The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 318: Influence (on)

Chapter 318 Influence (Part 1)

Chapter 318 Influence (Part 1)

The phone was connected quickly, and there was obviously Zhang Yang's phone on the side of Fortu. When answering the call of Zhang Yang, Fortu asked with a smile in Chinese: "Hello, Zhang Yang." Fortu It was Zhang Yang’s name, not Mr. Zhang, who proved that the French, like Fortu, still regarded Zhang Yang as a friend.

It seems that there are good and bad in any country. Fortu, the old man, is good. No matter whether they are dressed up or sincere, at least they have done things there. "Hello, Mr. Fortu, I'm here again but I'm here to trouble you again." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Haha, what do you need to help, Mr. Zhang, despite the influence of Chapter 318 (Part 1)." Although the Chinese language in Fortu is a bit jerky, it is no longer a problem. Hearing Zhang Yang's words, said immediately and readily.

"That's it. We have a business that wants to negotiate with Blizzard Entertainment under your group name. I want Mr. Fortu to help introduce me." Zhang Yang didn't go around this time.

"Oh? Can I hear what is going on? Although Blizzard is a wholly-owned subsidiary of our company, Blizzard Entertainment's administrative management is independent, they have their own management system, of course, if it is right If both sides are reasonable, I think I can still introduce Mr. Mike to you." Fortu said with a smile.

After a pause, Zhang Yang thought about it and probably told his company's ideas to Fortu. Of course, Zhang Yang did not say about entering the film and television industry, but Fortu should think about what Zhang Yang is doing. , Fortu thought for a while and said, "Well, although I don’t know the specifics of Blizzard, I think Blizzard Entertainment seems to have no newest games recently. More importantly, Blizzard’s investment in g animation Not much cost."

"Call me, let me speak." Because Zhang 318's influence (top) lifted the hands-free, so Chen Xiaowei could also hear what Fortu said in it, and when he heard the other person saying that, Chen Xiaowei immediately Chong Zhangyang whispered.

Zhang Yang nodded, and then said to the phone: "Well, Mr. Fortu, this is the case. I am not very clear about this matter. Now let the president of the Starry Group, Miss Chen Xiaowei, tell you, what do you think? "

"Of course no problem." Fortu said with a smile.

Hearing Fortu said no problem, Zhang Yang immediately plugged the phone to Chen Xiaowei. After receiving the call, Chen Xiaowei asked the other party well, and then quickly said: "Mr. Fortu, this is the way, our idea is like this. First of all, our company is a high-tech company, so we can say yes People in the i industry, hehe, Mr. Fortu should also understand that since they are all in the i industry, we people usually play games. We are very familiar with Blizzard and know that Blizzard is the best and the best game in the world. Company, there is no one."

"So after our software came out, my first thought was to join forces with Blizzard Entertainment and re-make all the games that Blizzard has released to the latest g animation. Of course, Mr. Fortu rest assured that our The production is completely free. Of course, we also want to use Blizzard Entertainment's position in the minds of players to promote our software. I think this is a favorable event for both of us. Of course, your company is completely assured of us If the effect is not good, we are also embarrassed to contact you."

"Oh, Miss Chen is so eloquent, I have to say, I heard this suggestion and acted, at least Blizzard did not lose anything, right? Of course, if your company's software is very good, it will be more perfect, this is It’s a good thing. I like to be helpful. Of course, I’m happy to make such a good thing. So, I’ll call Mr. Mike personally and let him call your company. I don’t know what Miss Chen’s phone number is. ?" Fortu said immediately with a smile.

Zhang Yang gave a thumbs-up directly to Chen Xiaowei, and it's worthy of e. This is just a good word. This is a fool. If Zhang Yang is a Fortu estimated that he heard a company that is so beautiful and praised by his name, it must be very in my heart. Shu Shuang, as long as it is not an excessive request, he is willing to help this. Besides, there is no loss for Fortu.

After reporting his phone number to Fortu, Chen Xiaowei gave Zhang Yang a complacent look before proceeding: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Fortu first. If Mr. Fortu comes to China next time, we must Let me know first, I must invite Mr. Fortu to dinner."

"Oh, okay, but I have a small personal question to ask Mr. Chen. I don't know if Mr. Chen can say frankly?" Fortu asked again.

