The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 286: Different Christmas (Part 2)

Chapter 268: Different Christmas (Part 2)

Chapter 268: Different Christmas (Part 2)

"What's wrong with Zhang Yang?" Li Keqing's voice came from a distance. Zhang Yang immediately saw four or five figures running over here. Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes. I went. Ah, these light bulbs are really yīn soulless, this Christmas does not let people live a two-person world?

Looking at the few people who were behind Li Keqing, Zhang Yang had a feeling of crying and laughing. Chen Xiaowei, Tan Yudie, Xia January, and Ouyang Xin were all there. What surprised Zhang Yang was that even Luo Tianshu came with him. Fortunately, Li Yuxuan had the highest power The light bulb did not come, otherwise, it would be lively tonight. ;

"Why did you come to a different Christmas in Chapter 286 (Part 2)?" Zhang Yang asked Tan Yudie and looked at them depressedly.

"Haha, I suggested that the two of you have gone through the world of two people, but our group of people are single, so we decided to come over and pound your plan." Tan Yudie said with a smile, paused, and pointed again Refer to the situation here and ask: "What is the situation?"

"It's's like this." Zhang Yang immediately told everyone about it. After listening to Zhang Yang's narration, Tan Yudie and other talents looked at several policemen. Ouyang Xin whispered: "I didn't expect that the police are still good this year?" Ouyang Xin whispered, but this voice is not small The few policemen over there who had just recovered from the shock heard this, and they were immediately speechless, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

But this group of police officers looked strange enough to look at Zhang Yang's expression. There is no way, no matter which man, if he can lead five beautiful school-level beauty nv to the street at the same time, then others look at him like this, even though Li Yuxuan did not come , But don’t forget, there is a more confusing Luo Tianshu here, this combination is more powerful, but it can be regarded as a beautiful nv, but Chen Xiaowei is bleak. Chapter 286 is different. Many Christmas (below).

"Well, this uncle is so pitiful, since he came with a rose, did he come to see his wife?" Li Keqing's face was full of sympathy.

"This is very likely.? *渌 Father 鰊v child nodded with both eyes shining brightly, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, why no matter what matter, nv people will be subconsciously associated with Man? Isn’t this uncle Do you sell roses? Want to feed your family? Just a dementia attack?

"Uncle, do you have a note on your body, or a phone or something?" Li Keqing immediately leaned over and asked softly.

After seeing Li Keqing, the old man's turbid eyes turned around on Li Keqing's face, and there was a trace of clarity in his eyes. The right hand immediately grabbed Li Keqing's small hand, shaking his lips and saying, "Xue... Xueer, I …Let’s see...Look at

Zhang Yang can’t help crying and laughing. It looks good to look beautiful. Alzheimer’s can recognize the wrong person, but Zhang Yang can only shake his head helplessly. It is normal for Alzheimer’s to recognize the wrong person. There are a lot of parents who recognize them. As long as you can ask if the old man has an address, this is the best result.

"That, Grandpa, do you have the address of your family?" Li Keqing continued to ask immediately after seeing the effect. Tan Yudie and the others hurriedly gathered over and asked in a hurry.

"Yes... here... not you... did you sew for Grandpa... sew it?" said the old man tremblingly, changing the rose for one hand, and then raising the cuff of his left hand. When he got up, Zhang Yang hurried to get together, and everyone immediately saw a strip of cloth that was sewn up in the cuff. A phone number and address were written on it, and there was a sentence: "Goodhearted people, if you see my grandfather, Please call me, thank you, thank you."

"I called." Zhang Yang quickly took out his mobile phone, and the police saw that the event had finally come to fruition, and joined them.


. "There are both landline and mobile phone numbers above. Zhang Yang still dialed the mobile phone number. The phone rang twice and the call came through. The voice of an nv boy immediately came from the phone: "Hello, please ask who you are looking for." "

"Hello, this is the case. We found this phone in the cuff of an old man..." Zhang Yang said.

"Ah...thank you, thank you, that's my grandpa. Where are you? I'll come over immediately, thank you." The nv boy immediately screamed in surprise, and then quickly thanked, but quickly Said, at the same time there was a messy voice over the phone, and the voice of this nv boy talking to people.

"We are in Chaoyang Square, under the largest old weeping willow, your grandpa is here." Zhang Yang immediately reported the address.

"Ah... it was there! Thank you, we will come soon." The nv boy said, and then quickly hung up the phone.

"Okay, I finally found someone." Zhang Yang let out a sigh of relief, and Tan Yudie obviously sighed in relief. The old man returned to what he had just started. Standing there, the promised one didn't know what to say, anyway, lips Always moving, but no one understands.

Zhang Yang did not wait long. About twenty minutes later, a harsh brake sound came from the street next to them. Zhang Yang looked at the sound immediately and saw a rather luxurious Ferrari sports car. The patrol car that was close to the police stopped and the car opened. The young nv boy jumped out of the car and looked around. When he saw the group of Zhang Yang, the nv boy Immediately ran over to this side.

"Zhang Yang... I found you are a demon jīng." Tan Yudie standing behind Zhang Yang could not help but ridiculed Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yanggang was about to reply, and he was also speechless. He didn't expect this old man's home to be so rich. It's just that Zhang Yang's open mouth hasn't waited to speak, and it can't be closed anymore. The whole person looked at the nv boy who ran to this side like a ghost, and after watching it for a long time, Zhang Yang worked hard Eyes closed, and then quickly turned around, looking at Li Keqing around him.

