The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 301: Protest invalid (on)

Chapter 301 Invalid Protest (Part 1)

Chapter 301 Invalid Protest (Part 1)

"This is not a problem, you are studying now? Since you are in university, you have such good grades, you have entered the army, and it is no problem to read a military school. I say hello to people. How about you going to the National Defense University? Not far from the city." Lin Congjun didn't know what he was thinking. It seemed to be following Zhang Yang and continued to ask.

"Uh... Forget it, I think the computer major is pretty good, the big computer major is very good." Zhang Yang was depressed, and the uncle begged you. There are so many little girls on the street, who is bad for you, you are not Fancy me?

"The National Defense University also has a computer major, and the strength of the computer department is definitely not weaker than that. The protest in Chapter 301 is invalid (Part 1). And, I remember your kid once said that he would exceed my rank at my age. What about? What the man said is like splashing water, don't you want to take it back? I'm still waiting for you to surpass me." Lin Congjun looked at Zhang Yang with a smile.

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying. He was completely speechless. It was just a bargain. Lin Congjun remembered that you were too careful. Moreover, Zhang Yang felt that Lin Congjun's temper was a little weird. When he first met that day, did Lin Congjun seem to dislike himself? what is it today? Give yourself benefits three times and five times.

Do you really want to see yourself exceeding his rank? "Thank you for your kindness. Forget it. The military school is too strict. I have people who have nv friends. I can’t think of it if I don’t see one day, so I will not go." Zhang Yang directly lost his killer skills. Came out.

nnd, you can't say anything this time? Do you still want me to leave my wife and son? Cough, oh right, no son yet.

"How can a manly husband fall into the gentle township." Lin Congjun's face immediately became serious, but he said quickly: "The protest in Chapter 301 is invalid (part 1). You are not very rich. Well, in these two places, it is enough to return by plane once a week."

"No matter what you say, I'm not going anyway. I'm living a good life now." Zhang Yang simply started to play the rogue, Zhang Yang said so, Lin Congjun could not continue, he said with regret: "Since this That’s fine, but don’t you know if you two guards are willing to be soldiers?

"Fuck!" Zhang Yang almost spit out the word. My God, here is the relationship problem. I said, how can I treat myself so well, the relationship is to pay attention to Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie.

"I don't want to." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and refused if he didn't want to. "I still have something in the morning, so I won't accompany you anymore. You talk about me and go." Zhang Yang finished and went straight out.

"Then let's go." The crowd in the living room said at this moment. Zhang Yang did not wait for them, but left in front of himself, but there were still a group of instructors waiting outside. God knows that Lin Congjun will see so many people in a while, and what problems will they cause.

When Zhang Yang came out, he saw Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie standing in the corridor and staring at each other with the remaining four guards. Zhang Yang said quickly: "The wind is tight..." After dropping the next sentence, Zhang Yang ran towards the elevator. Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie froze for a moment, and soon the two reacted to what this sentence meant, and immediately Crying and laughing followed.

When the elevator closed, Lin Congjun did not keep up with them, so Zhang Yang was relieved. "What's the situation?" Zhao Fei could not help asking.

Zhang Yang spoke to Zhao Fei in three words, Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie looked at it, and then Zhao Fei said with a bitter smile: "I knew that the two of us wouldn't do it anymore, and our nervous reaction was a little allergic. When we got up, when the elevator was almost coming, the two of us felt what seemed to be dangerous. When the elevator opened, we saw someone outside from the side, and then the two of us thought we were our enemies."

Zhang Yang is also somewhat helpless, saying that people who have been on the battlefield for a long time have a kind of instinct to feel danger. It is estimated that this is the case of Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie. "However, the two of you, instructors, are also strong enough, but that is the bodyguard of Zhongnanhai. You two will put them all at once." Zhang Yang said while he couldn't help but walked out of the elevator.

"That's the effect we unexpectedly achieved, and there are important people over there. They dare not let go of their hands and feet to fight, fearing that our dog will jump over the wall and hurt their protection target, so they are a bit obstructive. This is one of their training goals. Their obedience is to confirm the safety of their protection targets to the greatest extent possible. If there is no external reason, the two of us will fall down to two at most. The training of the Central Security Bureau is very strict." Zhao Fei shook his head slightly, probably explaining to Zhang Yang For a moment.

