The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 296: Catch the duck

Chapter 296 Rushing Ducks to the Shelf

Chapter 296 Rushing Ducks to the Shelf

"Give me your qq number. If there is something you need to do, I will find you." Zhang Yang paused and said to the little fat man.

"Great God, you haven't told me what your name is! Just let me die, and you also let me know who died in it! Besides, if I go out to brag and say who I am, you still have face. Well." The little fat man patted the horse.

"My id is l. Hurry up and send your qq number." Zhang Yang hesitated and sent out his own id. The public outrage caused by the id of the gd was too much. Zhang Yang didn't want to be inexplicably walked by the night Brick, but the ID of l is okay. In chapter 296, the duck is put on the shelf. When this ID is used by Zhang Yang to contact them, Zhang Yang is already mentally prepared. It doesn’t matter if this id is exposed.

When Bai Su was still there, Zhang Yang had already performed very well on his technical strength. With this period of study, if he said he had no id, no one would believe it.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if the l is known, as long as they don't know the id of the gd, the gd id will be used exclusively to do bad things after the big deal. The fat man's QQ number is coming, and Zhang Yang adds him as a friend. The fat man's nickname is the same as his id, that is, a superman, but this guy is enough to be a bullshit, and actually made a six-digit QQ.

Just added the qq of the little fat man, Zhao Fei suddenly opened a phone, picked up the phone and looked at it, Zhang Yang directly answered: "Hey, instructor, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. I was busy today. I almost forgot to tell you something. You said you used the military ID last time, right?" Zhao Fei went straight to the subject.

"Yeah? What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Zhang Yang was somehow inexplicable. Anyway, they didn't find it at the time. Now they can't find it even if they want to check it.

"Of course, I forgot to tell you something. That military card is true." Zhao Fei said strangely.

"Poof..." Zhang Yang spit out the computer screen in front of him, "Instructor, don't you tease me? How could it be true? I'm not called Zheng Shouliang, and the soldier's ID is mine. If the photo is true, how did it pass the review?" After the shock, Zhang Yang couldn't help but ask.

"Let me tell you this. The file of our army is a little special, because everything is confidential, so the steps taken are a bit wrong, anyway, you know that your military card is really right." Zhao Fei said for a long time , Zhang Yang did not hear anything substantial.

"Is there a salary?" Zhang Yang asked subconsciously.

Zhao Fei: "..."

"I'm relying on it. I asked you so seriously to tell you about it. Did you come with a salary? Did you not know what we are doing? If you have a salary, everything is not recorded, soldiers. The existence of the card is quite special, and we generally don’t use it, but there is no problem with your military card. Uh, anyway, you should understand now that you are also a member of the military. Don’t embarrass me when you go out. After Zhao Fei paused, he screamed depressively.

Zhang Yang was a little crying and laughing, which was very different from his prediction: "I said, instructor, can you resign. Oh no, retire?"

"No, if you really want to retire, be monitored by Guoan for more than fifteen years and make sure you don't have any acts of betrayal." Zhao Fei said simply.

"Never mind...I don't have that hobby." Zhang Yang directly refused. Fifteen years, what a joke, would he have a free life? "Wait for me to forget a very important thing, how did I become Zheng Shouliang."

"You can rest assured that this identity is also true, just an orphan. Of course, if you retrieve it according to the address of this identity, I guarantee that you can even inquire about your existence in the villagers in the village where the address is located. Don’t forget, don’t embarrass me, you are a soldier now, and you should pay attention to your words and deeds.” Zhao Fei explained to Zhang Yang again.

"I'm dizzy, instructor, you yīn me! I don't want it!" Zhang Yang screamed, and Zhao Fei and they all retired somehow. How did they jump in instead, the most important thing is that they didn't even know it , Somehow became a soldier? I rely on!

"I can't help it. I gave you just in case, who let you use it? If you don't use it, the military card can be destroyed, but now it is impossible..." Zhao Fei The tone of nothing to do with yourself.

