The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 308: I am an upstart (below)

Chapter 308 I am an upstart (below)

Chapter 308 I am an upstart (below)

When meeting such a refreshing customer, Zhang Yang is willing to pay, and the manager here has no opinion. There are more than 7 million left in Zhang Yang’s account, and after paying 5.2 million, there are still about 2 million left. Of course, the 200,000 that was taken out yesterday are still at home.

Zhang Yang stopped the Volkswagen just a short time after paying the money. Zhang Yun took a few people out of the car and walked directly into the sales hall. Entered and looked around for a while, then came over to Zhang Yang. Several sales ladies who were ready to join up looked at the situation and immediately shrunk back.

"Yo, big nephew, you are the upstart (lower) in Chapter 308. It's really big." Zhang Yunpi walked to the restroom with a smile, and sat down directly, looking at Zhang Yang and said.

"Have you never heard of it? It's all uncles who owe money now." Zhang Yang glanced at him lightly. His mother and father were there yesterday. Zhang Yang gave him a face. Today, Zhang Yang doesn't want to give him a face.

Zhang Yun’s face was a bit ugly, but he recovered quickly, and looked at Zhang Yang coldly and said, “We are relatives. I don’t want to make the relationship too rigid. Today you will give me 150,000, and then we will be Completely cleared, after you walk your sunshine road, I cross my single bridge. I don't want to go to your house anymore."

"Yes, no problem, take out my mother's loan contract and let me see it." Zhang Yang nodded.

It is estimated that he took the person himself, and Zhang Yun did not hesitate. He took out the loan contract directly from the package and handed it to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang took a closer look and looked at the characteristics described by Sun Yixiang. Sun Yixiang signed it with a handprint on it.

After reading, Zhang Yang handed over the contract to Li Yingjie again. Li Yingjie took a closer look at it and then nodded to Zhang Yang that Chapter 308 I was the upstart (Next): "No problem, the paper is not made The old one." Zhang Yang originally just tried it, but did not expect Li Yingjie to really see it. Since the contract was ok, Zhang Yang did not want to talk nonsense with Zhang Yun, nodded and stood up and said: "Then let's go, go to the bank and I will transfer the money to you."

"It's okay to transfer money, we only accept cash." Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and then said. Zhang Yang frowned, and it was very troublesome to withdraw large amounts of cash from the bank. Yesterday, it was fortunate that there was a sub-branch near the community, so there was so much cash, otherwise, he could not get it out.

After a pause, Zhang Yang nodded: "OK, let's go."

When I saw Zhang Yang was about to leave, the sales lady next to me opened her mouth, hesitated and said, "You gentleman, if you have any requirements, just call me directly." Passed a business card. Li Yingjie took the business card from her hand, and Zhang Yang nodded at her before turning to walk outside.

"Yo? The eldest nephew bought a house here?" Zhang Yun's eyes rolled around and he quickly followed, asking as he walked. Zhang Yang is a little speechless. If the fat man who is a surly Superman meets Zhang Yun, they may have a common language, and the two of them have similar goals. Well, I haven’t called him uncle for so many years. His big nephew, who is very friendly.

"Why? Is it only allowed that you have money, our family can't have money?" Zhang Yang asked with a raised eyebrow. Zhang Yun didn't even notice it, shrugging his shoulders: "Of course not. It's just that I think your nephew is a little bit faster to get rich as a fortune. It's not because I went to college. How can I get more than one hundred thousand repayment at once? Can I still buy more than one million houses? If there are any special channels, I will bring my uncle to me. Hehe."

As Zhang Yun said this, his eyes turned around Li Keqing. The implication was that Zhang Yang was next to the rich woman. Li Keqing now has those vaguely similar temperaments like Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie, plus the clothes on her body, although they are ordinary clothes, but because of the need to work, these clothes are all by Tan Yudie These couples are pulling the expensive famous brands.

