The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 294: See who is more vulgar (Part 2)

Chapter two hundred and ninety-fourth see who is more insignificant (below)

Chapter two hundred and ninety-fourth see who is more insignificant (below)

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Li Shufang, who was watching TV, heard Zhang Yang's cough and immediately stood up and walked over here quickly, asking.

"Aunt is okay, I was just looking at the phone, and I saw a joke. I couldn't hold back, and choked." Zhang Yang buckled the phone on the table, picked up the cool kettle next to it, and lifted it up and poured a few Mouth, said aside.

"This child, eat slowly, let's talk about it, what mobile phone to watch for dinner, hurry to eat, and then watch again after eating." Li Shufang patted Zhang Yang on the back, helping him calmly, while saying funny.

"Uh, aunty, I'm fine, you go to watch TV, I will eat chapter 294 to see who is more sloppy (Last), and then finish watching." Zhang Yang gasped for a few breaths, feeling a little more comfortable. Some embarrassed smiled at Li Shufang.

"Well, then I'm going, don't look at the jokes and the like when you eat, be careful to choke again." Li Shufang urged a few words before walking to the sofa. After Li Shufang left, Zhang Yang was sitting on the chair and was crying and laughing. I feel that this animal is really superb.

The system of such a building must be on duty technicians, because a large building, most of the common lighting switches, and neon light switches, and some elevator power supply switches, etc., a large part of them are used The computer is controlled centrally, and someone is on duty just in case, but in fact this kind of thing is boring. After all, if these systems are not artificially damaged, the damage may be very small.

The long night is very boring, but you don’t have to be a genius to hide inside and watch it with a v movie under the server, right? It’s okay to watch the V movie. You actually have a dummy puppet? As for what you are doing with the simulation puppet, do you need to describe it in detail? I wiped it, and this guy is too frivolous. I really don’t know where the manager of this building recruited such a chapter 294 to see who is more frivolous (below) the best guy, even if you play Playing five dozens is better than this one...

Zhang Yang can only be extremely speechless, but Zhang Yang quickly reacted. The programs that he set up yesterday were definitely changed by this wretched guy, which can be felt from the wretched tone. If ordinary technicians find this program, they will either delete it directly, or just pretend that they haven’t seen it, and make it public.

Seeing it like this, I also deliberately modified the words in it. It is estimated that this kind of thing is what this guy can do. Since you are more vulgar, I will show you who is more vulgar. Zhang Yang's smug “Hey” laughed twice. After the laugh, Zhang Yang felt wrong and raised his head to take a quick look at Li Shufang who was watching TV in the living room.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's laugh was relatively quiet, and Li Shufang didn't hear it. Three or two put the food into his mouth, Zhang Yang shouted: "Auntie, I have eaten, put the bowl in the pot, I am back to the room."

"Okay, you go, I'll clean it up." Li Shufang stood up from the sofa and waved at Zhang Yang. I didn't know the staying power of the guy. Zhang Yang didn't insist on it and greeted with a smile. Then he took his phone and rushed back to his room.

The laptop was brought back here yesterday, and Zhang Yang transferred the connection data to the computer directly from the No. 1 satellite on the network cable. The monitoring screen is still that guy is playing some dirty things with the simulated puppet, and there is a pretty classic v movie on the computer screen.

Zhang Yang laughed twice, and directly downloaded a terrifying ghost film clip from the Internet, and then secretly copied it to this guy's computer. Watching this guy in the surveillance video is holding the puppet, the movement speed is getting faster and faster, Zhang Yangmeng switched the video clip of this ghost film out.

You know, when this guy was watching the V movie, he actually watched it through the speaker, and the sound was not too small. Zhang Yangmeng put the ghost film up, and a miserable and mournful horror cry came out from the speaker. "Boom", in the surveillance video, this guy's puppet is lying on the stool, he is lying on the puppet, when the miserable cry of the ghost film comes to mind, the guy in the surveillance video is like He was stepped on like a cat, opened his mouth violently, and then jumped directly from the puppet.

But his pants only fell to his ankles. This jumped up, subconsciously flashing aside, the pants between his feet slammed together, he fell directly to the chair with the chair.

"Haha!" Although no sound was heard in the surveillance video, Zhang Yang didn't know how miserable this guy was calling, but watching this guy's movements, Zhang Yang was still overjoyed. I just don't know if it will scare him impotence.