"Hello..." Zhao Fei said halfway, Zhang Yang heard that the phone was robbed, and Li Yingjie's voice rang: "I said, I'll teach you a lot of things anyway, don't give this to brother Face? Are soldiers that bad? All of us have to retire, and now you are left alone, you are all our sustenance, do you understand?"

Zhang Yang yù cry without tears, isn't this to catch the duck on the shelf? "You are the boss, you have the final say. But I have something to make clear." Zhang Yang can only honestly agree. Now things are like this, and there is still no result of resistance. Even if Zhang Yang wants to resist Not good anymore.

"What's the matter, you say." Li Yingjie asked quickly.

"I'll say it first. I don't take responsibility for those soldiers. Of course, if an enemy invades our country, you don't need to say, I will go to the battlefield. What I am saying is that I don't want to let those inexplicable people usually do. I’ve been dispatched here. You know, my person’s sense of discipline, I don’t think of any general salute I want to give to me every day.” Zhang Yang, who is a soldier, actually has nothing against him. The reason why he doesn’t want to be a soldier, It’s because the discipline there is too strict. This is the most important reason why Zhang Yang doesn’t want to be a soldier. In addition, Zhang Yang is not at all located. Anyway, it is also the cost of pretending to be bī. Not enough is only level 5.

"That's it? What do you think our group of people had the opportunity to meet other superiors? The mission you saw last time, we just happened to meet and temporarily replaced other troops. Those people didn't know. Our identity, as well as the special circumstances of your military card, you can order the local troops, cooperate with the completion of the task, and automatically get the highest command. Rest assured, it is estimated that your old one is going to retire, and someone may think of you." A lot of words were thrown.

"Okay. That's all. It's useless to say, even if I don't have these things, can I resist?" Zhang Yang accepted this reality. It wasn't Zhang Yang who felt that the soldiers were bad, but he didn't think the army was suitable for him. . But now that the duck has been chased off, Zhang Yang has no choice.

Fortunately, it is not without gains. It is estimated that they will enter the police station or the like in the future. They have to be polite, no. In the future, they will have to put out this document and put it on their bodies. God knows when it will be used. , Not in vain.

"Okay, you guys understand. It's up to you for agreeing to be so happy. In the future, our gang will help you optimistic about your company." Li Yingjie said with a smile.

"This is what the instructor said. My company may have a lot of secrets in the future. If a commercial spy steals these secrets, the instructor is responsible for you." Zhang Yang immediately hit the snake with a stick.

"You too underestimate us? If all commercial spies can steal things from our hands, we would have been pinched by i all the time, and we can still live to this day." Li Yingjie was a little depressed, "well, I won’t tell you, there’s still something on my side, it’s jiā’s act on your behalf. Anyway, this is how things are going. If something happens in the future, you can solve it yourself.” Li Yingjie didn’t give Zhang Yang a chance to refute. Just hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone to Zhao Fei, Li Yingjie looked at Zhao Fei with some concern and asked, "Is the boss so good? In case something goes wrong, Zhang Yang can't eat and walk around."

"What are you afraid of? Is it too much to give him a major? The last time he helped us get something, let alone a major, it is estimated that the colonel will give it above, and the old chief is pressing it, you can rest assured. Well, there won't be any problems. I'm also worried about what's wrong with this kid. Last time I used some of our informants to investigate this kid. His enemies are really many.

In the future, we will no longer be in the sequence, and we will all become ordinary people. It is impossible for him to give him any help. To give him such an identity can also be regarded as insurance for him. In the future, I will see who dares to move him. mlgbd, anyway, is the soldier I brought out from Zhao Fei. Besides, you also know the quality of this identity, when he is dying, it may not be exposed. "Zhao Fei made a **** directly.

"Applying Zhang Yang's words, you are the boss, you have the final say." Li Yingjie shrugged his shoulders, without refuting. At the moment, Zhang Yang met last time, and the remaining eleven instructors gathered here. Everyone listened to it. Nodded.