Naturally, it is not comparable to the big goods of Zhang Yang. Speaking of it, since Zhang Yang has money, he hasn't even worn a brand-name clothes.

Zhang Yang frowned, too lazy to say anything to him. In the speaking room, everyone walked out of the sales center, and there was an ICBC not far from the sales office. Zhang Yang reached out and stopped a taxi and said to Zhang Yun: "Just meet at the bank in front. Take out the money. Here you are, then we have a problem."

"Wait, the contract is in your hands, we can say the ugliness in the front, if you play any tricks, my uncle can't help you, the shares in it are not only my own." Zhang Yun reached out and held the car open. Said.

"Relax, I haven't seen these little money in my eyes yet." Zhang Yang sneered, then pulled Zhang Yun's hand directly and got into the taxi.

The bank is not far from here. Zhang Yun drove and followed closely behind the taxi. When Zhang Yang got off the bus, several of them also got off the bus. Entering the lobby, Zhang Yang paused for a while before turning to Li Keqing and asking, "Ke Qing, do you have a bank card? That card is convenient for withdrawing money."

Li Keqing's card is a five-star vi user of ICBC, which is much less than the ordinary gold card. It is impossible to get a bank card with no more than hundreds of millions of assets. In addition to the credit limit, this bank card has One advantage is the priority level. You can go directly to all branches of ICBC, have a dedicated manager to receive it, and you don’t need to make advance reservations like ordinary users for taking large amounts of cash.

Even if this sub-branch does not have so much money, the other party will call the branch directly, and there will be a **** vehicle to **** it directly. If the branches are far away, cash will be transferred from nearby branches to meet the needs of VIP users. Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan helped Li Keqing get the card. Zhang Yang did not have so much money to meet the minimum demand for this bank card.

"Well, take it." Li Keqing nodded slightly, and then took out the pure white platinum card from the bag on his body. Zhang Yun's eyes were slightly bright when he saw the card that Li Keqing took out. Although he I have never seen such a bank card, but he also knows that this kind of bank card is definitely not something that ordinary people can take out. Even Wang Laoqi does not have such a bank card.

Zhang Yun immediately affirmed his own guess. Zhang Yang must have found a rich lady, otherwise, where did he get so much money? Thinking of this, Zhang Yun's eyes couldn't help but Li Keqing turned around again. The girl was blind, and she was so beautiful and rich to see such a kid.

Zhang Yang naturally didn’t know what kind of thought Zhang Yun was wandering in his heart. After receiving the bank card in Li Keqing’s hand, Zhang Yang showed the bank card directly to the lobby manager. After a moment of stun, the lobby manager immediately understood what bank it was. Ka, immediately said to Zhang Yang respectfully: "Several gentlemen, please come with me. There is a VIP room here."

"Damn, this chick is so beautiful. Do we have to find a chance to come out and play?" When we walked to the VIP room, the four gangsters behind Zhang Yun whispered and happened to be heard by Zhang Yang who was behind Li Keqing. When he arrived, Zhang Yang stopped his steps directly and looked back at the few **** coldly.

"Look what? Look for death?" The man on the far left immediately glared back at Zhang Yang, screaming. This time, Li Yingjie, who stood behind Li Keqing, didn't wait for Zhang Yang to open his mouth, and then did not wait for everyone to react. A sharp scream was made in the entire hall. A large number of people in the hall were frightened, and several security guards were taken aback. This is the bank! Although I haven’t experienced it, I’ve seen a lot of movies about robbing banks on TV.

When everyone came back to God and looked at the sound, they couldn't help but sigh. The young man who just scolded Zhang Yang and Li Keqing had his arm twisted directly behind him at the moment, and his arm twisted an impossible arc and was mentioned behind him.

The remaining three gangsters also reacted violently, immediately screaming at each, and then rushed directly to Li Yingjie. Li Yingjie didn't even return his head. He turned his head slightly, letting a fist hit him, and then grabbed his arm directly with his hand, breaking down hard.

