The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 321: Too YD (on)

Chapter 321 is too YD (Part 1)

Chapter 321 is too YD (Part 1)

These guys are better than one, and everyone is waiting to watch a good show. Now that the good show has begun, these people will naturally begin to reprint the announcement issued by the gd god.

What Zhang Yang did not know is that the ID of gd has a huge fan base in the domestic hacker circle. After all, what he did with the ID of gd was too sensational, and the average hacker would not be so high-profile. Who is like gd? It’s like fearing that the world is different and fanning the flames everywhere.

Those real hackers may be dismissive of this kind of behavior of gd, but ordinary netizens just like this chapter 321 is too YD (top), everyone is online for the sake of refreshment, and gd They were given such refreshment, so these people naturally began to madly worship gd, which includes a large number of rookie hackers who have just learned computers.

Even many rookie hackers are because of the publicity of the ID of gd. In order to one day be able to be like a gd like a gd, they began to embark on the path of learning hacking. So when ing spread the news, waiting for the lively crowd far beyond Zhang Yang's thinking.

When there was a problem with the official website of the US government, the number of visits to the official website of the US government suddenly increased. The hackers of the domestic hacking forum may not necessarily be at home, and many hackers are abroad, like the United States. This kind of country with a large number of Chinese and foreign students is naturally no exception, so when many hackers in the country knew this news, many hackers abroad also went to some similar professional forums abroad to post this post directly. In a foreign forum.

Now, many people in the United States have begun to pay attention to this matter. I have to say that the way of thinking of Europeans, Americans and Chinese is still not too much. Chapter 321 is too YD (above). Even domestic hackers With technology, most people may hack some domestic websites, but generally there are very few hackers who hack the website of their domestic political department.

Firstly, I was afraid that Zheng Fǔ could find out where I was, and secondly, everyone felt that I had hacked his political website, and I was also ashamed. People in China have a collective sense of honor. This is like people often describing their alma mater in one sentence. Alma mater is where you scold N times a day on your mouth, but you are not allowed to scold it again.

The same is true of the motherland. Perhaps you will scold your country countless times every day, but you are not allowed to scold anyone from any other country. Therefore, few hackers in China hack websites in their own countries, but Europeans and Americans think differently than in China.

How to say, in the minds of Europeans and Americans, they support this country, not this political fǔ, they don’t associate political fǔ with the country, they don’t think political fǔ is representative to a certain extent. country. As long as the country talks about politics, it will be regarded as a country. This is the difference in opinion caused by the gap between the East and the West.

Therefore, many European and American hackers like to do the right thing with the police department of their own country. Almost 80% of the cases of hacking received by the FBI in the United States are done by hackers in their own countries. And many intrusions are directed against political websites.

So after the news of gd’s invasion of the US government fǔ official website spread among a small group of people in the United States, this small group of people basically went with a lively attitude, they did not feel that their country’s official website There is nothing wrong with the website being hacked.

But if this situation is to be placed in China, it is estimated that many people who know the news in advance will run over to help. However, these people are a small part after all. When gd killed the official website of the US government, many hackers who got the news did not think so. There are some unspoken rules among hackers. Hackers in each country will use their own network. Treat yourself as your own territory, no one else can get in black

What's more, gd is not in English, and it is very straightforward to go to Chinese, which is simply a face slapping in Chiluluǒ. These hackers will naturally not let go. Therefore, before the FBI responded, several hackers tried to launch a tentative attack on the official website of the US government controlled by Zhang Yang.

These attacks are rain, Zhang Yang doesn't care at all, but more people are full of suspicion after seeing the announcement that Zhang Yang issued without a head and tail, so they don't know that the FBI captured Nanke's dream, so I finished reading After gd this announcement, began to search for related things in ggle.

Soon, the news released by the FBI also came into the eyes of everyone, but when they followed the link searched by ggle and entered the White House official website to view the original text of the announcement, they found something wrong. This announcement is weird, but because Zhang Yang did not modify the title of the announcement, and the content was also translated in English, no one who read it at first found anything wrong.

