The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 354: Problem students

Chapter 354 Problem Students

Chapter 354 Problem Students

After setting his own password, Zhang Yang turned off the computer. Quickly went to take a shower, Zhang Yang crept to his room. Li Shufang was not there. Li Keqing naturally slept in Zhang Yang's room and couldn't run even if she wanted to run, and it seems that she is now accustomed to Zhang Yang's arms. She likes to sleep in Zhang Yang's arms every day.

Quietly pushed open the door, through the dim light outside the window, Zhang Yang saw Li Keqing in bed was already asleep. Due to the signing of Blizzard Entertainment these days, Li Keqing is extremely busy. He wakes up at six every morning and almost falls asleep in bed at night.

Going to the bed, Zhang Yang directly took off the bath towel and threw it on the bedside table, then lifted the quilt directly, and wore a *drill into it naked. He was a bit cold. Although he tried to be careful, he still encountered Li Keqing. He seemed to feel the presence of Zhang Yang. He smelled the familiar smell. Li Keqing murmured with his eyes confused, and then he shrank back, directly Shrinked into Zhang Yang's arms.

The smooth arm and tender little hand in the quilt also reached over to grab Zhang Yang's hand, put Zhang Yang's hand on her slender waist, hugged her, and then changed to a more comfortable posture, Li Keqing continued to sleep Started. Zhang Yang lovingly lowered her head and kissed her forehead, and closed her eyes.

It's just a tragedy that they both slept together for so long, and the two haven't gone out in the last step. Recently, Li Keqing was too tired and almost fell asleep on the bed. Zhang Yang had no idea how to toss her. I can only endure this for a day. Fortunately, as long as I have too much energy, there are various methods of venting energy taught by Li Yingjie, so that Zhang Yang has not been depressed to death.

The next morning, Zhang Yang also got up early. Today he had to go to school to find Wei Wuguang about the exam. Cough, Zhang Yang doesn't know his final results yet. Wei Wuguang didn't call him or know what the situation was, but Zhang Yang could guess that the principal had greeted him.

When Li Keqing was sent to a taxi, Zhang Yang quickly drove to the school. After entering the school, Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and called Wei Wuguang: "Ms. Wei, it's me, Zhang Yang." After Wei Wuguang answered the phone, Zhang Yang said quickly. "It's your kid, you don't call me, I will forget you, just, where are you now?" Wei Wuguang asked quickly.

"Uh, I'm in school, I'm looking at... to see the results." Zhang Yang said weakly, he didn't take a test in one class, but he didn't know how many he could pass.

"Look at the results, look at the results of a fart, if you are fine, come to the office for me." As soon as he talked about this, Wei Wuguang was a little angry.

Zhang Yang burst into sweat, put his mobile phone directly into his pocket, and then flew away to the teaching building. If Wei Wuguang was angry, he would be in a terrible four-year university. The teaching building is not far from the school gate. Zhang Yang quickly ran to the outside of Wei Wuguang's office. After knocking on the door, the voice of invitation came quickly.

Wei Wuguang's office is not a separate office, but an office in the department. It is shared with several teachers, but after entering the office, Zhang Yang found that the other teachers were not there, only Wei Wuguang was sitting at the desk and did not know What documents are you looking at?

"Teacher Wei." Zhang Yang shouted. Wei Wuguang raised his head to see Zhang Yang, and immediately said aloud, "Yes, your kid gave me a face."

"That... this is an accident." The big sweat beads on Zhang Yang's head dripped down, and it would be bad to misunderstand his head teacher. "Unexpected, unexpectedly you are a kid, you don't want to pass it, huh? My old Wei has been teaching books for many years, and the students who didn't come for three or four days for the first exam, except for special reasons, they just absent Yes, you are the first in the history of s University since it was founded." Wei Wuguang stood up and walked around Zhang Yang while looking up and down Zhang Yang said.

"Was that... for so long?" Zhang Yang replied weakly, he didn't believe it, and no one had absented before. "What do you say?" Wei Wuguang rolled his eyes. His old teacher, who was very calm all the year round, was angry with Zhang Yang and almost called him home several times. If the news was not learned by the school, the principal personally called If the phone came to make him angry, it is estimated that Wei Wuguang might have bought a ticket and flew to Zhang Yang's house.

