The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 303: Go home (on)

Chapter 303 Going Home (Part 1)

Chapter 303 Going Home (Part 1)

"Okay. Then I will call someone to book a ticket for us." Now that it was decided, Li Keqing did not hesitate, nodded quickly, and then stood up in Zhang Yang's arms. Looking at Li Keqing's perfect back curve, Zhang Yang burst into emotion, his little nv person gradually began to grow up, the society is to exercise people, Ke Qing is also a bit of the chairman's majesty, and has learned to let others do it. These trivial things.

If you want to be an excellent leader, you must learn to delegate authority and trust others. People's ability is limited. You can't do everything yourself. Li Keqing quickly picked up the phone and booked three tickets to Shenyang on behalf of the people below. Chapter 303 Going Home (Part 1)

Air tickets are not as tense as they are a few years later. Zhang Yang and Li Keqing spoke in the office for more than half an hour and were knocked. "Please come in." Li Keqing said.

It was Xia Yiyue who pushed forward, and when Zhang Yang was there, Xia Yiyue immediately understood what he was laughing and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, this is the ticket you want, and, Ke Qing, you are going to see your in-laws Ah?" Xia Yiyue, they knew that Zhang Yang's family was Shenyang, so when they heard that Li Keqing wanted three tickets, they immediately knew that they must go back with Zhang Yang.

Li Keqing immediately blushed slightly, but nodded and said "En". "Why? You envy, or I'll take you back again?" Zhang Yang said jokingly.

"Brief you, Miss Ben has a boyfriend, hum! By the way, Zhang Yang, you are too much. You said that I am an ordinary college student. What bodyguard do you arrange for me? How can I go back to school in the future." Xia Yiyue Thinking of something, some helpless complained.

"I'm not doing it for your safety. The society is not peaceful now. That's fine. When you tell them you go back to school, just let them wait outside the school." Zhang Yang thought about it, Xia Yidi Chapter 303: Going Home (Last Month) Although they rarely go back to school now, they can never go back to school. It is really not appropriate to go back to school with bodyguards. Zhang Yang will not be forced, anyway, they should be no danger.

"Okay, the ticket is at two o'clock in the afternoon. Your time is estimated to be tight. It is almost noon. Let's go to the airport early. I'm afraid of traffic jams on the road. Don't delay the plane." Xia Yiyue advised.

"Well, let's go first. What's the matter with the company? You can find Chen Xiaowei. If there is something urgent, just call us both." Zhang Yang also stood up, and there was no traffic jam at the airport. It's close to an hour, and it's almost 11 o'clock now. It's better to go a little earlier. If there is no traffic jam in the city, then it's hell.

Of the three tickets, one was naturally Li Yingjie, and Zhang Yang gave orders to several other nv children, but it is naturally not good to be different here. However, unlike others, there is Zhang Yang, and Li Yingjie naturally does not have to follow him anytime, anywhere. Besides, there is no possibility that Li Yingjie needs help when he returns home.

"Shall we buy something?" Li Keqing asked, tilting his head, after changing back his ordinary clothes in the company's lounge and leaving the company.

Looking at the nv strongman who has changed from the nv strongman image to a vibrant and youthful nv, Zhang Yangwei smiled, stretched out her hand and said, "No, there is nothing missing at home. What, we just go back and buy it."

Zhang Yang’s old man’s name is even more blessed, given by Zhang Yang’s grandfather. Anyway, it’s more than Zhang Yang’s name, but it’s called Niu Bī. It’s called Zhang Kuang. It took five or six minutes. Don’t even say that as soon as the names of the two of them are spoken, others will laugh and say, you are really father and son, and the names are all the same.

Zhang Yang’s mother’s surname is Sun, called Sun Yixiang. It sounds a very gentle name, but Zhang Yang sometimes feels that his old lady has something to do with several predecessors in history, such as Liu Bei’s wife Sun Shangxiang, who crosses Yang Sanbai. Steps, such as Sun Erniang... Well, anyway, Zhang Yang sometimes feels that his old lady is definitely born in the wrong era. If you are born a few decades earlier, there may be an nv general in the general who founded the country.

After eating something simple, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and called her old lady at the airport: "Hey, son, is it short of money?" Sun Yixiang answered the phone and said Zhang Yang filled his head. The black line.

"Mom, what are you talking about, is your son so unsatisfied?"

"Fart, I don't know you yet? Tell me about when you started high school. If you didn't lack money, when did you take the initiative to call your mother." Sun Yixiang immediately despised.

"Mom, I was wrong." Zhang Yang immediately admitted the mistake honestly. He knew that if he went on, his mother-in-law could turn things out when he was three years old, and continuously prove that Zhang Yang was wrong!