The sound of "Ahhhhhhh...", accompanied by a miserable cry, the second bully turned his eyes and fainted. "Bang" "Bang" followed by two dull sounds, less than a minute, the remaining two gangsters also collapsed softly to the ground.

At this time, the talents in the hall reacted violently to what happened, and a few timid nv people were screamed out in fright. I looked at the four gangsters on the ground, and Zhang Yun, who was standing next to him with a white face, Zhang Yang did not have any sympathy for them. These people are exclusively for usury, like this, their family can pay interest. It's still good, some aren't good enough. I'm afraid these hands are not very clean.

Li Yingjie did not forget the task of publicizing the jiā generation. Anyone who is not good for Li Keqing's mouth, or has small movements, does not know the mother who directly hit him.

Moreover, there is no psychological burden for Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie. These people are estimated to have a lot of cases in the public security bureau, which is completely a personal scum. "Throw them out, you are watching, who wakes up. If you dare to talk nonsense, then give them an arm." Zhang Yang said directly.

Looking back, Zhang Yang patted the slightly dazed lobby manager's shoulder and said, "Okay, let's continue to do our business."

The lobby manager thrilled a cold war, and then suddenly recovered, stuttering and said, "Sir, please."

On the other side of the hall, the people queuing for money in the hall, as well as a few faces looking nervously at Li Yingjie, and the stunned bank staff working in the business window, Li Yingjie directly dragged the two gangsters one by one. With his arm intact, he dragged out of the bank like a rubbish.

After dragging the two gangsters out, Li Yingjie came back and dragged the other two gangsters to the side of the bank, and then leaned against the wall and stood there watching.

"Can we do business?" Zhang Yang asked the lobby manager who looked at this pale face after entering the VIP room. The lobby manager was a 30-year-old who looked down on Zhang Yang. The young man's face was a little uncomfortable. It took a long time to stutter and said: "This... things over there, we will call the police."

After all, this is a bank. Fighting in the bank can hardly happen, not to mention that it can no longer be described as fighting. This is simply evil, at least in the eyes of others.

"I understand, but the police report to the police, but I should have no problem withdrawing money? People in jail can still withdraw money." Zhang Yang nodded lightly and asked.

"This, okay." The emotion stabilized. I wonder if Zhang Yang's bank card gave him confidence. The lobby manager hesitated a bit and said something to the business manager inside.

"Trouble me to get 300,000 out of this card." Zhang Yang thought about it, but decided to take a little more. It is estimated that these mixed medical expenses will be inevitable for a while. He doesn't have so much cash on him.

"Okay." When I saw the ordinary bank card that Zhang Yang passed in, and the white platinum card, the eyes of the business experience in it were also slightly shining, like this kind of bank card, they are so ordinary Bank employees may not see it once in a few years.

It is estimated that because of a problem with the bank, the police came very quickly, and the two police cars stopped outside in less than five minutes, but they were deadlocked with Li Yingjie No matter what the police said, Li Yingjie also He didn't speak, and the security guard who spoke to the police explained to the police and then pointed in the direction of the VIP room.

The two leading middle-aged policemen hesitated, and then left the other policemen outside. The two of them walked over to the VIP room with the security guard.

When they walked in, the business manager who received Zhang Yang was ordering money, watching the stacks of rmb neatly yarded into stacks near the window, and the two policemen's eyes were straight, hundreds of thousands They are not unseen, but the hundreds of thousands that are taken out and piled there are relatively rare.

Hesitating for a moment, the two policemen didn't have a mouth for a while, but just waited aside. The lobby manager walked over and explained to the two policemen a little.

After listening to the whispered explanation from the lobby manager, the two middle-aged policemen looked at each other, and then they understood that this matter might be a bit tricky today. On the one hand, they are rich people, and on the other, they are local gangsters. They are not good at being a police officer. I am afraid they will suffer. A! ! ! ;




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