"Zhao Tou'er is right. We all owe him a life. Now we have no chance to pay it back. More importantly, we owe him such a big favor. It is estimated that he will take care of us in the future." Yun Wei echoed.

Zhang Yang did not know that Zhao Fei and they were gathering, and his military card was simply that Zhao Fei came to him later. Zhang Yang was still worried and worried at the moment. Thinking of being inexplicably a soldier, Zhang Yang was a little bit hurt. Some people may say that Zhang Yang is not good anyway, and he is already a major when he is just under 20 years old. How many people can't hope to come.

After a while, Zhang Yang threw the matter behind his head, but he didn’t care about it anyway. It couldn’t be changed. The soldiers would stop it and the water would cover it. The holiday on New Year's Day is coming soon. Zhang Yang wants to take Li Keqing back to show his parents. To put it bluntly, Zhang Yang is just going back to show off, just like what a child has achieved, he wants to show it to his parents. In my heart.

Moreover, Zhang Yang also wanted to deal with some things. Fortunately, he is now rich. What is the money? The money is the **** and is used for spending.

After looking at the time, Li Keqing did not return at night. When he left this morning, Li Yuxuan called and asked Zhang Yang to borrow Li Keqing and go to her house.

After pondering it, it is estimated that Zhao Fei and they should get things done soon. Zhang Yang picked up the phone and made a call to Chen Xiaowei. Before the ringing of the phone rang, Chen Xiaowei answered: "Hey, Zhang Yang, what's the matter? Instructions."

"Uh, there is no instruction, just something to tell you, the company may have a dozen people to report tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and prepare a salary for them with a monthly salary of more than 10,000." Zhang Yang said.

"Oh? What position?" Chen Xiaowei asked with some curiosity. Now Star Group has just pulled a shelf, many people are recruiting, and the monthly salary of tens of thousands is considered a high salary, at least for the manager or technician level, Chen Xiaowei is more I hope the latter, if a company is not afraid of anything else, it is afraid that there is no talent.

"Security," Zhang Yang scratched his head and said, thinking for a while, I think the word is a bit wrong. After all, Starry Sky Group has just rented an office building. It's such a big place. Even if you hire a security guard, two are enough. It doesn't take more than a dozen to wait for Chen Xiaowei to speak, Zhang Yang immediately added another sentence: "To be precise, it's a bodyguard. You nv children alone are bodyguards."

"Security? Am I not wrong? What security do you need to pay ten thousand a month? What bodyguards do we need? We don't kill people or set fire." Chen Xiaowei's tone rose immediately, and he asked incredulously, "Don't you know Is the company's finances tight? There are 120,000 people a year and more than a dozen people, and a year's expenditure is millions."

"There will be bread, there will be cow nǎi, anyway, these dozen people must be arranged and I tell you, if they go out to work as private bodyguards, the annual salary is at least one million or more, If you are given more than a hundred thousand a year, you will find more than a dozen of these people. You can be content with you." Zhang Yang made a decision without help.

"Who's such a bull? Are you hired from Blackwater?" Chen Xiaowei asked immediately.

"Uh, no, but the Blackwater Company is floating clouds in their eyes. Oh, don't worry, I'm the biggest shareholder anyway, don't you need to exercise shareholder rights?" Zhang Yang began to stir up.

"You are the boss, you have the final say. I tell you anyway, if there is a financial problem, I will look for you, as well as the bodyguards. We are all singles. Are the bodyguards you equipped us male? Do you find it convenient? ?" Chen Xiaowei asked depressed.

Convenient and inconvenient, how do you know if it is unworthy? Zhang Yang smiled with pride, Zhao Fei and their age are not young, Xia Yiyong and they did not say a few, it is estimated that they will not get along with Zhao Fei, but such resources as Chen Xiaowei can not flow to outsiders. And they are about the same age. A! ! ! ;




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