At this moment, Zhang Yang found that almost everyone around him was doing this. Even Li Keqing's face was full of surprise and overwhelming. Oh my God, did you let me live a normal life for a few days? Zhang Yang couldn't help but scream. Zhang Yang didn't see clearly when he was far away, but when the nv boy approached, Zhang Yang seemed as if he was a ghost. The nv boy and Li Keqing looked almost exactly the same.

Li Keqing unconsciously reached out and grabbed Zhang Yang's hand, and ran directly to Zhang Yang. When the nv boy ran to this side, when she saw Li Keqing standing beside Zhang Yang, she also froze directly in place for a long time. Then, she suddenly seemed to remember something, and quickly lowered her head and began to touch herself.

After a few touches, they found that they didn’t bring their bags, and Tan Yudie also recovered from the shock. Seeing this nv boy’s movement, Tan Yudie seemed to understand what she was doing and immediately opened her bag. Bag, took out a cosmetic case from the inside, and handed it over.

This nv kid is also welcome. He took Tan Yudie's makeup box and opened it and looked at it. While looking at the mirror inside the makeup box, he couldn't stop looking at Li Keqing.

"That... Xiao Wang, am I watching a movie?" After the policeman next to Liang said his eyes, he could not help asking. Judging from the response of Zhang Yang, they obviously don’t know this old man, and Li Keqing obviously also don’t know. Even if the old man calls her Cher, everyone just thinks that this old man with dementia admits wrong and doesn’t care. .

But when this nv boy appeared, everyone was a little dumbfounded, is there a stranger under the world who looks exactly the same? Or is it, as in the dog blood TV series, lost in childhood? But this is too ridiculous, right? There is a ridiculous feeling in everyone's mind.

Only Zhang Yang came back first, the sky was already dark, and although the lights above the square were bright, the light was still not good, but Zhang Yang could still see it. This nv boy and Li Keqing are probably only * points similar, just did not look carefully. So I think the two are exactly the same. Her face is rounder than Li Keqing, and she is a few centimeters taller than Li Keqing, about one meter and seven meters.

"Well, this, we'll talk about this later, I will look at my grandpa first." The nv boy said a little unkindly, and then quickly handed the makeup box in his hand to Tan Yudie, and then ran towards The old man. "Grandpa... Grandpa, why did you run out yourself." The nv child ran to the old man, his eyes turned red.

Seeing the nv child appear, the old man could still recognize the stuttering opening and said: "I... I come to see... see you

As soon as the old man's words came out, the nv boy froze for a moment, and then the tears came down directly, not to wipe the tears on his face. The nv boy shivered and asked: "Grandpa... do you remember? But, nǎinǎi has already It's been more than ten years since you died. You remember what you said fifty years ago, but why don't you remember us." As he said, the nv boy cried directly.

Zhang Yang, they were all a little bit confused, and the people around them were silent. "Grandpa, did you come here? It's all changed here, how did you come back." nv boy asked crying.

"Grandpa knows...and knows the road..." The old man mumbled a word, and then he stopped talking. At this time, there were several cars parked next to the nv boy's Ferrari. They were three Mercedes-Benz cars, and a few middle-aged people were flying fast. Jumped out of the car and quickly ran to this side.

"How is your grandpa, Xue'er?" The middle-aged man who took the lead was a bit like the old man. He walked very fast. He walked to the nv boy named Xue'er and asked quickly.

"No...nothing...that is, grandpa...grandpa came to see nǎinǎi...he remembers what they promised nǎinǎi when they returned from studying abroad." nv child said with a touch of tears.

"Dad...we went home, my mother has gone...if she is alive... she probably doesn't want you like that, you can't run out of the hospital again next time." The middle-aged man walked over to the old man and helped Said the old man.

"I went... I went..." I don't know when, the old man's face was already full of old tears. This time the old man did not resist, but only let this middle-aged man and another middle-aged lady will He helped walk towards the car. The rose in his hand was still on his chest.

The nv boy did not follow, but walked towards Zhang Yang. "Can you tell us about your grandfather's story?" Li Keqing's eyes also turned red. When the nv boy came over, he asked quietly.

"My grandfather has been suffering from Alzheimer's for six I don't even know us, I can only barely recognize me, she and I have stayed abroad when I was young, my father told me, I nǎinǎi When I was alive, I honestly said that my grandfather was not trusted, and the things promised decades ago had never been fulfilled. Ten years ago, I died because of an accident. When I died, it was under this old weeping willow."nv Said the child softly. "But... I don't even know how he came. We were in Minhang District. We drove here for more than 20 minutes. He didn't have any money." After saying this, the nv boy cried again.

Zhang Yang and others were silent for a while, and everyone looked at the old weeping willow in unison. No wonder the old man was so dirty and had no money. I am afraid that he could only walk over. Such a long road, and now the city has changed so much , Zhang Yang could not imagine how an elderly person with dementia came here, and how the rose in his hand came.

It's just that it doesn't matter anymore. When he appeared here, the kind of thick love was thicker than the love of young people now. Several nv children couldn't help but start to feel tears. Zhang Yang felt that his nose was a bit sour . A! ! ! ;




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