After reading the first part, after seeing that the payment in the bottom right corner was gd, it reacted violently. I’m too great to play Gd and I’m too good for people who can learn hacking techniques, the English will not be too bad, this article is naturally understandable, even if some people who are not so good in English are soy sauce, there is also an online translator This automatic translation tool, so seeing the article is not a problem.

After reading, the big gd in the lower right corner is where the jīng marrow is, and the highlight is really bright, because the article written by Zhang Yang is all later economists and financiers carried out according to the situation at that time. Analyzed, that is to say, such a thing is an article that was written when it actually happened, so anyone who reads this article will immediately feel that the things in the article are very likely to happen.

Some people feel that this is simply predicting the future financial direction of the world. The key is that the final name is actually issued by gd. That is to say, this announcement makes it clear that it is not the latest announcement issued by the US government fǔ. And those who knew these things before, when they look back at the announcement again, and see the last few gorgeous English letters, everyone almost fell their chin.

Is it too bad? There is still a trick hidden here. More importantly, obviously the technical staff of the official website of the White House have discovered that this announcement does not know how long it has been hanging. Wife, come to see God. This is the first reaction of most people. When you encounter such a trivial, YD thing, everyone will naturally tell the people around you in the first place.

The effect of this transfer is too great. There were many people who were originally concerned about this matter. At this time, a person told a dozen people around him. Everyone wanted to see what was going on. Soon, the White House official website Traffic began to rise at a terrifying rate. This time is already evening. At this point in time, some cities in the United States are also starting to work, and Europe and Asia are at the peak of Internet access.

Soon the traffic on the official website of the White House reached a terrifying speed. The response speed of the American media is not comparable to that of domestic media. These media were reproduced almost immediately. I have to say that domestic journalists admire admiration abroad. That’s right, look at the skills of other American paparazzi, although it is said that a large part of this matter needs to be guessed.

However, in order to **** the headlines, the American media who knew the news almost clarified the cause and effect of the matter in just ten minutes, because the United States is now in the morning, and many newspapers are still in the factory, almost a phone call. This report was directly on the headlines of newspapers, and even many printed newspapers were discarded by a phone call.

The actions of these media are quick, but the action on the White House official website is very sluggish. There is no way. Such a huge flow makes these technical personnel a little dazed. After all, no matter what country's political fǔ website visits are certainly not large. There was so much traffic all at once, the server even almost crashed, and idiots felt that there was a problem.

However, these technicians didn't even think about it elsewhere. Their first idea was hacking, because the network congestion and delay caused by the huge number of visits were similar to DD attacks, so they treated them as hackers. It is also normal.

However, after they used tools to detect, they found that these visits were actually normal. Although the DD attack used a lot of data, the last data to be launched was to be aggregated, so the IP source of the data flow of the DD attack cannot be like Such normal access comes from millions of IPs all over the world. This is easy to tell.

After confirming that it was a normal visit, these technicians were dumbfounded. Is this the horse situation? Does it mean that people are interested in the official website of the White House today? Otherwise, why are you here? After the delay of these technicians, the time almost passed another And Zhang Yang could not be complacent, he has been kicked out, the official website of the US government has shut down the server, proceeding After the maintenance has gone, it is naturally impossible for Zhang Yang to stay in it. Zhang Yang, who was proposed to hang out, naturally had to first look at his achievements. It didn’t matter. Zhang Yang found that the announcement on the official website of the White House had not been changed.

But some powerful media in the United States have made headlines on their official websites, but the White House's official website has not yet been discovered? What do these technicians eat? However, Zhang Yang has wronged them. Now that the United States is in the morning, most people have not yet arrived at work, and only the night watch technicians are there to watch the night.

Naturally, these technicians could not go to see those news websites with their painful eggs. In fact, they didn't have much time. Their busy tongues were almost spit out all night. How can there be time? However, I have to say that these media are also ruthless enough, they naturally have the contact information of the person in charge of these official websites. But in order to grab the headlines and see the excitement, these media are surprised. A! ! ! ;




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