"Well, I didn't mean it. It was too busy during that time." Zhang Yang hurriedly said that he was telling the truth. "It can be seen that your kid hasn't seen this body this time, but it's a good exercise, but Did you give me an explanation, you are now our class, and even the entire freshman celebrity, you said that since the registration of your freshman this year, except for the month of military training, you have spent a few sessions A total of lessons? "Wei Wuguang asked with some headache.

There is no one in charge of the students in the university or not, but you have to have a limit! Those elective courses must be avoided, and the students who have chosen to take the required courses are quite bullish. Okay, now there is a more powerful one. I haven’t seen his class teacher a few times since the start of school. If this is greeted, it is estimated that Zhang Yang’s graduation certificate can now tell him that you have no chance I got it, you can bye.

"Well, I still have a lot of lessons." Zhang Yang began to fight according to his reasoning, but he also arrived every day at any time. How can he say that he hasn't taken a few lessons?

"By the way, Teacher Wei, should I have a class that is not zero points?" Zhang Yang asked weakly. Anyway, Zou Xiang should let himself pass the class?

"You mean that Zou Xiang's course, I tell you the truth, Zou Xiang is going to get you through, but I was dismissed. You didn't even take the exam, did you write 60 points for a white paper? Or you? Ready for me to help you answer the question?" Wei Wuguang glared at Zhang Yang.

Wei Wuguang doesn't really know Zhang Yang's family background, but there are many students with family background in s, but Wei Wuguang has never seen Zhang Yang like this.

"No, no... I just asked casually." Zhang Yang immediately made a haha, as long as Zou Xiang kept his promise, as for the score of the exam paper, Zhang Yang didn't care anyway. Anyway, he had zero points for more than ten courses. It doesn't matter if it's a door, it doesn't itch if there are more lice.

"I tell you in advance, you will make up the exam for you when the next semester comes. You will take the exam at your true level. However, you can try again by skipping the class!" Wei Wuguang said with a glaring glance.

"I know, I know, thank you teacher Wei." Zhang Yang quickly thanked, Lao Wei is for his good, Zhang Yang is not angry with him. Besides, Lao Wei's temper is already very good, if you change to another People, it's impossible to be so angry at this moment. All in all, this is still good.

"Well, that's it, then, let this notice be given to you? I won't send it to your home. I'm afraid of embarrassment. If your parents ask me directly, why would you teach his son this? It looks like I can't explain it." Wei Wuguang paused, then took out a notice from the desk and threw it to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang quickly took over, and Wei Wuguang did not write any comments at all, just signed a name at the end. Looking at the big duck eggs in the column of results, Zhang Yang was again sweating. It is estimated that the results of the exam can be so uniform, and he is unprecedented. Although Lao Wei didn't say anything, Zhang Yang also saw that Lao Wei was considering it for him. If this notice really came to his house.

It is estimated that Zhang Kuang can kill him, no matter how much money he has earned. In Zhang Kuang's eyes, they still hope that Zhang Yang can finish the university, but this university received less than his name after a semester. Niucha's notice, it's estimated that Zhang Kuang would be ghost if he didn't go crazy. Old Wei estimated that he had thought of it, so he didn't send it to his family at all.

Thank you, Zhang Yang came out of Wei Wuguang's office. Because the holiday is almost approaching, there is no one in the teaching building. I just walked to the staircase of the teaching A figure rushed upstairs and kicked up from the downstairs. Slightly on the side of the body, he directly avoided, without letting the girl hit her body. However, Zhang Yang gave way. The girl probably saw the figure and wanted to hide. As a result, Zhang Yang gave way, but she hid her footsteps at once and fell directly to the ground.

Zhang Yang hurriedly stretched out a hand. Before the girl landed, she directly grabbed her hand and helped her up. "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." The words of the two were almost at the same time, and they both froze for a moment, then laughed out of agreement.

Zhang Yang looked at this girl. She didn’t look very beautiful, but it’s not bad, but she didn’t know why. She looked familiar. This girl obviously felt the same way. After seeing Zhang Yang, her face was a bit of meditation. 'S expression was obviously thinking of seeing Zhang Yang somewhere.

For a long time, the girl suddenly pointed at Zhang Yang and shouted: "I know you, you are the one..." When the girl said, Zhang Yang also suddenly thought of where she had seen her. Too. It was just this girl's words that made Zhang Yang cry and laugh.

What is it that I am the one* Well...Although I said that sentence, but... you can’t use it here!

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