"Of course, Mr. Fortu has any questions. Although it is not related to company secrets, I must know everything, as long as it is not related to company secrets." Chen Xiaowei said readily.

"Oh, that's good, I hope this matter is not your company's secret. It's like this. There is a rumor on the Internet that gd is related to your company. Is it true?" Fortu asked.

Fortu's words made Zhang Yang cry and laugh a little. Fortu asked why? Could it be said that their company has anything to do with the id gd? There should be no problem. Zhang Yang did not use Gd to engage Vivendi Group, and even their company's servers have never been hacked.

"No, I can tell Mr. Fortu formally that these are all gossip. As for whether GD is Chinese now, it is a question. How can the rumors on these networks be believed?" Chen Xiaowei simply denied it.

"Well, that's good, if you know that the subsidiaries under our group can negotiate a contract with your company, our group will also be under a lot of pressure." Fortu said helplessly.

"Uh? What do you say?" Chen Xiaowei was a little puzzled.

"This, Chen Xiaowei, don't you know what gd did in France? And our Vivendi Group, in France, has a great influence. We have to consider the French people's ideas to some extent." Fu Ertu said with a smile.

Zhang Yang choked directly, and he just remembered the things he had done in France. It seems that ordinary civilians in France now hate their teeth when they hear the id of gd, no matter how shameful the French politics is. But at least French politics fǔ represents all French people to some extent.

The politics of my country is so shameful, do you say that these French people can be in a good mood? Especially those things that Zhang Yang did on the official website of the French Ministry of Cyber ​​Security at that time were simply hitting his face. Unexpectedly, this matter actually made Fortu begin to pay attention to these things.

But Fortu is right. The Vivendi Group's prestige in France is quite huge, just like the status of Microsoft, IBM and other companies in the United States, while France has only one Vivendi. "Oh, Mr. Fortu rest assured that we have no connection with gd, and, Mr. Fortu, this matter should not be a big problem. After all, we are only cooperating with Blizzard Entertainment. Having said that, Blizzard Entertainment has its own independent relationship system." Chen Xiaowei said with a chuckle.

"Chen Xiaowei, don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean anything else. I just asked casually. Since this is the case, I will be fine. Take me to Zhang Yang and I will call Mr. Mike personally to facilitate this. "Fortu said quickly.

"Well, goodbye." Chen Xiaowei said with a smile.

"Goodbye." Fortu also said goodbye and hung up the phone directly. After tossing the phone to Zhang Yang, Chen Xiaowei immediately said with pride: "Oh, this thing has basically been half, the remaining half is very simple. I will go to the technical department now and let them do some famous games. , The best is the g animation that Blizzard used to play, so that we have capital when negotiating with Blizzard, and more importantly, we want Blizzard to willingly advertise for us."

"Becoming StarCraft." Zhang Yang suddenly said, although StarCraft is not as powerful as the World of Warcraft series in the world, but how does StarCraft say, this game is regarded as an early classic. Zhang Yang has not yet Forget that time, although he didn't have the money to play games, he watched others playing StarCraft in Internet cafes.

Moreover, although the picture of StarCraft 1 is relatively rough, but its overall concept is very rigorous, more importantly, StarCraft is not like Warcraft 3, its time is too early, the product in 98, it was made 3d movie effect g animation For some companies, it is not generally difficult, at least in terms of production cost, they absolutely can not compare with the Star Group.

As Chen Xiaowei said, the Starry Sky Group can do this for free. It is nothing more than the salary of the employees, but if other special effects companies do this, a 3d effect in just a few minutes is very good. Animation, I am afraid it will cost millions of dollars.

"Well, no problem." Chen Xiaowei obviously worked **** this aspect, and actually knew what kind of game StarCraft was. And it seems to understand Zhang Yang's thoughts.

"I'm going to the technical department now. By the way, Tan Yudie asked me to tell you that if you come back, give her a call." When Chen Xiaowei came out, she remembered something and turned back to Zhang Yang. .

"Tan Yudie?" Zhang Yang was a little strange. She didn't call herself, why did Chen Xiaowei tell herself. Zhang Yang looked at Li Keqing strangely, and Li Keqing shook his head slightly: "I don't know. After Christmas, Sister Yudie didn't come to work and took leave with the company." A! ! ! ;




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