The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 263: Chang Old Man (Part 1)

Chapter 263 Old Man Chang (Part 1)

Chapter 263 Old Man Chang (Part 1)

"Hoo... Huo..." came the violent gasp, and the big sweat beads fell from Zhang Yang's head on the floor, Zhang Yang felt that his body seemed to be none of his own. With a snap, finally Zhang Yang couldn't help but fell directly on the floor. After Zhang Yang fell, Li Yingjie next to him came quickly, and then his hands quickly massaged on Zhang Yang's arm and double uǐ.

It was like being sentenced during training, but Li Yingjie was quite comfortable when he was massaged. After enjoying Li Yingjie's massage, Zhang Yang said quickly: "I said instructor, are you sure that this method works? How do I feel Chapter 263 Old Man Chang (Part 1) feels that it has no effect?"

"Nonsense, how long have you been training, and you can have a good progress now, don't you find that your body is much stronger in coordination and flexibility or explosive power than before?" Li Yingjie said with a laugh, quickly said.

"Uh, that's right.? * Fang Xie rebelled against the core of the 銬芨心醯 淙淙 犬芨心醯 郯 郯 隯 隯 隯 隯 隯 隯 隯 隯 繯獯宓奠浠   衿 僗 钪 钪Yantunjuyun Bapanjuansui it flea  Yunnaibeiying  crook  in  Huan pinion noisy ∈ spacious  Wat  chi tuo line ┧ Laois У acyloxy  female die orifices Zhongchencihui oct One playing > Male  glutton Cang Strike Encourages instant springs  faded out and restored  lang cut word bake sheet ⒔ Yi Pai Fu Fu  穸 two?

Zhang Yang doesn’t want to be beaten by others again in the future. Before Li Yingjie finished massage for Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang’s mobile phone rang next to him. Although Zhang Yang has been training for a long time, the time is only a little more than 7 a.m., many people Not up yet. Li Yingjie picked up Zhang Yang's cell phone and threw it over him. Zhang Yang picked up the phone and looked at it. It was Tan Yudie's phone.

After quickly connecting the phone, Tan Yudie's voice rang: "Zhang Yang, did you know the old man from Chapter 263 of the organizing committee (Part 1)? There will be new at 8:30 this morning. There is a round of competition, and this year is not the same as previous years. Before the final round of competition, there seems to be a question and answer. I have a look at the arrangement of the admission ticket number. You will be ranked today. Don’t forget the time later. ."

"Uh, I know, thank you, yes. Yesterday, there were a lot of people, and I didn't mean to say something. You are working in the Starry Group, isn't it right?" Zhang Yang thought for a moment. Although Tan Yudie is the manager of the public relations department of Star Group, it is definitely good for Star Group, but there are also great hidden dangers.

That is what kind of consideration will Tan Yudie's old man have if he knows this. After all, the mayor's money went to a small company to be the manager of the public relations department. Such a thing may not be honorable to Mayor Tan. Especially in the PR department, many people have glasses for it.

"Well? What do you mean?" Tan Yudie was not angry, but asked a little strangely.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang said his considerations. There were no outsiders in the house anyway. Li Shufang was cooking in the kitchen, and Li Keqing got up early and said that there was something in the school, but Zhang Yang knew that it was not in the school. Things, but things in the company are busy.

"Okay, I see. I will talk to Keqing and them today. I hadn't thought about it before." Tan Yudie silenced, and then said in a somewhat depressed mood, what Zhang Yang said was not unreasonable, Tan Yu Butterfly knows his father too. The situation that Zhang Yang said is not only possible, but also very likely. His father is not so easy to get along with.

If she knew that she had done so, I am afraid she would have to regain the authority of marriage freedom for a long time. Hearing that Tan Yudie gave up, Zhang Yang let out a sigh of relief. To be honest, Zhang Yang felt very much about Tan Yudie, but he felt a sense of return. This kind of thing, Zhang Yang was also very stressed, and Zhang Yang really didn’t want to. Let others misunderstand. He and Tan Yudie are really nothing. Why does everyone who knows Tan Yudie think that Zhang Yang, they both have a uǐ?

