The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 352: See your sister (on)

Chapter 352: Watch Your Sister (Part 1)

Chapter 352: Watch Your Sister (Part 1)

William was there to complain, but Zhang Yang watched the buzzing dance and the grandma's legs. This time, your group of animals was caught by me. Zhang Yang secretly followed the group of hunters and kept searching for the various methods they tracked. The ancestors did not say that, knowing yourself and knowing each other can win a battle, as long as you know the methods and software commonly used by these hunters, If you defend them again, you can take the right medicine. It's so easy.

At this moment, the extremely insignificant side of the network appeared. A hacker in the front resisted the tracking of these stalkers, and followed by a large group of security technicians, and behind these buttocks of the security technicians secretly followed. A more insignificant hacker collected information there.

Fortunately, other hackers could not find out, otherwise, the mighty image of gscsd established by Zhang Yang must have collapsed into a hacker with extremely intractable actions. However, Zhang Yang didn't know that the hackers on the Internet had regarded the one who had fled in front of him as his. Zhang Yang was happy to collect information here.

While collecting information, Zhang Yang also admired the hacker very much. This man's strength is quite ambitious. I am afraid that he is almost the same as him. In such an emergency, he can easily stabilize his position and follow the hunters. Steady and steady, now seems to have gotten rid of these stalker's tracking.

Moreover, the method used by this hacker also gave Zhang Yang a refreshing feeling. Although Zhang Yang could not see the other party’s specific operations, from the corresponding measures adopted by these hunters, this person did not use viruses and Trojans to evade. Only two points are used. The first point is the firewall. His firewall function is absolutely not bad. These hunters have no way to confirm the information sent by the other party's firewall in a short time.

The second point is to use various system strategies reasonably, and shut down this system function to achieve the purpose of delaying the other party. Even Zhang Yang saw that this guy used the system's built-in remote assistance function to instantly simulate the sending of dozens of virtual Connect the ip, let the hunters chaotic chaos in a short time.

All sorts of thoughts lingered in Zhang Yang's mind, could this guy say thanatos? Unlike, thanatos does not have a fixed style, at least not in Zhang Yang's memory, thanatos is like a real hacker, no fixed id, no fixed access point, no fixed style, even a fixed contact method nothing.

It's like a ghost in the network, and the id of thanatos is just what the other party told Zhang Yang in his previous life. As to whether his id is this or an unknown number.

Moreover, the strength of thanatos should be stronger than this person. If it is not thanatos, then it should be a person in the anubis organization. It is estimated that only people in the anubis organization can have such a powerful hacker. As for other circles in the world 'S super hacker, Zhang Yang couldn't think of the reason why the other party should do this.

These hunters have been tracking this hacker for a short time, that is, for more than 20 minutes, they have almost been rid of each other. Zhang Yang has seen some of these hunter's operation methods and knows that it can take up to 15 minutes, This hacker can definitely get rid of this group of hunters.

Their tracking habits, Zhang Yang, are almost collected. Zhang Yang just turned around and went back to find the information of the Deputy Director Turner. The dialog box between King and him was bright again, because Zhang Yang did not contact King when he went online. I don't know if Zhang Yang is online.

Opening the king's news, Zhang Yang was a little stunned. "...Great cow, what are you doing on the official website of fbi? Are you going to hack their internal intelligence system? Hey...what can I do to help? , I think you should almost get rid of their tracking now."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, but it instantly reflected what King said. What King obviously regarded the hacker as him. "That person is not me." Zhang Yang paused and gave back six words to King.

"Ah?! No! The fbi's official website has issued an announcement, saying that you are a great god. You tried to invade their internal intelligence system. They were discovered by their technical staff and have tracked your real ip."king back A sentence, also brought a surprised expression.

"Poof" Zhang Yang almost vomited blood. I depend, Nima. Why is this kind of **** pot on the head of Lao Tzu? Is Lao Tzu so stupid? Can you still find it? On the Japanese, Zhang Yang ignored the news of king and opened fbi's official website without saying anything. Sure enough, there was a newest announcement on fbi's official website. It opened and glanced. It was similar to what king said, that is, gscsd just tried to try again. Invading FBI's internal intelligence system has been discovered by FBI's technical personnel, giving up the fat man who is tracking, quickly defending the website, and now tracking the real IP of gscsd, gscsd cannot escape the legal sanctions this time.

Rely on your sister! Zhang Yang also reflected this moment, he finally understood why these stalkers were so excited as if they had hit the chicken blood, and such a big vote came out at once, the feeling is that he attracted the firepower of the little fat man Come here, yeah! Feelings saved a fat man's life by accident? But anyway, you haven't figured out tm, what are you doing with the **** pot on the old man's head?

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and started scanning fbi's official website without saying anything. With the experience of just hacking the cia official website server, Zhang Yang spent less than ten minutes entering the fbi's official website here. However, this time Zhang Yang was not at all polite. Anyway, it was also in his style. Zhang Yang directly kicked out all the login accounts on the fbi official website server.

Then Zhang Yang directly killed their official website, replaced a blank page, and started to leave a message directly on it: "Follow your sister! Follow!*, I don’t change my name, I don’t want to change my surname, gscsd is here. Don’t tm What kind of **** pots are buckled on Lao Tzu's head! Damn! Tomorrow your sister's computer was hacked by hackers, do you also want to say that it was hacked by gscsd? See what? Look at your sister! Brother is black.