"Huh, isn't it right? How can you be so good today and admit mistakes so quickly? You used to refute for a long time." Sun Yixiang asked strangely.

Zhang Yang: "..."

"Oh, okay, I believe my son has grown up, let's say, how much does his son need?" Sun Yixiang asked Zhang Yang with a smile.

Zhang Yang: "..." Is it so unbelievable? "Mom, I called to tell you that I'm going home." Zhang Yang changed the subject silently.

"Ah? Let's go today? Did you get in the car? Then come back tomorrow night, I will let your dad go out tomorrow to buy your favorite food." Sun Yixiang said immediately with joy.

"Mom, that, I didn't go back by myself, and there are others." Zhang Yang's nose was a bit sour, and pitiful to the parents of the world. Although his father and mother were somewhat optimistic and tough, but once he said he was going home, Every time he prepared a variety of meals he likes to eat.

"Other people? Who? Are your classmates coming to play? Then I have to ask your dad to tidy up the house." Sun Yixiang asked immediately.

"Uh... It's Ke Qing, that's my nv friend I told you last time, that is, your future daughter-in-law." Zhang Yang glanced at Li Keqing, who was nervous next to him, and said quickly.

"What?" Sun Yixiang's voice sharply increased by an octave. Zhang Yang quickly took his phone away from his ear, and his ears were almost deaf.

"You're a prodigal son, don't you bring nv friends back to call us a few days in advance? Let's prepare well? But okay, there is still time, hello, Zhang Kuang, you die for me, your son will bring The daughter-in-law is back, soon... go shopping and go shopping." Sun Yixiang started calling out Zhang Yang's old man directly on the phone.

Zhang Yang called a sweat, even if he did not turn on the speaker of the mobile phone, Li Keqing and Li Yingjie sitting next to Zhang Yang probably heard it.

"That mom, actually I want to tell you that we will be home after about two hours, and I will return by plane." Zhang Yang added weakly.

"...Okay, son, you're all on a plane. Your mom hasn't been in this life. Where did you get the money? Wouldn't it be the money of the girl?" Sun Yixiang asked oddly. .

Zhang Yang hasn't told his parents about the money, how could it be clear on the phone, Zhang Yang was prepared to go back to the winter vacation.

"This matter is not clear to you. I earned it by working. This time is relatively tight. I just went back by plane. Anyway, the plane is not too expensive. Don't say it. I'm going to board the plane." Zhang Yang said quickly, and no matter what his old lady said there, he hung up the phone directly.

"Zhang Yang, have you always talked to your aunt like this?" Li Keqing asked weakly, and it was probably shocked by Zhang Yang and his mother. "Khan, almost, my mother is in that style, you will soon know that she is very easy to get along with, she is very carefree, and any sad things can come out of her and smile in a devious way, according to my dad. The testimony from the side said that he was so hooked up by my mother at that time." Zhang Yang said with a grin.

I don't know if it was interesting that Zhang Yang said, or the attitude of Sun Yixiang on the phone just let Li Keqing's tension dissipate a lot.

Time passed quickly. As the plane landed at Shenyang Airport, Zhang Yang did not know why he suddenly became nervous. Although everything seemed to have changed, Zhang Yang still had a feeling of inexplicability in his heart, as if After Heaven and Man separated forever, I lived like that again.

Sometimes when Zhang Yang fell asleep, he couldn't help but think, if he died like that in his last life, how sad his parents should be. Many times, although everything is told to Zhang Yang, this is the truth, but Zhang Yang still escapes a little bit. He was afraid that all of these were dreams, and now the dream is about to wake up.

As the taxi quickly approached his home, Zhang Yang's emotions became more and more tense. Although Li Yingjie was sitting in the front row, he was the first to feel that Zhang Yang was wrong, but because he did not know the reason, he was puzzled. Did not say When the taxi stopped in the community, even Li Keqing found that Zhang Yang was not right. Li Keqing shook his arms strangely and asked, "What happened to Zhang Yang?"

"Ah, oh, it's okay, it's okay, just thinking about things." God jijng suddenly regained his nerves, suppressing his emotions and replied quickly. After paying for the car, the three people walked into the community under the leadership of Zhang Yang, and Li Keqing was also nervous. After walking a few steps in the community, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "Wait, I'll get some money."

There is an ICBC sub-branch at the entrance of the community. Zhang Yang ran over and directly took a full 200,000, and then put all in a handbag sent by the ICBC. Although Li Keqing and Li Yingjie were a little strange why Zhang Yang would take so much money, they didn't ask anything. Both of them felt that Zhang Yang's emotions seemed a bit wrong.

As soon as he came out of the bank, Zhang Yang's mobile phone rang, picked it up and looked at it. It was the mother who called, and Zhang Yang answered the phone immediately. A! ! ! ;




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