraid that the panic caused will cause a lot of major problems. At that time, they will be killed. Nothing is too much.

But now I am afraid that they will not be shot, but these things are not worried. Since the Black Hawks are in trouble with them, if they don't move, they will be very harsh. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang registered an mn account and entered Rolls' account. When requesting a friend, Zhang Yang entered his d, and soon Rolls passed the application. Obviously he was always keeping In front of the computer.

"It's nothing for you, I've solved it here." Zhang Yang sent a word to Rolls.

In fact, without Zhang Yang, Rolls already knew, after all, he released the financial bomb virus, so when the Blackhawks cracked the virus and began to clear the virus, Rolls had already noticed, and Rolls also knew It must be the hands of gd. I don’t know if gd cracked his own virus or copied the method and software from his computer.

"Well, what's the matter with that great god?" Hesitation asked a little, although Zhang Yang couldn't see Lous now, but from the inside of Lous, Zhang Yang seemed to be able to see Lou Si's heart-fluttering face shook his head ridiculously, and Zhang Yang quickly hurried back: "It's okay, why do you go? Why do you want to go in the future. And... your server The settings are ridiculous enough. If it wasn’t for my heart’s recheck, I would almost be fooled by you.”

In the end, Zhang Yang couldn't help but exaggerate Lous's sentence. But Zhang Yang's sentence was honest. Louth's setting is definitely quite clever, or it can be sloppy, and most people would never think of it. I am afraid this is the reason why this guy has not been caught by the mén, the police, and the International Criminal Police of various countries’ intelligence departments for so many years.

Looking at the praise of gd, Rolls was a little tangled. How did he think this sentence became more awkward? Say it is a compliment, but you have cracked it, and you turned around to praise, do you want to say that you are smart? It's not a compliment, but the other party's tone is quite sincere.

In the end, Rolls simply chose to ignore gd's and said helplessly: "If that's okay, I will go down first, and I will be scared to death by you today."

"Haha, let's go." Zhang Yang Yile, this guy is straightforward enough, but think about it too, if one day Zhang Yang's computer was suddenly hacked in, and if he didn't find it, I'm afraid Zhang Yang would be scared. Half dead.

After finishing the call with Louth, the cell phone placed in front of the computer rang again, glanced at it, and it was the Black Hawk who called again. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang also figured out why Black Hawk called him again. It was definitely not Pan Long’s business. On the Black Hawk side, he would definitely think that gd would tell Pan Yang about Pan Long’s things, so Black Hawk would definitely not Ran over to say this.


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