In the lower right corner, Zhang Yang directly hung up his name. After doing all this, Zhang Yang flashed decisively. He did not forget that the hunters were still tossing there. In case the group of animals were tracked, Zhang Yang had to spend some effort to get rid of the other party. .

Even King has noticed fbi's official website. Obviously, there are a lot of hackers concerned about this matter. Therefore, fbi's official website also estimates that someone is staring at any time. Sure enough, the announcement of Zhang Yang was released in less than thirty seconds. The new news of king came again. A few lines of king throughout the article, accompanied by an expression of worship: "Great god, you cow! This is the great god! Haha... Fbi's gang of animals are estimated to be green now."

Fbi's face is green and not green, I don't know, but at the moment William's face, which is thousands of miles away, has become very exciting. Looking at the announcement on the fbi official website, William does not know how to describe his mood. I also thought with the hackers who posted on the forum that the people who are now getting rid of fbi are gscsd, but I don’t have to think about it anymore. That person is definitely not gscsd.

See what gscsd did. In the face of the hunters, just behind their buttocks, they hacked their website directly under their eyelids, and also published an announcement. The reason is because fbi buckled casually. A **** basin? Awesome? Excellent! It's already Laomei's style to buckle up hats, but I haven't seen how many hats Uncle bin Laden brought to the end of his head. Red, yellow, and green are all colorful.

But looking at gscsd, people just don’t want you to buckle up hats for others, so they tell you clearly, I don’t want you to be discovered by Lao Tzu if you don’t see you, you just don’t see them, just as your hunters, and The face of security personnel hacked your website?

*Oh, dumbfounded! Not only William’s face and splendour, other hackers who watched the lively spectators, but as long as they were not hackers in the police system, they actually listened to hate the police, of course, not as extreme as William. Seeing the gscsd shot, the hackers were almost excited. The gods shot, it was a fairy fart, extraordinary.

The response of fbi was fast enough this time. The website was shut down in less than three minutes, a notice was sent, and the upgrade and maintenance went. Zhang Yang checked the hacker's side. Because Zhang Yang was so distracted, the hacker also successfully got rid of the hunters.

The upgrade and maintenance speed of fbi's official website is also very fast. It reopened in just 20 minutes before and after. A new announcement has been refreshed on the official website. This announcement does not say how gscsd is going, but just talks about network security and fbi How to stop being confident about cybercrime.

Although it seems that the fbi service has softened, Zhang Yang knows that fbi cannot be served at all, or that the U.S. government can’t do it at all. It’s just that the U.S. government doesn’t have any good solutions. There is no room for strength, gscsd is not like pulling ~ and other uncles, you can let you bomb all kinds of casually, all kinds of beating, you can’t catch you, there is no way to beat.

As for what you will do with gscsd when you catch it, it is after you catch it. When you don’t catch it, you can only be beaten passively. This is like the United States is a huge giant, and gscsd is a virus in a small giant, biting you every three times, making you sick and painful, but you still can't find it.

What if you have the power of bullying again? There is no fast-acting drug in the hand to treat the virus, the others are floating clouds. "Huh?" Zhang Yang finished reading the announcement on the fbi website and just about to turn it off. Suddenly Zhang Yang found that the lower right corner of the firewall seemed to prompt that the network connection was interrupted.

Zhang Yang refreshed the page immediately, and this refresh, Zhang Yang was a little dumbfounded. He watched the fbi website for only five minutes before and after, but the fbi website was hacked again, but this time it was not an open hand. There is a new announcement on the website, this time written in English.

After reading it, some words that Zhang Yang didn't know, turned to the online translator and read it again. Zhang Yang's complexion instantly became weird. This time it was the hacker who just fled the fbi website just now, but this guy... what does that mean ? "...I support gscsd's statement, don't just buckle your hat on someone else's head if it's okay, can't I invade? I came back to say hello just to tell you, I just want to make you play i, otherwise you will not be able to track me at all. I just don’t know if the gscsd **** is interested in making a friend.” There is no id in the lower right corner of the announcement, there is only a red smurf, oh no, it should be said that it is a red elf.

This should be his representative, but Zhang Yang is sure that he has never had an impression of this red smurf in his own impression, no matter whether it is in his last life or this life. Could it be that an unknown hacker has emerged again? Where are so many masters in this world? Normally, there is no such thing as, and this group of guys came out unwillingly and lonely.

But these are not important, just what does this guy mean? To make friends? What friends are you making? Zhang Yang is sure that he doesn't know him and is simply making friends? Don't think about it, this group of guys must have a purpose. What Zhang Yang thought at first was whether this red smurf was organized by anubis?

Because I only have contradictions with anubis, if I want to negotiate with myself, then there should be only anubis people, but in any case, there is no way of contact in this article, even if it is to talk, how to talk?

Zhang Yang thought about it and copied the announcement, including the peculiar red smurf in the lower right corner, and copied it to his computer.

Zhang Yang did not go to the website of the black fbi to ask each other again. It was useless if it was black. It is impossible for the guy to tell Zhang Yang his contact information in front of everyone. Then there is only one possibility, that is, what is estimated in this announcement Hidden institutions.

After Zhang Yang has copied the whole article, fbi will also shut down the website again, upgrade and maintain it again, fbi estimates that it is also a tragedy today. These days the scenery has been taken back by a slap.

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