After a few smug laughs, Zhang Yang directly turned off the video on his computer, and then quickly pulled out the writing pad and typed on it: "Give you 1 minute to wear pants, one minute later, I Switch the surveillance video to the main information display in the lobby."

At the moment, the whole building is still in business. There is a large display screen in the lobby of each floor, and some advertisements or short movies and TV movies are usually placed in it. When Zhang Yang's self appeared on the screen, Zhang Yang saw from the surveillance video that the guy was stunned for a while, and then jumped up from the ground violently, but this time, he forgot the pants on his feet. Entwined together, with a direct clatter, even with the chair next to it fell to the ground.

But this lmm is also very simple, just lying on the ground and quickly lifting up his pants, and then he was busy stuffing the puppet doll on the ground directly into a cardboard box next to the server box. At the same time, the right hand directly touched the mouse, turning off the v movie that started to play again.

All this is called a flowing cloud and flowing water, it is very smooth, Zhang Yang looked a bit dumbfounded, is this guy often being so whole? Or is it often discovered? Otherwise, this set of actions is so skillful. A subconscious glance at the time, Zhang Yang's grotesque face, don't say it, it's really not a minute.

But Zhang Yang didn’t even prepare to do that, just wanted to scare the animal, "Great God! Don’t! I’m wrong!" After doing all this, the guy’s first reaction was to make Zhang Yang cry and laugh, he even There was no shock at all, and he rushed directly to the computer screen, and those fat hands put a line on the keyboard almost instantly.

Looking at the feedback on the writing board, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, OK, this slightly chunky guy had a promising future, enough to be good. "Okay, I'm letting you go for a minute, but you know what's wrong with you?" Zhang Yang asked, as he prepared to tease the little fat man, "I just But I have recorded all the things you did, let me see, yes, shall I send this qq number?"

Zhang Yang opened the two qqs on the fat man, and there was only one person in one of the qqs. The note is still dear.

"Don't! God, do you have the heart to watch me jump from the Jin Mao Tower tomorrow?" The little fat man screamed directly. Looking at the writing, Zhang Yang seemed to see his wailing voice, Zhang Yang even It began to doubt that if he was in front of this fat man, it was estimated that this fat man would directly hug his disgusting Bala without hesitation.

"Then you said that you are wrong, you have to tell me what you are wrong, I will let you go." Zhang Yang type asked.

"Ah...Great God...please ask you a male nv." The little fat man thought for a moment, then asked weakly.

"This has nothing to do with men's nv." Zhang Yang felt that his thinking was agile enough, but he couldn't keep up with the fat man's rhythm.

"This, God, I am not interested in men." The little fat man responded weakly.

by! Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and almost passed out. My day, am I interested in you fat? "How far is the thought, how far away do you hurry! Lao Tzu is not interested in men, nnd, I will now direct your video to major forums, by the way, point out your address, name, and home address." Zhang Yang typed viciously.

"Don't! God, I'm wrong!" The little fat man apparently knew that Zhang Yang was watching him through the surveillance video. His legs were closed, and he knelt on the chair and made a pleading.

Zhang Yang had a bad cold, damn, this fat man is too shameless. If it was a few decades ago, it was estimated that the one who was a standard man was jiān, and the wind caused the rudder. In response, the fat man actually made it as if he didn't need to think about it at all.

"If you want to keep this action, I will upload the video now." Zhang Yang could not help crying.

"Great God, there is something wrong with your signal. You read it wrong. How could a mighty person like me make some weird movements." The fat man, with his thunderbolt, couldn't cover his ears and immediately struck his legs. Sit directly on the chair and said seriously typing.

"...Don't change the subject, know what's wrong with you?" Zhang Yang was completely speechless by him, and directly transferred the subject back.

"I know the great god...since you are a that wasn't what I did last night, I didn't do anything." The little fat man said weakly.

"Fuck!" Zhang Yang exploded directly. This bitch, you didn't do anything, and I didn't say anything. If it wasn't for you, how did you know what happened last night? Even if you see the word on the building, if you haven't done it, how do you know there is a problem with that word?

"Great God... I'm so wrong, I can't play with you." The fat man probably knew that he was wrong, and sold him himself. Without waiting for Yang Yang to type, he honestly typed and came to admit that he was wrong.

"But you see that I didn't delete your great initiative. Did you let me go? In my experience, although I changed your original intention, I think you should succeed." The little fat man continued weakly.

Your experience? nǎinǎi one-legged, is it your experience tossing out with a puppet? Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. A! ! ! ;




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