The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 333: Bitch

Chapter 333 Bitch

Chapter 333 Bitch

After getting in the taxi, Zhang Yang quickly picked up his phone and called Li Keqing. Li Keqing must have been anxious and not asleep at the moment. Speaking of this, Zhang Yang discovered that it was already early in the morning, and it seemed that he spent a lot of time at Tan Yudie's house.

After the phone call, Li Keqing was still asleep. Almost Zhang Yang just heard the call on the other side and answered it there. Just after answering the phone, Li Keqing hadn't spoken yet, and heard Li Yuxuan's voice over there: "...Ke Qing quickly asked Zhang Yang, how is it going?"

Zhang Yang reluctantly briefly outlined the process on the phone. Of course, Zhang Yang only said that he persuaded Tan Yudie's parents. As for how to persuade Zhang Yang, he didn't say it, or leave some face to our mayor. But speaking of it, Tan Zhenglin's temper and Chengfu were good enough, and in the end he was not angry, so Zhang Yang left smoothly.

"It's okay, then are you going back now?" Li Keqing asked quietly.

"Well, I'm on my way home, where are you at Li Yuxuan's house?"

"We haven't been back for long, and the company has just arranged overtime work." Li Keqing said.

"Well, otherwise I'll pick you up? We are the two at home today." Zhang Yang whispered, even if he couldn't see it, Zhang Yang was sure that Li Keqing's face would be red.

"Zhang Yang, let's die!" What just made Zhang Yang completely collapsed was that the voice on his side had just dropped, and Li Yuxuan's voice was violently passed over there, and he shouted directly at Zhang Yang. "Fuck! Why are you next, do you have any morals, eavesdrop on people's phone." Zhang Yang shouted depressed.

"Fart, you are too insidious, okay? No, I have to appraise and identify whether it can be sunny or not at night*...ah...Keqing don't scratch... I'm wrong...Keqing..." Phone There was a loud noise from the two women soon, and Zhang Yang was obviously forgotten temporarily.

Zhang Yang vomited a little bit of blood, and it seemed that he could not achieve this goal. Tomorrow Li Shufang would come back. Zhang Yang could not eat Li Keqing while Li Shufang was still in the next room? What's more, it seems that although Li Yingjie has moved away, Li Keqing didn't mean to sleep separately from Li Shufang. Zhang Yang couldn't even touch the room if he wanted to sneak it.

Can't you be a virgin? There were still screams of two women on the other end of the phone. Zhang Yang had no choice but to hang up the phone temporarily. They still don't know when to play. After waiting for more than twenty minutes, Li Keqing returned the phone when the taxi was about to arrive home.

"Hey, why don't you pick me up." Li Keqing whispered.

"What about Li Yuxuan?" Zhang Yang asked quickly.

"Cough, it's okay, she's not here. Go to the shower." Li Keqing smirked softly before speaking. "It's more than 12 o'clock, and I won't pick you up. You should rest early. Tomorrow there is still something to do in the company." Li Keqing was very tired these two days. Let her take a good rest.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Li Keqing promised.

"See you tomorrow." Good night, and the taxi also stopped at the entrance of the community. After paying the car, Zhang Yang got out of the car and walked into the community. Back in his room, Zhang Yang opened the computer immediately. After the computer was started, Zhang Yang checked the operation process of the infected insect.

After the inspection was completed, Zhang Yang thought about it for a while, tilting his head thoughtfully. It seems that this Adam system is far stronger than he thought. Anubis's ambition is really not small. The process of infecting insect search results is similar to that of search engines. The difference is that it can directly go deep into various websites and even the bottom of the database for deep search. And if set, you can even invade some computers autonomously to copy the data inside.

Obviously, anubis has no good intentions. Shaking his head, there is no supercomputer in Zhang Yang's hand that is suitable for the full play of the infected insect, and there is no way to know the specific performance of the infected insect to detect it. After throwing this matter behind his head, Zhang Yang quickly opened the web page and entered cia's official website.

After opening the official website of cia, Zhang Yang was a little surprised. The official website of cia has returned to normal. The difference is that the layout of the entire official website has been changed, which is not the same as the previous one, but this is not the focus. The focus is on the official website of cia. A new announcement has been made.