After hanging up the phone, Li Yingjie also finished his massage, quickly patted his uǐ and said, "Let’s get up." Zhang Yang’s phone didn’t hide Li Yingjie at all, so what Zhang Yang said on the phone naturally heard Li Yingjie However, Li Yingjie's long-term identity made him very sensitive to these messages. He was used to what should be said and what should not be said. Li Yingjie didn't mention it at all, as if he didn't hear anything.

When he came out of the house, Zhang Yang hurried to the school, and there was an assessment at 8:30. Although Zou Xiang was unlikely to be troubled by him, Zhang Yang didn’t want Zou Xiang to have any handle because of the bet, and, Zhang Yang really didn't want to go to Zou Xiang's class anymore. As for Li Keqing's homework, it was no big deal for Zhang Yang to take her to listen to other professors.

It's 8 o'clock when Zhang Yang arrives at the school, because the venue of the computer competition is arranged in the big, so there are many strangers on the campus, there are students from other universities, there are many parents and teachers of other schools, the venue of the competition Set up in an administrative building dedicated to the school.

The reason why it is set up here is because the venue used for the competition seems to be two large and small conference rooms. Walking into the corridor of the administrative building, a lot of students have gathered here. Although the competition did not take place on the same day, most of the contestants still came because they can watch other people's competitions. Some inspiration.

As time approached, it quickly arrived at 8:30. When the time was up, the small meeting room opened immediately, and a teacher came out of it. To be honest, this situation is similar to the interviews of some large companies. There are a hall outside the two conference rooms. There are many chairs in the hall for rest. At the moment, there are dozens of candidates in the hall. , Zhang Yang is naturally one of them.

Fang Shaoyun still has classes today, so Zhang Yang appeared here by himself, and he has no acquaintance here. Originally Zhang Yang thought that ing would participate in this competition, but after looking around, Zhang Yang was sure, ing, Lu Xiaoou and the like Did not participate. It seems that these two guys are very concerned about hiding their identities. In fact, it is not a problem to participate in these competitions. There are so many hackers in China. It is impossible for Guoan to put all their attention on these aspects.

Besides, in 2004, the domestic network surveillance system was quite unsound, that is, because Guoan involved national security, the network surveillance was more comprehensive when the establishment of the network surveillance, and the technology was relatively high. However, what about the network surveillance in the public security? That said, it's just made up of some ordinary computer students who graduated from university. There are no masters at all. The means they rely on are firstly privileged accounts, and secondly some software and the like given by the Computer Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

So basically, as long as you don’t overdo it, you’re fine. It’s like some domestic companies that have been attacked by hackers. If their technical staff can’t find out, they don’t even bother to call the police because they know that the alarm is also Useless.

Even the technical reserve of many i companies is much higher than that of the police network monitor. "The following is a theoretical question and answer. The first candidate, Zhang Yang from the Department of Computer Science, has the admission ticket number dg

The following order will be placed on the display screen in the lobby. Please pay attention to your order, and you will not read it next. "The teacher quickly read out a series of admission ticket numbers.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but he never thought that he was the first one, but Zhang Yang quickly recovered, the first one, so that he could do other things in the next time.

Zhang Yang immediately got up from the chair and walked into the small meeting room. After seeing Zhang Yang, the teacher had a strange expression on his face. After looking up and down several times, the teacher confirmed Zhang Yang’s admission ticket number. Then he whispered to him, "Go in. Be polite for a while."

He looked at the teacher strangely, but Zhang Yang still said thank you, and then pushed away and walked in. As soon as he walked in, Zhang Yang was taken aback. I depended, what happened? Although the small meeting room is not big, but because it is a school meeting room, it can relatively accommodate two or thirty people at the same time. However, at the moment, there are more than a dozen people sitting in the entire small meeting room, except for sitting in the back. In addition to the several teachers on the row chair, including Zhao Hong, the department head of the computer department, director Yan and other school leaders are all present.