That's also very good, the legendary Zhongnanhai bodyguard. Zhang Yang was impressed by the bodyguard of Zhongnanhai played by Jet Li.

At the entrance of the community, Yun Wei and they all waited here. After getting on the van, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to let them go. Everyone drove three vans. After such a toss, traffic jams started on the road. It took more than forty minutes for them to reach the Starry Sky Group.

The office building where the Star Group is located is a 32-storey office building. The Star Group is on the 16th floor and rents a whole floor area. The rent is only a few million a year. If there is no profit target, Zhang Yang’s money won’t last long.

But the only thing that is gratifying now is that because of the last virus incident and the Jiucheng Group's large-scale publicity of World of Warcraft, the installed capacity of Zhangyang's photon defense has also begun to rise rapidly. So far, there have been nearly three thousand 10,000 installed users, and this number is still growing rapidly at a rate of tens of thousands every day.

Of these 30 million users, there are still nearly 10 million foreign users. For this reason, Chen Xiaowei also specially asked the company's technical department to produce an English version, but only the English version. At present, photon defense is definitely the latest idea, especially the optimization rate of this software is quite high. For this reason, Microsoft also specifically contacted the Star Group, want to inquire about the development staff of this software from the Star Group, and even proposed To acquire Star Group.

The appearance of Microsoft made Zhang Yang a little surprised, but soon Zhang Yang figured it out. According to the time, around July next year, Microsoft will announce a new generation of operating system, that is, the famous vi, and will not make a narrative about its performance. Yes, but in Zhang Yang’s software, not only vi can be optimized, and even the next version of Microsoft, in7 can be optimized.

Microsoft must have tested with the Star Group software in advance, otherwise, it would be impossible to find it so eye-catching. When vi just came out, it was hot for a while. Vi is like an ine phone in the mobile phone world. Unlike the waiting system, let Vi still has a lot of users, but the biggest reason why it is not popular is that this thing has the same disease as in7 a few years later.

That is a big user, eating too much energy, and Zhang Yang’s software can optimize the speed of vi by at least 30%. Although it is just to close some useless services, etc., but the optimization concept, if you will If Zhang Yang absorbs it, vi eat can definitely change a lot.

This is why Microsoft is valued, but just like the previous acquisitions of security companies, Zhang Yang refused without thinking.

Because of this success, despite the company's financial surprise, Chen Xiaowei is still full of confidence in the future. When they got downstairs and everyone got out of the car, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly. He hadn't found it yet, but when Zhao Fei and his gang got out of the car, Zhang Yang only saw that although Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie both wore It is plain clothes, but who knows, there are eleven instructors in total, and they all buy the same plain clothes.

The same clothes that so many people wear naturally attract people's attention. But now that the matter is over, Zhang Yang can only ignore it. "Let's go up." Zhang Yang bowed his hands and then took the lead to walk upstairs. Twelve men, especially men who are very burly and look very manly, didn't know how much sight they attracted along the way. Zhang Yang himself was a little fluttering.

From the 16th floor, Zhang Yang and his party immediately attracted most of the employees outside the Starry Sky Group. At the moment, the Starry Sky Group came out of the elevator and was the office of the company's main ordinary employees. Although there are not many people, there are seven or eight. The company's technical department and computer room are in the dedicated computer room on the right, and to the left are the offices of various management.

Except for the of the halls, as well as the general staff of each department are corridors separated by glass. Even the offices of those department managers are only separated by frosted glass in the middle. This is Zhang Yang’s first visit to the company, but after sweeping it, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but smile bitterly, saying that male nv collocation, work is not tiring, and Chen Xiaowei and other management are also nv people, how are they? Recruited a group of nv people? The limited number of men was the same group of men that Zhang Yang saw when he went to the talent market last time.

More importantly, most of these men are engaged in technology, and they are divided into the technical department. The technical department is isolated. There is no glass there, so you can’t see it at all. This large hall looks up. Looking around, it's all a mm.

Chen Xiaowei happened to be in the department marked with the personnel department and didn't know what to say. After seeing Zhang Yang through the glass, Chen Xiaowei immediately greeted the people inside and then walked out with Luo Tianshu.

Before Zhang Yang came, Chen Xiaowei had psychological preparations, so Chen Xiaowei was not surprised to see so many people, but she said helplessly: "Come to my office, because I have a bigger space." A! ! ! ;




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