Zhang Yang immediately opened the announcement and read it. After reading it, Zhang Yang couldn't help but scolded: "*, Bush, a bitch!" The announcement on cia's official website used to be similar to what Zhang Yang experienced last time. It was written like this: "After the hacking incident this morning, President Bush urgently submitted the latest military budget supplement bill to the Senate and the House of Representatives. The two houses passed the latest military budget supplement submitted by President Bush with a high number of votes. Act. According to the Supplementary Act, the major intelligence agencies of cia, fbi, and nsa will each increase their budgets by $10 billion to strengthen the network construction of several major intelligence agencies and update the speed of replacement of network equipment in several major intelligence agencies."

mb, if you increase the military expenditure, you increase the military expenditure. You tm and I have a hairy relationship with the invasion. By the way, after you increase it, is it impossible to invade? Zhang Yang almost spit a spit on Bush's face directly through the Internet. This **** is really good enough. This kind of idea can be imagined.

However, the timing of this **** is also accurate enough. Zhang Yang’s invasion here, he submitted the bill with extremely high efficiency. If it is at other times, it is estimated that the two houses of the United States cannot pass so many military budgets. . The US government system is not like a domestic one. If the two houses fail to pass, it is useless if the president wants to increase it.

Japanese! Zhang Yang pondered vigorously, and did not think of any good way to come back to the black side? It seems useless, and if you hack again, George W. Bush will be more proud. Look at how wise his decision is. Look at how many military agencies need these military expenses. Look at these hacking attacks. As casually as entering a computer at home, is it safe for the American people to continue in this way?

No, the invasion cannot come, so is there any good way? Zhang Yang immediately began to think about it, just thinking about it, Zhang Yang felt that he seemed to have no other way to affect the two houses of the United States. Unless Zhang Yang can control most of the members of the parliament... But this kind of thing is obviously not what Zhang Yang can do, or not what Zhang Yang can do now.

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Yang can only default on this fact. There is no way. The United States is different from other countries. Unless you can affect the reality, otherwise, you have nothing to do with this country. It seems that there is only the power of the network. No way.

This announcement is obviously not just that Zhang Yang saw. The hackers are basically night owls. Most people are on the Internet. At this time, everyone basically saw the announcement issued by the US government. His jaw dropped. Obviously, it is estimated that CIA and other major intelligence agencies did not allow their websites to be interrupted, and let the gscsd announcement hang for so long, just for this emergency meeting.

md, Bush was really quick to start. Numerous domestic hacker forums have directly posted posts saying that Bush Jr. is the most shameless president in American history. But this is just venting. There are many people who scold Bush Jr. every day, and people are also living well. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq are estimated to want to strip Bush Jr., but is that still not the case?

Otherwise, find an opportunity to sponsor Uncle Laden? This idea came up, and Zhang Yang felt very feasible, but was quickly denied by Zhang Yang himself. Although Uncle Laden was an enemy of the United States, it seemed that Uncle Laden was too sturdy, and Zhang Yang did not like his style.

Although he couldn't make any result of this decision, Zhang Yang decided to do something. Quickly logging in to the US website, Zhang Yang immediately started looking for his back door. On the official website of the White House, and the official website of the US government, Zhang Yang quickly found the back door he secretly left behind. Obviously, the two websites used the official website that was restored by the backup system.

But Zhang Yang left the server as a hard disk-resident activation program, and the backup system had no way to clear this program unless they thoroughly formatted the hard disk thoroughly, but obviously there are so many server hard disks that the other party cannot do that. One website is not enough. Zhang Yang also circled the websites of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It took more than half an hour. After Zhang Yang re-hacked the four websites, Zhang Yang began to prepare his own gif animation.

After making a few simple comic characters, after making an animation, Zhang Yang directly hacked these four websites. After kicking out all the administrators inside, Zhang Yang copied four copies of this animation. Put it on the homepage of these four official websites.

This animation is very simple. At the beginning of the animation, it is a large island. The shape of this island is basically the same as that of the United States. Then there are two abstract characters, one with the Senate on one head and the House of Representatives on the other. Then the birds always came and pulled a **** from the sky.

It's just that the **** is a bit big, and the two people are covered with faces, and then the bird **** that has flowed from them has formed a human shape, with the full name of Bush Jr. written on it.

Although it is said that gscsd has not appeared on the Internet at the moment, there are many people who follow these sites. Many people accidentally clicked in when they saw the news and saw this animation. Looking at the author of the animation, domestic hackers laughed for a moment and couldn't help but laugh.

This time the opponent's hands and feet were fast enough, but within three minutes before and after, the four websites were upgraded and maintained again.

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