And sitting in the middle of the conference table were six or seven old men with white hair. Some of the acquaintances made Zhang Yang's eyelids jump. I went alone, wouldn't it be such a big battle? I haven't heard that these old professors will come to the computer competition, but Zhang Yang's eyes still flashed a bit of eagerness.

As long as those who concentrate on learning computers are not too strange to these old professors in front of them, these people are the authority of the domestic computer field, although the speed of the rise and development of China's computers is only after 90 years into the peak period However, in fact, there are already a handful of people who have studied abroad in the country, studied and developed, and then returned to China to bring back these high-tech seeds for the country.

The professors in front of me are such people. In Zhang Yang's view, these people can only teach these two words! And for people like Zou Xiang, the professor used him to insult these two words. If Zhang Yang remembers these old men correctly, he is either an expert of the National Computer Center or a senior academician of the Computer Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

And these old men are all members of ieee, without exception, in the ieee (American Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers), one of the world's largest professional and technical organizations, the members can already be said in the world It is a level of authority.

However, there are still very few people in China who can reach this level. It is incomparable to the European and American countries. There is no way. This is due to the long-term heritage, but the confidence is expressed. With the development of time, this kind of thing will slowly change.

When Zhang Yang looked at these old men in shock, these old men were also looking at them like this. Several of their old guys came here all night. Although the national computer competition was held and they had a great relationship with them, they still had Don’t need people of their level? Climbing up?br/>

There is never a lack of genius in this world, and there is no shortage of genius in China. In fact, there are many geniuses in China since ancient times. However, unlike European and American countries, China’s national conditions and environment make this genius more likely to appear in the public eye than abroad. Much smaller, if you can enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences, you will find that the genius inside will definitely exceed your imagination.

Perhaps China's overall technology is no match for European and American countries, but when you look at the level of technological development in the history of modern development, you will find that China's development speed is definitely not slow. Undoubtedly, it is up to China to achieve such a development speed. These geniuses.

Many people may disdain this, saying that China is still incomparable to European and American countries, but when you look at the history of modern development, you will understand what kind of state China is in. At the end of the 19th century, European and American countries, such as the famous physicists Tesla and Einstein, etc., were already able to develop radio and other technologies. What did China have then? An incompetent, closed-door Qing government fǔ.

After being traumatized by war, in 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, it could be said that it was poor and nothing, and at that time, the United States already had dozens of aircraft carrier formations rampant across the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. What was there in China at that time? The best example of comparison, another country that has almost the same situation as China, India. In 2004, today, you can find out how big the gap between the two countries is.

No matter how many problems this country has had so far, Zhang Yang has never denied his patriotism, and for these real scientific workers, Zhang Yang has maintained the purest respect for them. As for those beasts who are trying to do something for scientific researchers, then It's rubbish, Zhang Yang always thought so.

Now Zhang Yang finally understood why the teacher reminded him to be polite, Zhang Yang quickly adjusted his The face also became serious, and the whole person became jīng angry, not like At first, that indifferent attitude.

"Come here, the guy sit down, are you Zhang Yang classmates?" An old man with almost white hair sitting in the middle stood up and greeted Zhang Yang enthusiastically.

"It's me, teachers and professors." Zhang Yang bowed the old professors seriously.

"Haha, you're welcome, lads, is this test paper yours?" The old man in the middle couldn't wait to pick up a test paper. The almost silver-haired old man Zhang Yang knew that he can be said to be the leader in the Chinese computer field. One of the sheep, he studied in the United States in his early years, and then returned to China. The entire computer research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was almost supported by him and several colleagues at that time. It is a pity that the old professors at that time are now left. One, the old professor surnamed Chang, called Chang Leshan.

"Good old man, it's my test paper." Zhang Yang also vaguely understood that these old professors probably came for him. A! ! ! ;




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